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Recent Publications




Litvin, S. W., Guttentag, D., Smith, W. W., & Pitts, R. E. (2024). Fear and travel: extending our understanding of pandemic (non-) travel. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality. (external link, opens in new window)  Crisis; Coping Strategies; Protection Motivation Theory; Fear; COVID-19; Pandemic
Novotny, M., Dodds, R., & Walsh, P. R. (2024). The Destination Marketing Organization as an intelligent agent: Evaluating engagement in knowledge management practices. International Journal of Tourism Research, 26(1), e2605. (external link, opens in new window) 

Destination Marketing Organizations; Intelligent agent; Knowledge management; Smart destinations


Dodds, R., & Butler, R. (2024). Overtourism in urban environments. In Handbook on Sustainable Urban Tourism (pp. 34-43). Edward Elgar Publishing. (external link, opens in new window)  Urban; Sustainability; Overtourism; Politics; SDGs; Appropriate
Pratt, S., Pan, B., Agyeiwaah, E., Lei, S. S. I., Lugosi, P., Kirillova, K., Piirman, M., Lockwood Sutton, J., Jönsson, H. C., Haselwanter, S., Smith, R., Sinha, R., Berno, T., Mackenzie, M., Graci, S., Rao, Y. V., Veliverronena, L., Zekan, B., Silva, D. S., & Park, S. (2024). Tourism Myths and the Dunning Kruger Effect Annals of Tourism Research. Annals of Tourism Research. (external link, opens in new window)  Dunning Kruger effect; Competence; Metacognition; Self-assessment; Tourism myths
Smith, W. W., Peesker, K., Guttentag, D., & Kellershohn, J. (2024). Maintaining Hotels' Covid-19 Protocols Post-Pandemic to Enhance Service for Guests with Autism: An Opportunity for Increased Accessible Tourism (external link, opens in new window) . In Post-COVID Tourism and Hospitality Dynamics (pp. 63-74). Apple Academic Press.  
Peesker, K. M., Ryals, L. J., & Kerr, P. D. (2024). Toward an understanding of the personal traits needed in a digital selling environment. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. (external link, opens in new window)  Personal traits; Sales performance; Digital selling; Sales recruitment
Kim, J. S., Jo, W., Oh, H., & Feng, Y. (2024). The effect of job stress on the quality of life of commercial pilots: Testing the mediating effects of mindfulness and job satisfaction. International Journal of Tourism Research, 26(1), e2638. (external link, opens in new window)  Commerical pilots; Job satisfaction; Job stress; Mindfulness; Quality of life; Safety
Griffin, T., Kellershohn, J., Oh, H. R., & Francis, N. (2024). Visiting Friends and Relatives Travel: Unveiling Hidden Drivers Behind Festival Attendance and Experience. Event Management. (external link, opens in new window)  VFR travel; Community engagement; Economic impact; Festival experience; Festival management; Festival motivations
Dimanche, F., & Perzyna, M. (2024). Diversity, equity, and inclusion management in the Canadian hospitality industry (external link, opens in new window) . In The Routledge Handbook of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Management in the Hospitality Industry (pp. 271-281). Routledge.  
Dodds, R. and Butler, R. (2024), "30 Years of Sustainable Tourism Policies: A Reflection on Success and Failure", Pforr, C., Pillmayer, M., Joppe, M., Scherle, N. and Pechlaner, H. (Ed.) Tourism Policy-Making in the Context of Contested Wicked Problems: Sustainability Paradox, Climate Emergency and COVID-19 (Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 17A), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 17-29. (external link, opens in new window)    Policy Implementation; Sustainable development; Integration; Coordination; Policy levels
Oh, H., Jo, W., Kim, J.S. and Park, J. (2024), "Unraveling the customer orientation paradox", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.  (external link, opens in new window)  Customer orientation; Customer incivility; Emotion- and problem-focused coping; Job stress; Casino employees
Oh, H., Linda, I. J., & Jo, W. (2024). Customer-Oriented Behavior in Full-Service Restaurants: A Moderated-Mediation Model of Emotional Intelligence, Work Engagement, and Customer-Oriented Attitude. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-24. (opens in new window)  Emotional Intelligence; Work engagement; customer-oriented attitude; Customer-oriented behaviour; Restaurant employees
Litvin, S. W., Guttentag, D., Smith, W. W., & Pitts, R. E. (2024). Political Persuasion: The Influence of US Political Party Affiliation on Travel Likelihood During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Tourism Analysis, 29(4), 559-564. (external link, opens in new window)  Democrat; Pandemic; Perceived behavioral control; Politics; Republican; Social Amplification of Risk
Legohérel, P., Dimanche, F., & Frochot, I. (2024). France H1000 en sciences de gestion: Panorama du niveau d’indice h en France et comparaison à l’international. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 328329(2), 27-34. (external link, opens in new window)  indice h; citation, performance; évaluation; indice h; citation, performance; évaluation


Dodds, R., & Holmes, M. R. (2023). Seasoned travelers are more sustainable: Modelling the Tourism Experience Life Cycle. Current Issues in Tourism, 1–12. (external link, opens in new window) 
Sustainable travel behaviour; Tendency to retire; TELC; Market segmentation; Tourist typology
Griffin, T., & Glover, T. D. (2023).  (PDF file) The Development of Social and Cultural Capitals for Immigrant Hosts of VFR Travellers (opens in new window) . Leisure Sciences, 45(3), 262–280. (external link, opens in new window)  Cultural capital; Immigration; Social capital; VFR hosting; VFR travel
Dodds, R., & Holmes, M. R. (2023a). Challenges and opportunities of the Blue Flag Certification in Canada. Blue Flag Beaches, 199–208. (external link, opens in new window)   
Butler, R. W., & Dodds, R. (2023). Overtourism. Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Global Tourism Supply and Demand, 246–255. (external link, opens in new window)   
Dimanche , F., & Perzyna, M. (2023, September). Immigration and Workforce Diversity in the Canadian Hospitality and Tourism Sector: An Opportunity Not to be Missed (external link, opens in new window) . University of Massachusetts: Amherst ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst.  
Yayla, Özgür, Koç, B., & Dimanche, F. (2023). Residents’ support for tourism development: Investigating quality-of-life, community commitment, and communication. European Journal of Tourism Research, 33, 3311. (external link, opens in new window)  Residents; Quality of Life; Community Commitment; Support for Tourism; Communication with Tourists
Dubois, L.-E., Bodur, H. O., Anderson, J., Tirtiroglu, D., & Dimanche, F. (2023). Augmenting places: The impact of placemaking on behavioral intentions. City, Culture and Society, 32, 100502. (external link, opens in new window)  Placemaking; Impact; Behaviors; Urban design; Destination image; Scene of place
McClinchey, K. A., & Dimanche, F. (2023). Discourses of Fear in online news media: Implications for perceived risk of Travel. Tourism and Hospitality, 4(1), 148–161. (external link, opens in new window)  Travel; Problem frame; Discourse analysis; Perceived fear; COVID-19; Media analysis; Risk; Canada
Wright, K.-A., & Dimanche, F. (2023). Canadian immigration policies: Implications for discrimination and biases in tourism employment. Inclusion in Tourism: Understanding Institutional Discrimination and Bias. (external link, opens in new window)  Discrimination; Tourism; Hospitality; Employment; Immigration; Inclusion; Racism; Canada
Griffin, T., & Guttentag, D. (2023). Hosting friends and relatives as a catalyst for immigrant participation in touristic leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 54(4), 453–471. (external link, opens in new window)  Immigrants; Hosting friends and relatives; Visiting friends and relatives; Leisure; Immigrant integration
Oh, H., Jeon, H., Choi, J., & Kellershohn, J. (2023). Will event volunteers’ role ambiguity affect performance? role of social exchange qualities and gender. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1–25. (external link, opens in new window)  Role ambiguity; Job performance; Team-member exchange; Leader-member exchange; Event volunteer
Oh, H., & Jang, J. (2023). Service improvisation as a double-edged sword. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108, 103367. (external link, opens in new window)  Service improvisation; A double-edged sword; Service recovery; Emotional exhaustion; Creativity
Dimanche, F., & Perzyna, M. (2023). Diversity, equity, and Inclusion Management in the Canadian Hospitality Industry. The Routledge Handbook of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Management in the Hospitality Industry, 271–281. (external link, opens in new window)   
Kellershohn, J., Smith, W. W., Litvin, S. W., & Frash, R. (2023). From crisis to recovery: Analyzing government support for Canadian restaurants during the covid-19 pandemic (external link, opens in new window) . ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst.  
Guttentag, D. A., Litvin, S. W., & Smith, W. W. (2023). To airbnb or not to airbnb: Does airbnb feel safer than hotels during a pandemic? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 103550. (external link, opens in new window)  Airbnb; Hotel; COVID-19; Coronavirus; Pandamic; Risk
Smith, W. W., Peesker, K., Guttentag, D., & Kellershohn, J. (2023). Maintaining hotels’ covid-19 protocols post-pandemic to enhance service for guests with autism: An opportunity for increased accessible tourism. Post-COVID Tourism and Hospitality Dynamics, 63–74. (external link, opens in new window)   


