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2024 ΔI-rchitecture Symposium

February 29, 2024
6:00 PM EST - 9:00 PM EST
St. James Cathedral Centre Event Venue 65 Church Street Toronto, ON M5C 2E9
Open To
Public: registration required for event entry
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ΔI-rchitecture delves into the symbiotic relationship between theoretical research and practical application of AI in the field of architecture. As we find ourselves amidst the Fourth Industrial Revolution, this event aims to foster a holistic understanding of AI’s multifaceted impact on architecture.

Attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in discussions about the latest theoretical developments in AI and how these concepts are being translated into tangible architectural practices. By bringing together scholars delving into the theoretical realms of AI and practitioners who are actively integrating AI into their design processes, we aim to create a dynamic dialogue that critically examines the promises and challenges of this convergence.

The symposium will serve as a platform for exploring how the rich tradition of architectural thought can be harmoniously merged with the innovative potential of AI, shaping a future that is both informed by intellectual rigor and grounded in practical reality.

Panel Mediator: Dr. Dustin Valen

Panel Speakers: Dr. Neil Leach, Victoria Ikede, Tim Fu

6:00 PM

Reception / Networking

Complimentary food and beverages

7:00 PM

Panel Discussion

Panel Mediator: Dr. Dustin Valen | Panel Speakers: Dr. Neil Leach, Victoria Ikede, Tim Fu

9:00 PM

Closing Remarks