Alexander Oturu
Visiting Toronto Metropolitan Univeristy
Winter 2024
Alexander Oturu is the Assistant Director and Southwest Zonal Coordinator of the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons, Nigeria’s focal agency for migration policy, management and coordination. He is well versed in project management, migration policy, return and reintegration, communications, geospatial analysis, community engagement and inter-agency collaboration.
He is the coordinator of the Lagos Reintegration Committee, a coordination platform for stakeholders from the from government, civil society, the private sector and the academia involved in the return, readmission and reintegration of migrants in Nigeria.
Alex is a member of the review committee of the National Migration Policy, a policy he helped draft in 2015. He was also a major contributor to the development of the Standard Operating Procedures on Return Readmission and Reintegration of Nigerian Migrants (SOP-RRR).
Research focus while a Fellow with CERC
During the fellowship, Alex will be undertaking a study of Canada’s migration management programmes and its migration coordination architecture (including its agencies and processes), in comparison to the Nigerian system of coordination, particularly with emphasis on migrant’s integration programs and reintegration, with a view to identify areas of collaboration and exchange of best practices. He would also hold a workshop on Return, Readmission and Reintegration, from the Nigerian perspective.