Griffin, T., & Muldoon, M. (2022).  (PDF file) Exploring virtual reality experiences of slum tourism (opens in new window) . Tourism Geographies, 24(6–7), 934–953. (external link, opens in new window)  Slum tourism; Virtual reality; Tourist education; Manila
Shaw, N., Eschenbrenner, B., & Brand, B. M. (2022). Towards a mobile app diffusion of innovations model: A multinational study of mobile wallet adoption. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62 (external link, opens in new window)  Diffusion of innovations; Mobile wallet; Multinational; Mobile payment; Compatible advantage
Butler, R.W., & Dodds, R. (2022). Overcoming overtourism: a review of failure, Tourism Review, 77(1), 35-53. (external link, opens in new window)  Overtourism; Carrying capacity; Impacts; Implementation; Sustainability; Controls
Butler, R.W., & Dodds, R. (2022).  (PDF file) Island tourism: vulnerable or resistant to overtourism? (external link, opens in new window)  Highlights of Sustainability, 1(2), 54–64. Islands; Sustainable tourism; Overtourism; Vulnerability; Pressure; Development; Control
Walsh, P. R., & Dodds, R. (2022). The impact of intermediaries and social marketing on promoting sustainable behaviour in leisure travellers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 338, 130537. (external link, opens in new window)  Social Marketing; Intermediaries; Sustainable tourism; Sustainable attitudes; Sustainable behaviour; Canada
Dodds, R., & Holmes, M. R. (2022). Who walks the walk and talks the talk? Understanding what influences sustainability behaviour in business and leisure travellers. Sustainability 2022, 14(2), 883. (external link, opens in new window)  Sustainable travel; Behaviour; Pro-ecological behaviour; Frugality; Altruism; Business travel
Dodds, R., Holmes, M., & Novotny, M. (2022).  (PDF file) Because I believe in it: Examining intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for sustainability in festivals through self-determination theory. Tourism Recreation Research, 47(2), 111-129. (external link, opens in new window)  Sustainability; Extrinsic motivations; Intrinsic motivations; Festivals; Self-determinsation theory
Dodds, R., Grima, J., Novotny, M., & Holmes, M. (2022). Sustainability gets thrown in the trash: Comparing the drivers and barriers of festival waste management in Canada and New Zealand. Event Management (external link, opens in new window)  Barries; Drivers; Events; Festivals; Sustainability; Sustainable Development Goals; Tourism; Waste Management
Griffin, T., Guttentag, D., Lee, S. H. (Mark), Giberson, J., & Dimanche, F. (2022). Is VR always better for destination marketing? Comparing different media and styles. Journal of Vacation Marketing (external link, opens in new window)  Virtual reality; Destination marketing; Destination image; Advertising effectiveness
Dimanche, F., & Lo, K. (2022). The elusive search for talent: Skill gaps in the Canadian luxury hotel sector. Tourism and Hospitality. 3(1), 31-46. (external link, opens in new window)  Hospitality; Hotel; Luxury; Labour gap; Skill gap; Talent management; Service quality; training; Luxury experiences
Dubois, L. E., & Dimanche, F. (2022). Brighter but not clearer: Entertainment-dependent destinations dealing with long COVID, Journal of Themed Experience and Attractions Studies:  2(1), 7. (external link, opens in new window)  Entertainment; Destination; Tourism; Events; Crisis management; COVID-19
Koç, B., Küçükergi̇n K. G., & Dimanche, F. (2022). How destructive are negative tourist-to-tourist interactions despite the mitigating effect of optimism? Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (external link, opens in new window)  Negative tourism-to-tourist interactions; Tourist emotions; Intention to recommend; Revisit intention; PLS-SEM; Optimism
Peesker, K. M., Kerr, P. D., Bolander, W., Ryals, L. J., Lister, J. A., & Dover, H. F. (2022). Hiring for sales success: The emerging importance of salesperson analytical skills. Journal of Business Research, 144, 17-30. (external link, opens in new window)  Analytical skills; MIxed methods; Sales skills; Salesperson performance; Scale development
Smith, W. W., Madariaga, J. F., Pitts, R. E., & Wang, W. (2022). A tale of two sponsors: Comparing channels of sponsorship effectiveness using a local charity-linked event. Event Management. (external link, opens in new window)  Charity-linked event; Corporate social responsibility; Fit; Intention to purchase; Sponsorship 

Guttentag, D. A., Scott, B. C., Pitts, R. E., & Smith, W. W. (2022). 'Southern hospitality' in Charleston, South Carolina: The diverse meanings of a regional form of hospitality in a growing tourism destination. Tourism Recreation Research, 1–13. (external link, opens in new window) 

Southern hospitality; hospitality; tourist gaze; Authenticity; Charleston; Southern United States
Litvin, S. W., Guttentag, D., & Smith, W. W. (2022). Who Should You Market to in a Crisis? Examining Plog’s Model during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Travel Research61(5), 981-989. (external link, opens in new window)  Crisis management; Coronavirus; COVID-19; Panademic; Plog; Psychographic




 (PDF file) The impact of video games on destination image Dubois, L., & Griffin, T., Gibbs, C., & Guttebtag, D.

