Saagajiwe — On the frontier of Indigenous Renaissance

The Creative School will continue to work with Saagajiwe to create a space for the Indigenous community at the university and celebrate creativity that comes from Indigenous peoples.
Named after the Anishinaabec word for the emerging light of dawn, Saagajiwe was founded in 2017 with the mission of facilitating Indigenous creativity, thought, and culture. Saagajiwe supports Indigenous creative expression, curriculum development, and the creation of safe spaces on campus. The Creative School’s Saagajiwe provides a foundation for an Indigenous Renaissance.
From the preservation of Indigenous language to prosperous art and science achievements, Saagajiwe will champion Indigenous language and cultural recovery and a place for cutting-edge Indigenous Knowledges to flourish. On the frontier of the Indigenous renaissance, Indigenous students and faculty will work together to bring about meaningful change for all our relations.
Saagajiwe will continue the tradition of student support but with support related to what Indigenous community needs. Indigenous programs have a tradition for supporting students continent-wide with relevant academic programs. Saagajiwe will continue to work with the Indigenous student support offices already in place. Saagajiwe can build networks with Ontario's Indigenous communities.
Indigenizing the academy begins with teaching and learning. Graduate students produce new scholarship. Undergraduate students become exposed to the Indigenous renaissance that echoes The Creative School's broad academic vista.
Indigenous arts and life sciences seek to make the world a better place.
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