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Portrait of Daniela Segovia Hernandez

Daniela Segovia Hernández

Senior Protection Assistant, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Visiting Toronto Metropolitan Univeristy

Spring 2024

Daniela Segovia Hernández is a Venezuelan former diplomat, political scientist by training and a policy-maker. Throughout the past 18 years, she has held diverse positions in the global governance arena, being her primary focus of expertise democracy, migration, and human rights in Latin America. Currently, she is part of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) team in Mexico.

Segovia Hernández has also been a columnist on international politics for the Mexican news agency and Milenio, has contributed to the Women in Foreign Affairs platform, and to the Women in International Affairs Network (WIAN) as a mentor. She has lived in Australia, Colombia, Spain, Italy and is now based out of Mexico City.

She holds a BA in Political Science (Central University of Venezuela), a MA in History of the Americas (Catholic University Andrés Bello); and a Master in International Organizations (University of Granada).

Research focus while a Fellow with CERC

In a recent context of forced displacement, where we are witnessing increasing mixed fluxes crossing the Darien Gap (Panamá), and a rise in unauthorized crossings at the U.S.-Canada border, Segovia will research the dynamics of the recent fluxes of Haitians and Venezuelans individuals, assessing the Canadian response, and studying the good practices in this country.

Among the proposed activities to be conducted during her stay, she will give a workshop about the trends of mixed fluxes in Mexico and will write Op-eds to be published in English and Spanish.

Publications and Reports

Migration in the Americas, Empathy, & Politics, with Daniela Segovia | Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs (external link) 

Organizaciones Internacionales desafiadas: las visiones divergentes de la ONU y la OEA ( (external link) 

Xenofobia de clóset: el odio y estigma como dividendo político - Grupo Milenio (external link) 

Cuando se trata de trata - Grupo Milenio (external link)