Dubois, L., Griffen, T., Gibbs, C., & Guttentag, D. (2021). The impact of video games on destination image. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(4), 554-566. (external link, opens in new window) 



 (PDF file) Tourism development from disaster capitalism Wright, K., Kelman. I, & Dodds, R.  Wright, K. A., Kelman, I., & Dodds, R. (2021). Tourism development from disaster capitalism. Annals of tourism research, 89, 103070. (external link) 
Hotel Market Analysis: The case of Beijing in China Jang, J. Kim, M., & Oh. H.  Jang, J. Kim, M., & Oh. H. (2021). Hotel Market Analysis: The case of Beijing in China. In M. A. Gardini, M. C. Ottenbacher, & M. Schuckert (Eds.), The Routledge companion to international hospitality management (pp. 392-400). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
How Chinese lodging industry handled the crisis in post-Covid-19 crisis: An explorative study on crisis management practices and the mediating effects of the organizational factors Li, J., Lu, Z., Oh, H.  Li, J., Lu, Z., Oh, H. (June 2, 2021). How Chinese lodging industry handled the crisis in post-Covid-19 crisis: An explorative study on crisis management practices and the mediating effects of the organizational factors (accepted for stand-up presentation). APacCHRIE 2021, Singapore.
Leisure Matters: Cross Continent Conversations in a Time of Crisis Havitz, M., Pritchard, M. P., & Dimanche, F.  Havitz, M., Pritchard, M. P., & Dimanche, F. (2021). Leisure Matters: Cross Continent Conversations in a Time of Crisis. Leisure Sciences, 43(1–2), 323–329. (external link, opens in new window) 
Effect of role ambiguity on event volunteers' job satisfaction and performance: Role of social exchange qualities Oh, H., Jeon, H., Choi, J., & Griffin, T. Oh, H., Jeon, H., Choi, J., & Griffin, T. (2021). Effect of role ambiguity on event volunteers' job satisfaction and performance: Role of social exchange qualities. Proceeding at West Federation CHRIE, February. 18-20.
Overtourism mitigation: Moving deckchairs around on the Titanic? Dodds, R. & Butler, R. W. Dodds, R. & Butler, RW. (2021) Overtourism mitigation: Moving deckchairs around on the Titanic? Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing.
The Corporate Responsibility Paradox: A Multi-National Investigation of Business Traveller Attitudes and Their Sustainable Travel Behaviour. Sustainability Walsh, P. R., Dodds, R., Priskin, J., Day, J., & Belozerova, O Walsh, P. R., Dodds, R., Priskin, J., Day, J., & Belozerova, O. (2021). The Corporate Responsibility Paradox: A Multi-National Investigation of Business Traveller Attitudes and Their Sustainable Travel Behaviour. Sustainability, 13(8), 4343.
KASA Turkey: solving a strategy and sales issue while keeping core values: an Intrepid Travel in Case Based Research Dodds, R. & Sadowski, M. Dodds, R. & Sadowski, M. (2021) KASA Turkey: solving a strategy and sales issue while keeping core values: an Intrepid Travel in Case Based Research in (Sigala, M., Yeark, A., Presbury, R., Fang, M., Smith, K.A. (Eds). Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Events (external link, opens in new window) 
Tourist willingness to pay for local green hotel certification Nelson, K. M., Partelow, S., Stäbler, M., Graci, S., & Fujitani, M. 

Nelson, K. M., Partelow, S., Stabler, M., Graci, S., & Fujitani, M. (2021). Tourist willingness to pay for local Green Hotel Certification. PLOS ONE, 16(2). (external link, opens in new window) 

 (image file) Thoughts from the think tank: lessons learned from the sustainable Indigenous tourism symposium (opens in new window)  Graci, S. Maher, P. and Peterson, B., Hardy, A. & Vaugeois, N. Graci, S., Maher, P. T., Peterson, B., Hardy, A., & Vaugeois, N. (2021). Thoughts from the think tank: lessons learned from the sustainable Indigenous tourism symposium. Journal of Ecotourism, 20(2), 189–197. (external link, opens in new window) 
Understanding policy integration of the Sustainable Development Goals: A Network Theory approach.
Dodds, R., & Wong, S

Dodds, R., & Wong, S. (2021). Understanding policy integration of the Sustainable Development Goals: A Network Theory approach. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 1(2), 1-22. DOI: 10.4038/sajth.v1i2.35 (external link, opens in new window) 

