TRSITM Student Handbook for 2023-2024

Welcome! Congratulations on your decision to study at the Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management (TRSITM). You are becoming part of Canada’s leading school that blends business education with the practical and theoretical information technology skills you need to succeed in your career.
The 21st century is characterized by exciting new opportunities provided by information technology and by the myriad of changes that information technology is bringing to organizations and society. Your Bachelor of Commerce degree in Business Technology Management (BTM) will equip you with the skills, knowledge and practical experience needed to assess, critique and shape these changes, create business opportunities and build a strong foundation for your career development.
The School’s vitality comes from our continuous engagement with industry, our support for diversity and inclusion, and our commitment to academic excellence. Our graduates are successful in a wide range of careers – as marketing and product managers, project leaders, business analysts, management and computer consultants, application developers and implementers. Some have gone on to graduate studies at leading schools in North America and Europe.
Our School is as interesting as its student body and we believe your active participation in campus organizations and extra-curricular activities will increase your enjoyment of student life at TMU. The school year is short and the program is demanding so organization and planning are very important. We encourage you to participate in time management and study skills sessions available through the Student Learning Support (SLS) and to find time for recreation and personal well-being, as well as for studying.
The staff and faculty of TRSITM are always willing to discuss with you any academic and career questions that may arise. Please get to know us. We look forward to working with you over the next few years.
Good luck in your academic endeavour and we wish you a happy, fulfilling and successful academic year!
Dr. Sameh Al Natour
Director, Ted Rogers School of IT Management
TRSITM has an administrative office which is composed of a Director, Operations and Administration TRSITM and Deans Office Manager, Program Coordinators, a Program Assistant, and Student Advisors.
In order to ensure timely and accurate response to your academic or personal queries, we highly encourage you to contact the BTM Student Advisors at or please visit the PASS (Program Advising and Student Success) Office TRS1-004.
Our school brings together scholars and practitioners from a range of disciplines to study the issues critical to success in the new digital economy. The complete listing of faculty profiles can be found on the Faculty & Research site (opens in new window) .
The Curriculum
The TMU Undergraduate Calendar is the definitive source for academic policies and procedures, programs and course descriptions.
The Advisement Report is a tool for Undergraduate degree students that show all the course requirements you have taken or are enrolled in as well as those courses needed in order for you to graduate. You can view your Advisement Report from the Academics section of the Student Center in MyServiceHub. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to view your Advisement Report.
As you work your way towards graduation, this report reflects your progress and gives details of the courses you still need to take in order to graduate.
The Advisement Report is unofficial, may contain inaccuracies and is subject to change. It does not represent an irrevocable contract between the student and the University.
A Minor is an opportunity for a student to explore a secondary area of undergraduate study either for personal interest beyond a student’s degree program, or as an area of specific expertise related to the student’s degree program that will serve the student’s career choice.
Minors are optional and students are reminded that their focus should be on the completion of their program’s graduation requirements. Students are cautioned that taking extra courses in order to earn a Minor could affect overall academic performance and Academic Standing.
It is the student's responsibility to apply for the Minor at the time they apply to graduate (they are two separate procedures on MyServiceHub).
In the event that a student is not eligible for their chosen Minor(s), but is eligible to graduate from their degree program, he/she will still graduate from the degree program. In other words, the requirements for the Minor do not need to be satisfied in order to graduate from the program.
For more information on minors see Senate Policy #2, Section 7.4
Co-operative Education
The Co-op experience includes five, four-month work terms in organizations in Ontario, Canada, and potentially abroad. To get the Co-op designation students must successfully complete all five work terms.
Business Technology Management Co-op students typically find employment in business enterprises (banks, financial institutions private enterprises etc.) and government departments that use information systems or provide products and services in information technology, telecommunications, and multimedia.
For more information, please visit the TRSITM Co-op Information Page.
Course Outlines for all courses offered by The Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management can be found on our website under Student Resources.
The policies in the Appendix to the Course Outlines (opens in new window) applies to all courses offered by the Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management.
Academic Standings
TMU policies on academic standings are fully explained in the Undergraduate Calendar. In undergraduate degree and diploma programs, each student's academic standing will be established from the student's formal course grades at the end of each academic term.
Please visit the Academic Standing Page for more information.
Academic Integrity
On June 11, 2019 TMU Senate passed the updated version of Policy 60: Academic Integrity and its associated Procedures. This policy applies to all current and former TMU students (undergraduate, graduate and continuing education) and applies to all academic activities, whether on or off campus, whether within or outside of a course.
For further misconduct information please refer to:
Non-Academic Conduct
The Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct (“Code") reflects the expectation that students will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with generally accepted standards of behavior, University regulations and policies, departmental policies, and in compliance with federal, provincial and municipal laws, as well as professional standards and codes of ethics that govern students who are members of some regulated professions. Policy 61 can be found on the Senate website.
For information on student non-academic matters, please visit the Student Conduct Office's website.
