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TMU Democracy Internship

TMU Democracy Internship

About the Opportunity

The TMU Democracy Internship provides an opportunity for students to acquire valuable experience and develop practical skills through university-based initiatives, civic organizations and community partners working to strengthen democratic engagement,  institutions and practices in Canada.

The internship provides a stipend for students to work up to 120 hours with internal and external partners. These include the Democratic Engagement Exchange, Institute for Future Legislators, and Women in the House at TMU, as well as Equal Voice, the Canadian International Council, Unlock Democracy Canada, and the Maytree Foundation. Duties and responsibilities, which are determined by each partner, may include research assistance, event planning, media communications, and public outreach.

Students with a keen interest in civic engagement, democratic politics and social justice are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will demonstrate strong academic, communication and organizational skills and an interest in community-based research and advocacy.

The internship is open to undergraduate and graduate students in the Faculty of Arts at TMU. Interns will receive a $3000 stipend to enable their participation.

This internship is funded through the generous support of the Chic Family in honour of Jacquie Chic, in collaboration with the Jarislowsky Democracy Chair.

Felicia De Sousa, MA Criminology and Social Justice interned with Equal Voice under the guidance of Chi Nguyen.

“This internship [went] really well! Equal Voice [had] me collect gender-based data within parliament, which entailed documenting and quantifying the data pertaining to gender difference with committee chairs, vice chairs, members, and witnesses.”

Jenny Gillis, MA Criminology and Social Justice supported Ben Roswell and his work at the Canadian International Council.

“I have had the opportunity to work on various tasks, including producing and disseminating content for social media, helping plan and coordinate a conference that will be taking place in the fall, as well as helping to launch a new organization called the Network for Democratic Solidarity. In the coming days, I will be focusing on this new organization by monitoring media reporting and writing social media posts, as well as co-writing a blog post on disinformation and anti-LGBTQ2S campaigns.”

Jeremy Wright, MA Psychology supported Unlock Democracy Canada under supervisor Deva Meslin.

“My internship has been going really well! I am working with Dave from Unlock Democracy on a couple of projects exploring municipal voter turn-out and a few factors that influence the numbers. We've started collecting election data from BC and Ontario and will be doing some analyses soon. This has helped me a lot so far and I am looking forward to the opportunities this internship has Unlocked (😉) for me!”

Basma Khan, 4th year English interned with Sam Telce at the Young Workers Rights Hub at TMU.

Sophia Zhang, 4th year Politics and Governance, supported the Democratic Engagement Exchange at TMU under the supervision of John Beebe.

Zaima Aurony, 5th year International Economics and Finance, worked under Tracey Raney for the Women in the House program at TMU.


TMU x Broadbent Institute – Perspectives Journal Production Internship

Perspectives: A Canadian Journal of Political Economy and Social Democracy is an online and print publication that also produces podcast and video content, delivering ideas and strategy for building a world that is just and equitable. The journal refines analysis and progressive inquiry of political economy, public policy, history, and social movements, to bring them into public debates and political fora.

We present commentary, interviews, peer-reviewed analysis and other content to help inform strategists, organizers, academics, and policymakers of the theory, ideas, and practice that can be used to build a just and equitable world.

Production Intern for Perspectives: A Canadian Journal of Political Economy and Social Democracy. The Production Intern will assist the Editor, Editorial Committee, and Communications Assistant in the production, solicitation, and distribution of content for Perspectives Journal. This role will take place for a total of 150 hours (over a semester) remotely and will be supervised by the Editor. There are opportunities as well for mentorship and experience in the Canadian public policy field. The intern will receive a $3000 CAD honorarium upon completion of the internship.

Start Date: Mid-September 2024

  • Assist the editor and communications assistant in the management of content production of articles, podcasts, video and other content.
  • Perform administrative duties such as correspondence and scheduling with researchers, content creators, policy stakeholders and academics for content production.
  • Perform editorial copy-edits to articles, information text, and graphics.
  • Write scripts and show notes for podcasts and videos.
  • Publish web content on (external link)  (knowledge of WordPress or other CMS).
  • Assist in the design and layout of print products.
  • Assist in the production of visual content such as illustrations and data visualizations to complement content.
  • Strong writing skills
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Editing experience preferred
  • Knowledge of graphic design is an asset
  • Proven ability to work independently and in a team-based environment
  • Podcasting experience preferred but not required
  • Video production experience preferred but not required
  • Experience working with social media in a professional setting
  • Experience working with WordPress or other CMS
  • A commitment to and knowledge of social democratic values
  • Ability to work in both French and English is an asset

Applicants must submit a cover letter outlining their interests and experience to date; a grade transcript and their resume; and a writing sample.

Deadline: August 23, 2024 by 11:59PM EST.

Participating Organizations

Broadbent Institute (external link) 

The Broadbent Institute, founded in 2011, is Canada’s leading progressive policy and training organization. With offices across the country, we champion change through excellent research and analysis (external link) , educating and supporting a new generation of leaders (external link) , and the publication of innovative journalism through our media division, PressProgress (external link) . Our work is guided by the Broadbent Principles for Canadian Social Democracy (external link)  – we believe all people have equal worth and equal rights, and that we all benefit from living in an increasingly equal society. We are committed to realizing the promise of Canada as a diverse, just, and inclusive society. These values matter to us today and they matter to our future. The vast majority of Canadians share these progressive values.