 (PDF file) At home or abroad, does our behavior change? Examining how everyday behavior influences sustainable travel behavior and tourist clusters (opens in new window)  Dodds, R., Holmes, M., & Frochot, I.  Holmes, M. R., Dodds, R., & Frochot, I. (2021). At Home or Abroad, Does Our Behavior Change? Examining How Everyday Behavior Influences Sustainable Travel Behavior and Tourist Clusters. Journal of Travel Research, 60(1), 102-116. (external link, opens in new window) 
The Visitor Economy and Main Streets in a Post-Pandemic World Griffin, T., Jamieson, W., Francis, N., & Bird, A.  Griffin, T., Jamieson, W., Francis, N., & Bird, A. (2021). The Visitor Economy and Main Streets in a Post-Pandemic World. Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Research, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto. 
International travel and political views Litvin, S. & Smith, W.  Litvin, S. W., & Smith, W. W. (2021). International travel and political views. International Journal of Tourism Research, 23(1), 106-109. (external link, opens in new window) 
Ethnic bias and design factors impact response rates of online travel surveys Pan, B., Smith, W. W., Litvin, S. W., Yuan, Y., & Woodside, A  Pan, B., Smith, W. W., Litvin, S. W., Yuan, Y., & Woodside, A. (2021). Ethnic bias and design factors impact response rates of online travel surveys. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 1-16. (external link, opens in new window) 
Political attitudes and Plog's travel personality model.  Litvin, S. W., Guttentag, D. A., & Smith, W. W. Litvin, S. W., Guttentag, D. A., & Smith, W. W. (2021).  Political attitudes and Plog's travel personality model.  International Journal of Tourism Research. (external link, opens in new window) 
Who should you market to in a crisis?  Examining Plog’s model during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Litvin, S. W., Guttentag, D., & Smith, W. W. Litvin, S. W., Guttentag, D., & Smith, W. W. (2021). Who should you market to in a crisis?  Examining Plog’s model during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Journal of Travel Research. (external link, opens in new window) 
International Travel and Coronavirus: A Very Early USA-Based Study. Litvin, S. W., & Smith, W. W.  Litvin, S. W., & Smith, W. W. (2021).  International Travel and Coronavirus: A Very Early USA-Based Study. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration. (external link, opens in new window) 
The development of self-efficacy and self-leadership within USA accredited sales programs: an exploratory study on sales career preparedness
Knight, P., Peesker, K., & Mich, C. C.
Knight, P., Peesker, K. and Mich, C.C. (2021). The development of self-efficacy and self-leadership within USA accredited sales programs: an exploratory study on sales career preparedness, Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 12(1),26-49. (external link, opens in new window) 
An ecosystems analysis of how sales managers develop salespeople
Peesker, K. M., Ryals, L. J., Rich, G. A., & Davis, L.
Peesker, K.M., Ryals, L.J., Rich, G.A. and Davis, L. (2021). An ecosystems analysis of how sales managers develop salespeople, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36(4),654-665. (external link, opens in new window) 
Time for a Reset? Post-Pandemic "Southern Hospitality" in Charleston, South Carolina Scott, B., Guttentag, D. A., Pitts, R. E. & Smith W. W.  Scott, B., Guttentag, D.A., Pitts, R.E. & Smith W.W. (2021). Time for a Reset? Post-Pandemic "Southern Hospitality" in Charleston, South Carolina. TOURMAN 2021 Book of Abstracts Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after.  E. Christou, A. Fotiadias & K. Alexandris [Eds]  94-96. (opens in new window) 
Visitor. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao Smith, S. L. J. & Smith, W. W. Smith, S.L.J. & Smith, W.W. (Accepted). Visitor. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer.
Nearest Neighbor Analysis. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao Smith, W. W. Smith, W. W. (Accepted). Nearest Neighbor Analysis. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer.
How to prepare Research Papers & Case Study Smith, W. W.  Smith, W.W. (2021). Webinar – How to prepare Research Papers & Case Study?  St. Joseph’s Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology. Palai.  July 31st, 2021.
International Panel Discussion on Innovation and Start-Up Ecosystem Enablers. Smith, W. W.  Smith, W. W. (Panelist) Esha Jain (Panel Chair). (2021).  International Panel Discussion on Innovation and Start-Up Ecosystem Enablers.  The Northcap University.  Institution Innovation Council. July 29, 2021.
Hotel Service Enhancement for the Guests with Autism in Post COVID: Reflections on Accessible Tourism. Smith, W. W. Smith, W. W. (2021). Hotel Service Enhancement for the Guests with Autism in Post COVID: Reflections on Accessible Tourism.  July 2nd, 2021. e-EDP on Entrepreneurship in Tourism: Promoting Sustainable & Responsible Approach - Webinar.  Assam Kaziranga University, India.
The futures of entertainment-dependent cities in a post-COVID world Dubois, L.-E. and Dimanche, F. Dubois, L.-E. and Dimanche, F. (2021), "The futures of entertainment dependent cities in a post-COVID world", Journal of Tourism Futures, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 364-376. (external link) 
Introduction to special issue on island tourism resilience McLeod, M., Dodds, R., & Butler, R McLeod, M., Dodds, R., & Butler, R. (2021). Introduction to special issue on island tourism resilience. Tourism Geographies23(3), 361–370. (external link, opens in new window) 
Assessing accommodation suppliers' perceptions of climate change adaptation actions on Koh Phi Phi Island, Thailand Hess, J. S., Dodds, R., & Kelman, I. Hess, J. S., Dodds, R., & Kelman, I. (2021). Assessing accommodation suppliers' perceptions of climate change adaptation actions on Koh Phi Phi Island, Thailand. ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism19(1), 1-14. (external link, opens in new window) 
Developing international collaborations: Best practices and future visions.  Dimanche, F. Dimanche, F. (2021, March). Developing international collaborations: Best practices and future visions. T.H.E. Global Higher Education Summit, Temple University, USA. 
La crise des talents dans le tourisme, de l’école aux entreprises. [The talent crisis in tourism, from schools to businesses]. Dimanche, F. Dimanche, F. (2021, March). La crise des talents dans le tourisme, de l’école aux entreprises. [The talent crisis in tourism, from schools to businesses]. Canada Tourism and Hospitality Labour Market Forum. Tourism HR Canada, Ottawa. 
Wineries as tourist attractions: Using the arts to create a sense of place. Dimanche, F. Dimanche, F. (2021, March). Wineries as tourist attractions: Using the arts to create a sense of place. Invited presentation at Alliance for Research on Wine & Hospitality Management. Bordeaux, France. 
Retailers in Canada must compete for talent amid challenges due to the pandemic Strom, F., & Dimanche, F. Strom, F., & Dimanche, F. (2021, March 31). Retailers in Canada must compete for talent amid challenges due to the pandemic. Retail Insider. Retrieved from nt-amid-challenges-due-to-the-pandemic-expert/ (opens in new window) 
The future of retail in Canada.  Strom, F., & Dimanche, F.  Strom, F., & Dimanche, F. (2021, February 18). The future of retail in Canada. Retail Insider. Retrieved from (external link, opens in new window) 




