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How to Update a Phone Number

You can have four different types of phone numbers set up:

  • Business: the phone number where you are employed
  • Cellular: your cell number
  • Fax: your fax number
  • Home: the phone number of your home
  • Mailing: the phone number of a residence other than your home

The Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) staff will use these phone numbers when they need to contact you.

You can add a new phone number from the Personal Information section of your home page using the Home Phone link.

Home Phone link in Personal Information section of MyServiceHub
  1. Click the Home Phone link.

    Home Phone link in Personal Information section of MyServiceHub
  2. Click Add a Phone Number.

    A new line is added ready for you to enter the new phone number.

    Phone Numbers page with button to Add a Phone Number
  3. Select the Phone Type from the drop-down.

  4. Enter the Telephone number and the Extension.

    Note: You can type the telephone number in directly with no formatting. When you click Save, the number will be formatted automatically for you.

  5. Click Save.

    List of user's phone numbers, including phone type, number, extension and preference
  6. Click OK.

    Phone Number save confirmation

    Your Phone number has now been successfully added.

    This shows all your phone numbers. You can change a phone number at any time by typing over the phone number and clicking the Save button.

    To add another phone number, click the Add a Phone Number button.

    List of updated phone numbers
  1. Click the Home Phone link.

    This shows that the phone numbers that the university currently has on file for you.

    Home Phone link in Personal Information section of MyServiceHub
  2. Make your changes to the phone number.

  3. Click Save.

    List of user's phone numbers, including phone type, number, extension and preference

    Note: You can delete a phone number by clicking the Delete button beside the number you want to delete.

  4. Click OK.

    Phone Number save confirmation

    Your phone number has now been successfully changed.

    This shows the updated list of all your current phone numbers.

    List of updated phone numbers

    Note: If you have problems updating your phone numbers, you can submit an  (PDF file) Address Change Form to Student Records.