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Fashion MA Admissions

You can start your application in the Graduate admission website:
Graduate admission website

You can check if the program is still accepting applications in the application deadlines page

Further information about deadline dates, English language proficiency and the online application can be found on the Graduate Admissions website

To review a listing of all required documents, please refer to the following page on the Graduate Admissions website: Prepare Your Application

Information Sessions

MA Fashion Information Session

Program Information Session

Admissions Q&A - Graduate Studies at The Creative School

Admissions Q&A session

Do you have questions about applying to one of The Creative School graduate programs? Join our graduate program administration team to get answers.

Join us at the next session:

  • Jul 23, 2024 12:00 PM
  • Jul 30, 2024 12:00 PM
  • Aug 6, 2024 12:00 PM
  • Aug 13, 2024 12:00 PM
  • Aug 20, 2024 12:00 PM

Admissions Requirements

  • Completion of a four-year bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) from an accredited institution
  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00/4.33 (B or equivalent)

If you have not completed two or more years, full-time, at a Canadian university, you will be required to provide certification of English language proficiency:

  • Through one of the accepted examinations listed on the YSGPS admissions website (opens in new window) . Scores are valid for two years from the test date.
  • If you have completed two or more years at a university at which English was the primary language of instruction,  or have completed a graduate degree at a university where English was the primary language of instruction, applicants are required to provide an official statement from their institutions Registrar's office confirming the use of English as the Medium of Instruction for the duration of their study.

It is important to understand that meeting the minimum English proficiency requirements does not guarantee admission. 

You are required to submit a brief 500-word statement of interest demonstrating your capacity to succeed in the program.

The statement should describe:

  • Your motivations for pursuing graduate studies in Fashion.
  • How your previous studies and experience have prepared you for the MA Fashion program, even if these were not in the field of fashion specifically.
  • Relevant work, volunteer or community experience.
  • Future career plans.
  • Potential project proposal and/or potential supervisors for your project, should you have an early idea.

Two Letters of Recommendation are required for each application.

Ideally, the two recommendations should be from academic referees* – former professors or research supervisors familiar with applicant’s abilities.

*One recommendation may be substituted with a professional letter from a previous employer.

Please ensure that if you include a Professional Recommendation, that it speaks to the applicant's skills specifically, rather than personal qualities,

Referees names and contact information are entered during the online application process. Your referees will be contacted electronically within two to three business days of your application submission with a link and further instructions on submitting their online reference. Please ensure that the contact information is accurate.

It is your responsibility to follow up with your referee to confirm it has been submitted.

Please submit an updated Resume/CV and highlight how your previous studies and experiences have prepared you for graduate studies at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Please submit an academic research essay with consistent citations with a minimum length of 7-10 pages double-spaced in 12-point font.

It does not have to be on the topic of fashion specifically, just give us your best academic writing that shows your research potential.

The submission of a portfolio is optional. The writing sample is the main required component. 

If you do not intend to submit a portfolio, please upload a PDF document to the admissions portal indicating you have chosen not to include a portfolio. 


If you feel a portfolio strengthens your application, include a portfolio of your creative work in a field/area that you have studied and/or worked in by uploading a PDF file to the admissions portal. Please see additional instructions below. 

Your portfolio should be a PDF file with 5-7 pieces that demonstrate your best creative work. Such work may include, but is not limited to, the following; garments, textiles, graphic design, accessory design, illustration, photography, creative writing, performance, website, video, installation, etc.

  • Each portfolio piece should include a title and description that provides an overview of the work and specifies your role.
  • Your PDF file should include digital images and/or links to external websites. Digital images should include material, size, date, etc.
  • Web-based or video work should include the website address (URL) along with any necessary passwords. 
  • You may include full samples of creative writing pieces within the PDF file.

The portfolio must be submitted as one PDF file. 

Applications will only be reviewed once all components above have been submitted via the Toronto Metropolitan University application portal.

Admissions Deadline

Check if the program is accepting applications in the application deadlines page.

Domestic Applications

We recommend submitting your application, including all supporting documents, via the online portal by the First Consideration Deadline: January 19, 2024.

Accepting Applications for Fall 2024

Applications will be accepted until the program has filled all available spots in the program and the waitlist.

International Applications

You should submit your application, including all supporting documents, via the online portal by the Preferred Deadline: December 10, 2023.

Applications will be accepted until the First Consideration Deadline: January 19, 2024, or until full.

Applications Closed for Fall 2024

Next admission cycle will open October 2024 for Fall 2025 admissions.

Admissions Timeline

Generally the program will begin reviewing applications after the first consideration deadline in January. Offers of admission will begin mid-to-late-March and continue throughout the spring and summer until the program is full.

Begin your application

Apply Online

Visit, Apply Online for a step-by-step breakdown on successfully applying to MA Fashion.

To review a listing of all required documents, please refer to the Prepare Your Application page on the Graduate Admissions website. 

Visit Graduate Studies for additional information on:

  • Application Deadlines
  • Applying Online
  • Calculating Your GPA
  • FAQs
  • How to Make a Deposit Payment
  • International Applicants
  • Required Documents and Uploading Your Documents

Standard Applicant Review Timeline

Mid-end of January

The Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies reviews applications for eligibility.


Programs receive applications of eligible candidates and those applications are reviewed by a committee.


Offers are extended and candidates continue to be reviewed until the program is full.

Admissions Awards 

No application required, awarded based on your admissions application.

  • Toronto Metropolitan Graduate Fellowship (TMGF)
    Value ranges from $2,000 to $6,000.
  • Toronto Metropolitan Graduate Development Award (TMGDA)
    Value ranges from $2,000 to $6,000.
  • Ontario Graduate Fellowship (OGF)  
    Value is $12,000 for one year.

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) / Toronto Met Graduate Scholarship (TMGS)

  • $15,000 award for one year.
  • Eligible applicants will be notified by the program to submit an application around February/March. 
  • For students with an A- in each of the last two years of completed study.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada Graduate Scholarship (SSHRC CGS-M)

  • $17,500 award for one year.
  • For Domestic applicants with an A- avg. in each of the last two years of completed study.
  • Application deadline is Dec 1; award is granted for the following Fall term.