 (PDF file) Identifying active resident hosts of VFR visitors (opens in new window)  Griffin, T. & Guttentag, D. Griffin, T., & Guttentag, D. (2020). Identifying active resident hosts of VFR visitors. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22(5), 627-636. (external link, opens in new window) 
 (PDF file) Is Blue Flag certification a means of destination competitiveness? A Canadian context? (opens in new window)  Dodds, R. & Holmes, M. Dodds, R., & Holmes, M. R. (2020). Is blue flag certification a means of destination competitiveness? A Canadian context. Ocean & Coastal Management, 192, 105192. (external link, opens in new window) 
 (PDF file) Shaping our perception of reality: sustainability communication by Canadian festivals (opens in new window)  Dodds, R., Novotny, M., & Harper, S. Dodds, R., Novotny, M., & Harper, S. (2020). Shaping our perception of reality: sustainability communication by Canadian festivals. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 11(4), 473-492. (external link, opens in new window) 
 (PDF file) Examining stakeholder perceptions towards sustainable tourism in an island destination. The case of Savusavu, Fiji. (opens in new window)  Graci, S. & Van Vliet, L. Graci, S., & Van Vliet, L. (2020). Examining Stakeholder Perceptions Towards Sustainable Tourism in an Island Destination. The Case of Savusavu, Fiji. Tourism Planning & Development, 17(1), 62 81. (external link, opens in new window) 
 (PDF file) The role of team-member exchange: Restaurant servers’ emotional intelligence, job performance and tip size (opens in new window)  Oh, H., & Jang, J. Oh, H., & Jang, J. (2020). The role of team-member exchange: Restaurant servers’ emotional intelligence, job performance, and tip size. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 19(1), 43–61. (external link, opens in new window) 
 (PDF file) The tourists experience life cycle: A perspective article Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2020), "The tourist experience life cycle: a perspective article", Tourism Review, Vol. 75 No. 1, pp. 216-220. (external link, opens in new window) 
Walking the Talk: LinkedIn’s Best Practices to Advance Women in Sales Peesker, K. & Lister, J.  Peesker, K. M., & Lister, J. A. (2020). Walking the Talk: LinkedIn’s Best Practices to Advance Women in Sales (external link, opens in new window) . Journal of Selling, 20(2), 79-89. 
Leisure Matters: Cross Continent Conversations in a Time of Crisis Havitz, M., Pritchard, M. P., & Dimanche, F. Havitz, M., Pritchard, M. P., & Dimanche, F. (2020). Leisure Matters: Cross Continent Conversations in a Time of Crisis. Leisure Sciences,1-7. doi:10.1080/01490400.2020.1774451
Are luxury and sustainability compatible? A Canadian social entrepreneurship case. Dimanche, F., & Della Lucia, M.  Dimanche, F., & Della Lucia, M. (2020, June). Are luxury and sustainability compatible? A Canadian social entrepreneurship case. Paper accepted at the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) conference, Victoria, Canada (Conference cancelled). 
Immigration and labor in tourism: The case of Canada Dimanche, F., & Della Lucia, M. Dimanche, F., & McDonald, C. (2020, June). Immigration and labor in tourism: The case of Canada. Paper accepted at the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) conference, Victoria, Canada (Conference cancelled). 
Tourism: The new normal  Dimanche, F. Dimanche, F. (2020, June). Tourism: The new normal. Kostuch Media panel discussion and podcast. 
Hospitality education and Covid Dimanche, F. Dimanche, F. (2020, November). Kostuch Media panel discussion and podcast. Hospitality education and Covid. 
Tourism and sustainability Dimanche, F. Dimanche, F. (2020, October). Tourism and sustainability. Invited speaker at Telecom Valley Tourism@ 10th Anniversary Meeting. Sophia Antipolis, France. 
Customer experience will help retailers overcome the financial hit from coronavirus.  Dimanche, F., & Strom, S Dimanche, F., & Strom, S. (2020, June 22). Customer experience will help retailers overcome the financial hit from coronavirus. The Conversation. Retrieved from ial-hit-from-coronavirus-140238 
Greening the Guest Bedroom: Exploring Hosts’ Perspectives on Environmental Certification for Airbnb. Fudurich, G. & MacKay, K.
Fudurich, G. & MacKay, K. (2020). Greening the Guest Bedroom: Exploring Hosts’ Perspectives on Environmental Certification for Airbnb. Tourism and Hospitality Research 20(4) 423–434. 
Mobile money versus mobile wallet - why are their diffusion rate different?  Shaw, N. Shaw, N. (2020). Mobile money versus mobile wallet - why are their diffusion rate different? RARCS. 
Privacy: young users of mobile wallets are less concerned. Shaw, N.  Shaw, N. (2020). Privacy: young users of mobile wallets are less concerned. HCII. 
Ubiquity: the key to extensive use of mobile money in Kenya Shaw, N.   Shaw, N. (2020). Ubiquity: the key to extensive use of mobile money in Kenya. HCII. 
Shaping our perception of reality: Sustainability communication by Canadian festivals Dodds, R., Novotny, M., & Harper, S. Dodds, R., Novotny, M., & Harper, S. (2020). Shaping our perception of reality: Sustainability communication by Canadian festivals. International Journal of Event and Festival Management,11(4), 473-492. doi:10.1108/ijefm-03-2020-0012 
Because I believe in it: Examining intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for sustainability in festivals through self-determination theory.  Dodds, R., Holmes, M., & Novotny, M.  Dodds, R., Holmes, M., & Novotny, M. (2020). Because I believe in it: Examining intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for sustainability in festivals through self-determination theory. Tourism Recreation Research,1-19. doi:10.1080/02508281.2020.1841375 
Tourism development from disaster capitalism.  Wright, K., Kelman, I., & Dodds, R. Wright, K., Kelman, I., & Dodds, R. (2020). Tourism development from disaster capitalism. Annals of Tourism Research,103070. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2020.103070 
The corporate environmental responsibility paradox: a multi-national investigation of business traveller attitudes and their sustainable travel behaviour.  Dodds, R., Walsh, P., & Priskin, J. Dodds, R., Walsh, P., & Priskin, J. (2020). The corporate environmental responsibility paradox: a multi-national investigation of business traveller attitudes and their sustainable travel behaviour. TTRA Canada Conference. 
Tourism development from disaster capitalism Wright, K.A.; Kelman, I. & Dodds, R Wright, K.A.; Kelman, I. & Dodds, R (2020) Tourism development from disaster capitalism Annals of Tourism Research DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2020.103070  
Because I believe in it: Examining Intrinsic and  Extrinsic Motivations for Sustainability in Festivals through Self-determination Theory Dodds, R., Holmes, M. & Novonty, M.  Dodds, R., Holmes, M. & Novonty, M. (2020) Because I believe in it: Examining Intrinsic and  Extrinsic Motivations for Sustainability in Festivals through Self-determination Theory Tourism Recreation Research DOI: 10.1080/02508281.2020/184375  
Shaping our perception of reality:  Sustainability Communication by Canadian Festivals Dodds, R., Novonty, M., & Harper, S. Dodds, R., Novonty, M., & Harper, S. (2020) Shaping our perception of reality:  Sustainability Communication by Canadian Festivals. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. Vol 11(4): 473-492 DOI: 10.1108/IJEFM-03-2020-0012
