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Land Acknowledgment – an Indigenous heritage of thankfulness

Land Acknowledgement - A heritage of thankfulness

The Family of One Long House are a free people, governed by covenants made in very ancient times by our Ancestors and handed to us their Children. And these covenants protect our right and freedom to govern over our own affairs in our own way. Now, too, we greet our Mother Earth and give gratitude that our Mother Earth always generously still gives as we receive her generosity, and she never gives up hope no matter how corrupt we are, she gives us our health and happiness, for every individual. We thank our Mother Earth, and that is the way it will be in our minds.

Ne káti ne Iakwanohnionni:ton iakwatatewenní:io ne’ iakwainanenháwi tsi ní:ioht tsi iethihsotshera’kénha wahatirihwaké:ron ne wáhi né:’e ionkhiiá:wi ne iakwatsiraké:ron.

Né:’e iakwanonhstatonhátie tsi skén:nen tsi iakwarihwahtentiá:tha onkwariwa’shón:a tsi niionkwarihó:ten. Tahnon oni ne nonwa tsi Yethinistenha Ohwhentsiate karotentewatenohn- wheraton ohwhenstyate ne tyotkohn yonkwayennahatye yakotenihterohnshera yatewenniserate tayonkhyanwinohnhatye yonkyatakarite tahon yonkyatshenoni, yah teyonikonhroktha ne yaweronhatye toniyoht niyonwarihwaneren ne tsi tsyonketatishon ne kiwahi ne yakonikonhranirohn yakotenitenron oni. Ne kati neniyontohnhak ne onkwanikonhra.