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International Students

Produce globally relevant research

The Ted Rogers School of Management is at the forefront of research that is driving innovation and advancing knowledge in Canada and globally. Our innovative, forward-thinking faculty are problem solvers whose industry connections lead to research with social applicability.

Downtown Toronto

The PhD in Management program also has the advantage of being downtown Toronto. Toronto is one of the world’s most diverse cities, with over 140 languages and dialects spoken.

A busy street with people crossing the road in front of a parked ttc streetcar in the middle of letting off passengers and welcoming new ones

Faculty Supervisors

As a PhD in Management student, you will work with a faculty supervisor in one of the Ted Rogers School’s diverse and interdisciplinary academic areas of specialization: Digital Enterprise and Social Media; Real Estate Studies; Retail and Consumer Services; and Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. You will carry out rigorous scientific research with us about complex management problems in a rapid changing and globally-oriented economy.


The school has made several prestigious research rankings and is home to 16 research centres, institutes and labs.

External shot of the TRSM building

Toronto Met offers support services for international students to provide a sense of belonging and help you every step of the way.