 (PDF file) Preferences at city and rural beaches: are the tourists different? Dodds, R. & Holmes, M.R. Dodds, R. & Holmes, M.R. (2020) Preferences at city and rural beaches: are the tourists different? Journal of Coastal Research 36(2), 393-402. (external link) 
 (PDF file) Using a participatory integrated watershed management approach for tourism (opens in new window)  Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2020). Using a Participatory Integrated Watershed Management Approach for Tourism. Tourism Planning & Development, 17(1), 1–16. (external link, opens in new window) 
Is Blue Flag certification a means of destination competitiveness? A Canadian context Dodds, R. & Holmes, M.R. Dodds, R. & Holmes, M.R. (2020) Is Blue Flag certification a means of destination competitiveness? A Canadian context Ocean and Coastal Management Vol 192 DOI 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105192
The corporate environmental responsibility paradox: a multi-national investigation of business traveller attitudes and their sustainable travel behaviour. Walsh, P., Dodds, R., & Priskin, J.  Walsh, P., Dodds, R., & Priskin, J. (2020) The corporate environmental responsibility paradox: a multi-national investigation of business traveller attitudes and their sustainable travel behaviour. TTRA International Conference. (COVID therefore online)
From Theory to Practice: The Examination of Best Practices in Sustainable Indigenous Tourism in Canada. Graci, S. Graci, S. (2020). From Theory to Practice: The Examination of Best Practices in Sustainable Indigenous Tourism in Canada. World Indigenous Tourism Symposium (Cancelled) 
The Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Indigenous Tourism Development: Examining Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Tourism Development in Canada.  Graci, S. Graci, S. (2020). The Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Indigenous Tourism Development: Examining Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Tourism Development in Canada. TTRA International Conference (Cancelled) 
Exploring the Use of Environmental Instruments as a Method to Promote Sustainable Tourism in Islands. The Case of Savusavu, Fiji. Graci, S. Graci, S. (2020). Invited Speaker. Exploring the Use of Environmental Instruments as a Method to Promote Sustainable Tourism in Islands. The Case of Savusavu, Fiji. International Geography Union’s India International Conference. 
The Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Indigenous Tourism Development.  Graci, S. Graci, S. (2020). The Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Indigenous Tourism Development. DEVNET conference. New Zealand. 
The Development of Social and Cultural Capitals for Immigrant Hosts of VFR Travellers Griffin, T., & Glover, T. D. Griffin, T., & Glover, T. D. (2020). The Development of Social and Cultural Capitals for Immigrant Hosts of VFR Travellers. Leisure Sciences,1-19. doi:10.1080/01490400.2020.1817201 
Toronto BIAs' responses to COVID-19.  Griffin, T., Liu, S., Lu, Y., & Bird, A. Griffin, T., Liu, S., Lu, Y., & Bird, A. (2020). Toronto BIAs' responses to COVID-19. Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Research, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto. 
BIAs and Tourism Development.  Griffin, T. Griffin, T. (2020). BIAs and Tourism Development. Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Research, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto. 
Linking and Harmonizing: Super-Premium Tourism to Community-Based Development. Jamieson, W. Jamieson, W. (2020). Linking and Harmonizing: Super-Premium Tourism to Community-Based Development. University of Indonesia. 
Reimagining the Tourism Industry: Towards the Better Normal.  Jamieson, W. Jamieson, W. (2020). Reimagining the Tourism Industry: Towards the Better Normal. The Hospitality Industry in 2030, sponsored by Confexhub. 
Tourism Planning for the New Normal. Jamieson, W. Jamieson, W. (2020). Tourism Planning for the New Normal. The Southeast Asia Travel and Tourism Industry’s Perspective sponsored by ASEANTA (ASEAN Tourism Organization) and the Indonesia Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. 
It is Not Yesterday’s Future: Re-Imagining Tomorrow’s Destinations.  Jamieson, W. & Jamieson, M. Jamieson, W. & Jamieson, M. (2020). It is Not Yesterday’s Future: Re-Imagining Tomorrow’s Destinations. World Tourism Destination Forum sponsored by Confexhub. 
International travel and political views. Litvin, S. W., & Smith, W. W.  Litvin, S. W., & Smith, W. W. (2020). International travel and political views. International Journal of Tourism Research,23(1), 106-109. doi:10.1002/jtr.2397 
Not in My Backyard: Personal Politics and Resident Attitudes towards Tourism Litvin, S. W., & Smith, W.W. Litvin, S. W., & Smith, W.W. (2020). Not in My Backyard: Personal Politics and Resident Attitudes towards Tourism. Journal of Travel Research. 59 (4), 674-685 
Tourism Policy and Political Tribalism. Litvin, S.W. & Smith, W.W.  Litvin, S.W. & Smith, W.W. (2020). Tourism Policy and Political Tribalism. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure, and Events. 12 (2), 217-221. 
Sponsorship Outcomes for Charity-Linked Events: Participant Segments Interaction with Sponsor Attributes Pitts R.E., Smith, W.W. & Wang, W. Pitts R.E., Smith, W.W. & Wang, W. (2020). Sponsorship Outcomes for Charity-Linked Events: Participant Segments Interaction with Sponsor Attributes. Event Management. 24(6) 699-710. 
Politics & Tourism – The Political Divide.  Smith, W.W.  Smith, W.W. (2020). Politics & Tourism – The Political Divide. World Responsible Tourism Day: 16th Amity International Tourism & Hospitality Conference. 
Servant Leadership Smith, W.W.  Smith, W.W. (2020). Servant Leadership. Garden City University ALFA Webinar. 
Updates on the Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism Wolfe, K., & Smith, W.W. Wolfe, K., & Smith, W.W. (2020). Updates on the Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism. ISTTE 2020 Virtual Annual Conference. 
Updates on the Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism Wolfe, K., & Smith, W.W. Wolfe, K., & Smith, W.W. (2020). Updates on the Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism.  ISTTE 2020 Virtual Annual Conference, Oct 5-6.  October 5, 2020.
Politics & Tourism – The Political Divide Smith, W.W. Smith, W.W. (2020).  Politics & Tourism – The Political Divide.  World Responsible Tourism Day: 16th Amity International Tourism & Hospitality Conference, 25-26 September.  September 25, 2020.
Differentiating service quality impact between the online and off-line context: An empirical investigation of a corporate travel agency Fang, L., Lu, Z. & Dong, L. Fang, L., Lu, Z. & Dong, L. (2020). Differentiating service quality impact between the online and off-line context: An empirical investigation of a corporate travel agency. International Hospitality Review. doi:10.1108/IHR-01-2020-0003 
Crisis management practices in handling COVID-19 disaster in China’s chain hotels Li, J. & Lu, Z.   Li, J. & Lu, Z. (2020). Crisis management practices in handling COVID-19 disaster in China’s chain hotels. 11th Asia-Pacific CHRIE Youth Conference. 