Canadian International Council (external link) 

The Junior Research Fellow to support the Global Democracy Program, a research effort to build solidarity between democracies through mutual learning about shared threats to our respective political systems.  The Junior Research Fellow will: 

  • liaise with authors to share information on the project and manage deadlines
  • schedule, manage invitations for and promote hybrid seminars in person on U of T campus, as well as by Zoom
  • Draft material for our website and social media
  • Review, format and publish papers
  • Prepare updates on the project and
  • Support the CIC’s research programming in other capacities as required"

Full-time and part-time hours are available, up to a maximum of 120 hours.



Faculty of Arts Graduate Students. Research experience is required.

Unlock Democracy Canada (external link) 

Unlock Democracy Canada is a registered charity that advocates for democratic reforms across the country.  Our goals are to encourage political participation and increase levels of political cooperation, civility, innovation and diverse representation in our political landscape.  Our summer intern will assist with research, outreach and campaign development.  We're a small team, with big dreams.

Interns can expect to work up to 120 hours, scheduling will be determined by the intern and supervisor.


Faculty of Arts Graduate Students. Research experience is required.

Maytree Foundation (external link) 

Interns will be asked to compile fiscal data on social assistance and housing programs in Ontario from 2000 - 2022. This project will require you to assess archival information from Ontario Public Accounts, and will require that you have critical thinking, writing, and are comfortable with Excel. 

Interns can expect to work 10 - 20hrs/week up to 120 hours.


Faculty of Arts Graduate Students. Research experience is required.

Democratic Engagement Exchange (external link) 

The Democratic Engagement Exchange is hosting the Canadian Vote Summit on June 19-20th. The Summit brings together the thought leaders, policy makers, and community builders best positioned to create solutions that will enable Canada’s democratic institutions to earn trust and confidence.

The intern will work with The Exchange team to ensure the Summit's success by coordinating with speakers and key stakeholders, supporting event logistics, and assisting with event promotion.

To excel in this role and support this high-profile event will require mature judgement, attention to detail, the ability to take initiative and curiosity about the challenges faced by Canada's democracy.

The role will require in-person work and longer work weeks June 12-22. Interns can expect to work approximately 10-15hrs/week, up to 120 hours from start date until the end of June, 2023.



Faculty of Arts upper-year undergraduate students.

Women in the House

The Women in the House intern will be responsible for program development and promotion while working in a collaborative team setting. The ideal candidate should be familiar with the program and have a strong background in gender, inclusion, and democracy. Evidence of strong skills in the following areas are considered assets: project management, ability to take initiative and work independently, time management, web/social media development, budget management and finance knowledge, stakeholder relationship experience, and an ability to organize, lead, and motivate a large team.

Interns can expect to work approximately 10hrs/week, up to 120 hours from June 1st to August 31st, 2023.



Faculty of Arts upper-year undergraduate students.

Equal Voice (external link) 

Who We Are:

Equal Voice is a national, bilingual, multi-partisan, not-for-profit organization dedicated to electing more women to all levels of political office in Canada.

We promote the election of women by: working with all political parties to increase the nominations of women candidates; promoting electoral and other changes that would increase the numbers of women in politics; encouraging women to run for office through programs such as our comprehensive, bilingual on-line campaign school; raising awareness about the impact of women's under-representation; celebrating women in politics; and communicating and implementing EV's goals and activities through innovative programming, Social Media, and by hosting events.

With a staff of 10, supported by Equal Voice’s nationwide network of volunteers, Equal Voice is an innovative and nimble organization. We have a team-based structure where everyone plays a crucial and influential role. Multi-partisanship is at the core of our work.


Position 1

Qualitative Researcher. Sexual Harassment - Provincial Legislatures.  Summer Intern Position.

Equal Voice is interested in hiring a summer student with a background in research, politics, and gender studies. This position will support our current small project team to deliver our project objectives of helping legislatures combat sexual harassment. To find out more:"

Interns can expect to work up to 120 hours in May and June; the schedule is flexible and can be coordinated between the intern and supervisor.

Position 2

Researcher - Election Financing. Summer Intern Position.

Equal Voice is looking to hire a summer intern who is interested in Elections Financing. Tasks and responsibilities will include but are not limited to a gender-based analysis of election campaign expenses for the 2021 federal election in Canada. Including an assessment of equity measures within elections financing to support candidates and identifying potential recommendations to reduce financial barriers for women and gender-diverse political candidates.

Interns can expect to work up to 120 hours in June and July; the schedule is flexible and can be coordinated between the intern and supervisor.



Faculty of Arts Graduate Students. Research experience is required.

Young Workers Rights Hub

The Young Workers Rights Hub is revamping its digital presence. The intern will work with The Hub in producing digital content, establishing the Hub's Social Media presence as well as developing the Hub's Newsletter and digital video content.

To excel in this role and support this high-profile event will require some knowledge of online publishing, working with social media applications as well as effective communication and writing abilities. Attention to detail, the ability to take initiative and curiosity about challenges in the world of young workers would be ideal. There will be ample opportunity for the Intern to impart their own creativity and ideas as well as make their own contributions in the work they will be doing with the Hub.

The role will require in-person work and longer work weeks from June 12-22. Interns can expect to work approximately 10-15hrs/week, up to 120 hours from the start date until the end of June 2023.



Faculty of Arts upper-year undergraduate students.