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Global Indigenous Peoples Summit 2024

Global Indigenous Peoples Summit

The meteorological, astronomical, geological, and social trends suggest unstable changes are taking place worldwide. The effect of epidemic warfare in the Middle East, tension in the Crimean region, lawlessness in decolonized regions, illness and disease, climate change, earthquakes, and global warming were forecast in ancient times by Indigenous People of the Americas. The Global Indigenous Peoples Summit 2024 takes action to affirm a heritage of Indigenous Knowledge and collective memory. Rotinohsyonni elders said that before 1492 the Real Beings (Onkwehonwe-Nishnawbec) held grand conventions where Indigenous Knowledge was shared. These elders describe the conventions as large gatherings that reinforced Indigenous trade networks and introduced Indigenous innovations, inventions, and adaptations to improve an Indigenous quality-of-life (QOL). The Global Indigenous Peoples Summit 2024 creates a digital library of global Indigenous Knowledge (IK) for ground source water supply, sustainable food production and storage, developing shelters and other types of model-architecture, eco-villages, and leadership. The Creative School's Saagajiwe applies videotelephony from the Toronto Metropolitan University hub for this global catalogue of practical Indigenous Knowledge.