 (PDF file) The phenomena of overtourism: A review (opens in new window)  Dodds, R. & Butler, R. Dodds, R., & Butler, R. (2019). The phenomena of overtourism: A review. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 5(4), 519 528. (external link, opens in new window) 
 (PDF file) A qualitative study of leader behaviors perceived to enable salesperson performance (opens in new window)  Peesker, K. Peesker, K. M., Ryals, L. J., Rich, G. A., & Boehnke, S. E. (2019). A qualitative study of leader behaviors perceived to enable salesperson performance. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 39(4), 319–333. (external link, opens in new window)  
 (PDF file) Uncertain tourism: Evolution of a French winter sports resort and network dynamics (opens in new window)  Rech, Y., Paget, E., & Dimanche, F. Rech, Y., Paget, E., & Dimanche, F. (2019). Uncertain tourism: Evolution of a French winter sports resort and network dynamics. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management12, 95-104. (external link, opens in new window) 
 (PDF file) Destination competitiveness in Russia: Tourism professionals’ skills and competences (opens in new window)  Andrades, L., & Dimanche, F. Andrades, L., & Dimanche, F. (2019). Destination competitiveness in Russia: Tourism professionals’ skills and competences. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(2), 910-930. (external link, opens in new window) 
 (PDF file) Environmentally sustainable lifestyle indicators of travellers and expectations for green festivals: The case of Canada (opens in new window)  Dodds, R., Walsh, P., & Koc, B. Dodds, R., Walsh, P. R., & Koç, B. (2019). Environmentally sustainable lifestyle indicators of travelers and expectations for green festivals: the case of Canada. Event Management, 23(4-5), 685-697. (external link, opens in new window) 
They Do Pay! Event merchandise attributes that affect sales and profits at a folk festival. Dodds, R.; Jenkins, B. Smith, W. and Pitts, R.E.  Dodds, R., Jenkins, B., Smith, W. W., & Pitts, R. E. (2019). They do pay! Event merchandise attributes that affect sales and profits at a folk festival. International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management, 2(2), 95-108. (external link, opens in new window) 
A Discussion of Video as a Data Collection Tool. Current Issues in Tourism Griffin, T.  Griffin, T. (2019). A discussion of video as a data collection tool. Current Issues in Tourism22(18), 2183–2196. (external link, opens in new window) 
Destination competitiveness in Russia: Tourism professionals’ skills and competencies. Andrades, L., & Dimanche, F.  Andrades, L., & Dimanche, F. (2019). Destination competitiveness in Russia: Tourism professionals’ skills and competences. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(2), 910-930. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-11-2017-0769 
Skills gaps in the luxury hospitality sector: The case of Toronto Dimanche, F., & Lo, Katherine  Dimanche, F., & Lo, Katherine (2019). Skills gaps in the luxury hospitality sector: The case of Toronto. Paper accepted for presentation at the 9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) conference, Portsmouth, UK.
Tourism stakeholders’ perspectives towards sustainable tourism in Toronto - A qualitative study.  Farmani, S., & Dimanche, F. Farmani, S., & Dimanche, F. (2019). Tourism stakeholders’ perspectives towards sustainable tourism in Toronto - A qualitative study. Paper accepted for presentation at the Travel and Tourism Research Association Europe Conference (April 8-10), Bournemouth, UK.
Information and Communication Technology and the Festival Experience. Van Winkle, C. MacKay, K. Halpenny, E. Van Winkle, C. MacKay, K. Halpenny, E. (2019). Information and Communication Technology and the Festival Experience. In J. Mair (Ed.). Routledge Handbook of Festivals pp. 254-262. Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 
Using a Participatory Integrated Watershed Management Approach for Tourism Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2019) Using a Participatory Integrated Watershed Management Approach for Tourism. Tourism Planning & Development. .
Sustainable lifestyle indicators of travellers and expectations for green festivals Dodds, R. Walsh, P. & Koc, B Dodds, R. Walsh, P. & Koc, B. (2019) Sustainable lifestyle indicators of travellers and expectations for green festivals: The case of Canada Event Management. 
Beach tourists: What factors satisfy them and drive them to return Dodds, R. & Holmes, M. Dodds, R. & Holmes, M. (2019). Beach tourists: What factors satisfy them and drive them to return. Ocean and Coastal Management, 168, 158-166.
Jobs and the Visitor Economy.
Dodds, R. 
Dodds, R. (2019) Jobs and the Visitor Economy. Tourism Educators Conference, British Columbia, Comox, Canada, April 30, 2019 (KEYNOTE SPEAKER) 
Measuring success, Central Counties Tourism Association Annual Conference Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2019) Measuring success, Central Counties Tourism Association Annual Conference, Newmarket, Canada, March 2, 2019 (KEYNOTE SPEAKER) 
Towards sustainable tourism. What does success look like? Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2019) Towards sustainable tourism. What does success look like? Tourism Lillehammer Annual Conference, Lillehammer, Norway, February 5, 2019 (KEYNOTE SPEAKER) 
Thoughts from the Think Tank: Lessons Learned from the Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Symposium Graci, S., Maher, P., Peterson, B. Hardy, A. and Vaugeois, N. Graci, S., Maher, P., Peterson, B. Hardy, A. and Vaugeois, N. (2019). Thoughts from the Think Tank: Lessons Learned from the Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Symposium. Journal of Ecotourism.
Examining the Potential for Sustainable Tourism Development in Savusavu, Fiij. Graci, S. Graci, S. (2019). Examining the Potential for Sustainable Tourism Development in Savusavu, Fiij. The 1st International Conference on Small Island States (SIS) and Subnational Island Jurisdictions (snijs)March 26-29, 2019, University of Aruba, Oranjestad, Aruba
How to Fund Change. Graci, S. Graci, S. (2019). How to Fund Change. IMPACT Sustainable Tourism Conference. Victoria, British Columbia, January 19 to 23, 2019 (INVITED SPEAKER) 
The effectiveness of virtual reality as a destination marketing medium Griffin, T., Guttentag, D., Lee, S. H., Giberson, J., & Dimanche, F.  Griffin, T., Guttentag, D., Lee, S. H., Giberson, J., & Dimanche, F. (2019). The effectiveness of virtual reality as a destination marketing medium. Paper accepted for presentation at the 5th International Augmented and Virtual Reality Conference (June 12-14). UniBW, Munich, Germany.
Virtual Reality experiences enhance the comprehension and memory of travel destinations.  Lee, S. H., Sergueeva, K., Kandaurova, M., Griffin, T., Dimanche, F., Guttentag, D., Baek, E., Hogue, J., & Giberson, J. Lee, S. H., Sergueeva, K., Kandaurova, M., Griffin, T., Dimanche, F., Guttentag, D., Baek, E., Hogue, J., & Giberson, J. (2019). Virtual Reality experiences enhance the comprehension and memory of travel destinations. Paper accepted for presentation at the 5th International Augmented and Virtual Reality Conference (June 12-14). UniBW, Munich, Germany.
Travel and Art: How art creates value for destinations and hotels. Dimanche, F.  Dimanche, F. (2019). Travel and Art: How art creates value for destinations and hotels. Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium. Brunico, Italy. (KEYNOTE SPEAKER) 
Tourism and hospitality insights: Virtual Reality.  Dimanche, F. & Giberson, J  Dimanche, F. & Giberson, J (2019) Tourism and hospitality insights: Virtual Reality. In A. Fyall, P. Legohérel, I. Frochot, & Y. Wang, Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality: Collaboration, technology and experiences (pp. 428-430). London: Routledge. 
The role of team-member exchange: Restaurant servers’ emotional intelligence, job performance and tip size Oh, H.  Oh, H. (2019). The role of team-member exchange: Restaurant servers’ emotional intelligence, job performance and tip size. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism.
Qualitative Content Analysis of Leader Behaviours Perceived to Enable Salesperson Performance. Peesker, K. Peesker, K. (2019). Qualitative Content Analysis of Leader Behaviours Perceived to Enable Salesperson Performance. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 
Qualitative Content Analysis of Leader Behaviours Perceived to Enable Salesperson Performance. Peesker, K.  Peesker, K. (2019). Qualitative Content Analysis of Leader Behaviours Perceived to Enable Salesperson Performance. Global Sales Science Institute Conference in Panama (Speaker) 
Skills gaps in the luxury hospitality sector: the case of Toronto Lo, K. & Dimanche, F. Lo, K. & Dimanche, F. (2019). Skills gaps in the luxury hospitality sector: the case of Toronto. 9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference. Portsmouth, UK. 
The Impact of Video Games on Destination Image.  Dubois, L., Griffin, T., Gibbs, C., & Guttentag, D. Dubois, L., Griffin, T., Gibbs, C., & Guttentag, D. (In Press). The Impact of Video Games on Destination Image. Current Issues in Tourism.
The Phenomena of Overtourism: A review Dodds, R. & Butler, R. Dodds, R. & Butler, R. (2019). The Phenomena of Overtourism: A review. International Journal of City Tourism. ISSN: 2056-5607
Preferences at city rural beaches: are tourists different? Dodds, R. & Holmes, M.  Dodds, R. & Holmes, M. (2019). Preferences at city rural beaches: are tourists different?. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(2).