Each Faculty has established an annual Dean’s List for students enrolled in undergraduate programs in that Faculty.
The requirements and recipients for Business Technology Management students is displayed on the ITM website.
Academic excellence is recognized and rewarded through the following awards, which are presented each year at the School's Awards Ceremony. There are many awards available to both new and returning full-time and part-time degree students within the Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management.
The eligibility criteria, application procedures and deadline dates for the ITM specific awards can found on the Awardspring system. The Awardspring system enables you to view and apply for all awards available at Toronto Metropolitan University in one convenient spot! Using your TMU email, simply log into the system at (external link) and create a single application to be considered for all awards for which you are eligible.
Disclaimer: The availability and monetary value of all awards, bursaries and scholarships & availability are subject to change. The Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management reserves the right to change the listed award, scholarship or bursary information and/or value without notice.
There are two methods to learning abroad.
With our International Exchange program, a formal exchange can take place when a signed exchange agreement exists between institutions. Exchange students remain registered at their home university while on exchange. This means that they pay tuition as usual to their home university and do not have to apply for re-admission when they return.
With the Study Abroad program, students study at a university that does not currently have an exchange agreement with TMU. This also applies to anyone who wants to apply to one of our partner universities directly instead of going through the exchange program. Effectively, this allows you to study at ANY university. Credit for these studies will be granted on your TMU transcript only if you meet the LOP (Letter of Permission) requirements.
Students are encouraged to participate in a semester of study abroad at the end of their fourth semester and prior to their seventh semester. The opportunity to undertake learning in a wider context can be an invaluable part of any university education. Toronto Metropolitan University strongly encourages students to acquire a broader, and more international, "applied" perspective.
Please note: It is the student’s responsibility to have all the necessary academic course pre-requisites completed for the ITM Capstone Project Course, ITM900 prior to the start of the course, even if you are participating in the exchange or study abroad programs. You must contact the BTM Student Advisors at PRIOR to your departure.
All students in full and part-time graduate and undergraduate degree programs and all continuing education students are required to activate and maintain their TMU online identity in order to regularly access your university E-mail, MyServiceHub, portal and learning system, and other systems by which they will receive official University communications. TMU requires that any official or formal electronic communications from students be sent from their official TMU E-mail account. As such emails from other addresses may not be responded to.
Please review Senate policy 157 in its entirety on the senate website for more information
The TRS Student Technology Help Desk
The TRS Student Technology Help Desk is located in the large computer drop-in room on the 9th floor (TRS 3- 154). Technology assistants are normally seated at the round desk just inside the main entrance, also known as the "Donut."
The Student Help Desk is staffed whenever the lab is open; look for the bright yellow T-shirts that say "Tech Support.” Lab Monitors wearing yellow T-shirts are also available to assist you in other drop-in labs at TRS.
For more information about TRS computer labs, please visit the TRSM helpdesk website.
Computing and Communications Services
Students who experience technically issues with their TMU Account or D2L (for example, can’t log into their email, forgot their password…) should contact the Computing and Communications Services (CCS). They can be reached at 416-979-5000 ext. 556840, email:, or visit them in KHW 71.
The Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management is committed to assuring students that their complaints will be heard without any jeopardy to their academic grades. Complaints should be expressed to the appropriate people as soon as a situation arises to allow for due process to occur.
All complaints regarding individual courses should be first directed to the attention of the faculty member teaching the course.
All academic and non-academic complaints beyond individual course concerns should be directed to the Student Advisors at
There are several resources available to students to assist with an array of issues.
Within the Ted Rogers School of Management, the Academic Success Centre and the Business Career Hub offer academic and career-related services.
You may also explore the Student Affairs website for support services available across the TMU campus.
The function of the Ted Rogers School of ITM Council is to develop and recommend policy relevant to the School as it relates to the general policy of TMU.
The membership of the Council consists of a student representative from each class, elected by his/her classmates, plus the Director and faculty of the School.
Meetings are held periodically throughout the year and may be called either by the student representatives or faculty whenever a matter of importance to the School arises.
Information Technology Management Student Association (ITMSA)
The premier course union and student association for the Business Technology Management program at Ted Rogers School of Management at TMU.
Ted Rogers School of Management
TRS 1-137 (7th Floor) — 55 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada — M5G 2C3

Women in Information Technology Management (WITM)
Women in Information Technology Management (WITM) was founded in 2007 to raise awareness of the striking gender gap that exists in Business Technology Management (BTM) program and consequently, the IT industry and corporate culture.
Ted Rogers School of Management
TRS 1-137 (7th Floor) — 55 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada — M5G 2C3
The Ted Rogers Students' Society (external link) links students together from the six separate schools at TRSM under one united voice. As a student-elected society, the TRSS represents over 9,500 full-time undergraduate students across the TRSM and Toronto Metropolitan University campus.
To view other course unions and special interest groups, please visit the Ted Rogers School of Management Student Group Page.
Cultural, religious, and interest-based student groups exist and can be found on the TMU Student Union Website (external link) .