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Migration Working Group: Labour migration and mobilities

February 27, 2024
12:30 PM EST - 2:30 PM EST
Hybrid (In person at CERC Migration office / online via Zoom)
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Join CERC Migration for our upcoming Migration Working Group meeting. The February Migration Working Group addresses the theme of labour migration and mobilities. This meeting will be chaired by CERC Migration research area lead Richa Shivakoti.

The Migration Working Group meets monthly to discuss the migration research of emerging and established scholars. Our meetings give researchers an opportunity to present their ongoing projects, learn about each other's work and share feedback.


Green line

 A study on seasonal labour migration altering children’s lives

 Shalini Sen, Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Blue line

 Bosnia and Herzegovina: (re)gain mobility through the spaces of welfare

 Riccardo Sacco, University of Urbino "Carlo Bo"

Purple line

 Documents and North-Indian labour migrants: Governing labour mobility in Manipur

 Ajeet Kumar Pankaj, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University

Pink line

 What changed? Labour market experiences of Ukrainian migrant and refugee women in the Czech Republic

 Olga Gheorghiev, Czech Academy of Sciences

Green line

 The transnational social contract in the Global South

 Gerasimos Tsourapas, University of Glasgow