The tourists experience life cycle: A perspective article Dodds, R.  Dodds, R. (2019). The tourists experience life cycle: A perspective article. Tourism Review. 
At Home or Abroad, Does Our Behavior Change? Examining How Everyday Behavior Influences Sustainable Travel Behavior and Tourist Clusters Dodds, R. & Holmes, M. Dodds, R. & Holmes, M. (2019). At Home or Abroad, Does Our Behavior Change? Examining How Everyday Behavior Influences Sustainable Travel Behavior and Tourist Clusters. Journal of Travel Research
At home or Abroad, Does Our Behavior Change? Examining How Everyday Behavior Influences Sustainable Travel Behavior and Tourist Clusters Dodds, R., Holmes, M., & Frochot, I. Dodds, R., Holmes, M., & Frochot, I. (2019). At home or Abroad, Does Our Behavior Change? Examining How Everyday Behavior Influences Sustainable Travel Behavior and Tourist Clusters. Journal of Travel Research. (external link, opens in new window) 
Overtourism: Issues, Realities and Solutions Dodds, R. & Butler, R.W.
Dodds, R. & Butler, R.W. Overtourism: Issues, Realities and Solutions, De Gruyter, ISBN 978-3-11-060570-9 (forthcoming) 
Examining Stakeholder Perceptions Towards Sustainable Tourism in an Island Destination Graci, S. & Van Vliet, L. Graci, S. & Van Vliet, L. (2019).  Examining Stakeholder Perceptions Towards Sustainable Tourism in an Island Destination. The Case of Savusavu, Fiji. Tourism Planning & Development. 
Sustainable Indigenous Tourism: Thoughts from the Think Tank Graci, S. Maher, P. and Peterson, B., Hardy, A. and Vaugeois, N. Graci, S. Maher, P. and Peterson, B., Hardy, A. and Vaugeois, N. (2019) Sustainable Indigenous Tourism: Thoughts from the Think Tank. Journal of Ecotourism Special Issue on Sustainable. Indigenous Tourism. 
Exploring the use of Environmental Instruments as a Method to Promote Sustainable Tourism in Islands. Graci, S. Graci, S. (2019). Exploring the use of Environmental Instruments as a Method to Promote Sustainable Tourism in Islands. Critical Tourism Studies, Ibiza, Spain 
International Indigenous Tourism Conference. “Inspire. Transform. Unite. Accelerating Indigenous tourism growth.  Graci, S.   Graci, S. (2019). International Indigenous Tourism Conference. “Inspire. Transform. Unite. Accelerating Indigenous tourism growth. Syilx, Kelowna, CA. (ATTENDEE) 
Tourism Industry Association of Ontario Congress Graci, S. & Dodds, R.  Graci, S. & Dodds, R. (2019). Tourism Industry Association of Ontario Congress. Collingwood, Canada. (ATTENDEES) 
The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality as a Destination Marketing Medium. Griffin, T., Guttentag, D., Lee, S. H. Griffin, T., Guttentag, D., Lee, S. H. (M.), Giberson, J., & Dimanche, F. (2019, June). The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality as a Destination Marketing Medium. International Augmented and Virtual Reality Conference (IAVR) 2019, Munich, Germany. 
Virtual Reality Experiences Enhance the Comprehension and Memory of Travel  Lee, S. H. (M.), Sergueeva, K., Kandaurova, M., Griffin, T., Dimanche, F., Guttentag, D., Baek, E., Hogue, J., & Giberson, J.
Lee, S. H. (M.), Sergueeva, K., Kandaurova, M., Griffin, T., Dimanche, F., Guttentag, D., Baek, E., Hogue, J., & Giberson, J. (2019, June). Virtual Reality Experiences Enhance the Comprehension and Memory of Travel . International Augmented and Virtual Reality Conference (IAVR) 2019, Munich, Germany. 
How Canadian Millennials perceive China as a tourist destination?  Bai, K., Sun, S., Ying, Y., Zhang, W., Zhong, W. & Lu, Z.  Bai, K., Sun, S., Ying, Y., Zhang, W., Zhong, W. & Lu, Z. (2019, May 22-25). How Canadian Millennials perceive China as a tourist destination? Hong Kong, China.  (external link, opens in new window) 
At Home or Abroad, Does Our Behavior Change? Examining How Everyday Behavior Influences Sustainable Travel Behavior and Tourist Clusters. Holmes, M. R., Dodds, R., & Frochot, I. Dodds, R., Holmes, M., & Frochot, I. (2019). At home or Abroad, Does Our Behavior Change? Examining How Everyday Behavior Influences Sustainable Travel Behavior and Tourist Clusters. Journal of Travel Research.  (external link) 
Title Author(s) Journal
Nigel’s choice: A hotel appraiser’s decision-making Issues when interests conflict Gibbs, C., & Cook-Johnson, G.  Gibbs, C., & Cook-Johnson, G. (2018). Nigel’s choice: A hotel appraiser’s decision-making Issues when interests conflict, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases.
Pricing in the sharing economy: A hedonic pricing model applied to Airbnb listings Gibbs, C., Guttentag, D., Gretzel, U., Morton, J., & Goodwill, A Gibbs, C., Guttentag, D., Gretzel, U., Morton, J., & Goodwill, A.  (2018). Pricing in the sharing economy: A hedonic pricing model applied to Airbnb listings. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(1), 46-56. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2017.1308292
Use of dynamic pricing strategies by Airbnb hosts Gibbs, C., Guttentag, D., Gretzel, U., Yao, L., & Morton, J.  Gibbs, C., Guttentag, D., Gretzel, U., Yao, L., & Morton, J. (2018). Use of dynamic pricing strategies by Airbnb hosts, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(1), 2-20. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-09-2016-0540
The influence of immigration on tourism: The case of Canada Dimanche, F.  Dimanche, F. (2018, April). The influence of immigration on tourism: The case of Canada. Invited presentation at the Tourism Studies Group and the Center for Canadian Studies at UC Berkeley. 
Leveraging the luxury customer experience to your advantage. Dimanche, F.  Dimanche, F. (2018, April). Leveraging the luxury customer experience to your advantage. Ted Rogers School of Management Executive and Corporate Education, Strategy and Intrapreneurship Series. Toronto Region Board of Trade, Toronto. 
Cleaning up housekeeping: A Revinate benchmark study on the cleanliness of Canadian hotels. Dimanche, F. Dimanche, F. (2018, February). Cleaning up housekeeping: A Revinate benchmark study on the cleanliness of Canadian hotels. Invited speaker at Hotel Association of Canada Annual conference. Toronto, Canada. 
Leadership behaviors perceived to enable salesperson performance. Boehnke, Peesker, K. & Ryals, L.  Boehnke, Peesker, K. & Ryals, L. (2018, April). Leadership behaviors perceived to enable salesperson performance. Proceedings of the 2018 National Conference in Sales Management 1 (pp. 48-52). San Diego, CA April 11th-13th, 2018 
Engaging Festival Audiences through Social Media. Van Winkle, C., Buddefield, J., MacKay, K., & Halpenny, E.  Van Winkle, C., Buddefield, J., MacKay, K., & Halpenny, E. (2018). Engaging Festival Audiences through Social Media. ENTER 2018 eTourism Conference, Jonkoping, Sweden. 
The Challenges of Full-Service Restaurant Brand Internationalization: A United States/Canada Perspective. Wade, R., Holmes, M. R., & Gibbs, C Wade, R., Holmes, M. R., & Gibbs, C. (2018). The Challenges of Full-Service Restaurant Brand Internationalization: A United States/Canada Perspective. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 21(2), 139-153. DOI: 10.1080/15378020.2017.1346987
Assessing the factors that influence waste generation and diversion at Canadian festivals. Dodds, R., & Walsh, P. R.  Dodds, R., & Walsh, P. R. (2018). Assessing the factors that influence waste generation and diversion at Canadian festivals. Current Issues in Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2018.1461813
Lake watershed tourists: Who they are and how to attract them.  Dodds, R., & Holmes, M. Dodds, R., & Holmes, M. (2018). Lake watershed tourists: Who they are and how to attract them. Journal of Tourism & Hospitality, 6(6). 1-8. DOI: 10.4172/2167-0269.1000331
Sustainable lifestyle indicators of travellers and expectations for green festivals: The case of Canada, Dodds, R., Koc, B. & Holmes, M. Dodds, R., Koc, B. & Holmes, M. (2018) Sustainable lifestyle indicators of travellers and expectations for green festivals: The case of Canada, TTRA Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 24-26, 2018 
Fun or filth: festivals and waste management Dodds, R. & Walsh, P.  Dodds, R. & Walsh, P. (2018) Fun or filth: festivals and waste management, TTRA Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 24-26, 2018 
Planning for growth in islands: The case of Cuba  Dodds, R., Dimanche, F., & Sadowski, M. Dodds, R., Dimanche, F., & Sadowski, M. (2018). Planning for growth in islands: The case of Cuba (Ch. 7). In M. McLeod & R. Croes (Eds.), Tourism management in warm-water island destinations (pp. 95-107). Wallingford, UK: CABI. 
Challenges and opportunities for nature-based tourism Dodds, R.  Dodds, R. (2018, March) Challenges and opportunities for nature-based tourism, Aktiba Tu: Conference on Nature and Sustainability in Tourism, March 7,2018 Tolosa, Spain (KEYNOTE SPEAKER) 
 IMPACT Sustainable Tourism Conference Dodds, R.  Dodds, R. (2018, January) IMPACT Sustainable Tourism Conference, Victoria, Canada, Jan 22-24, 2018 (CO-CHAIR) 
Canada: What are we sustaining? Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2018, January) Canada: What are we sustaining? IMPACT Sustainable Tourism Conference, Victoria, Canada, Jan 22-24, 2018 
Who is the Canadian Sustainable Tourism Consumer Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2018, January) Who is the Canadian Sustainable Tourism Consumer, IMPACT Sustainable Tourism Conference, Victoria, Canada, Jan 22-24, 2018 
Current behaviour and propensity to seek out sustainable tourism Dodds, R Dodds, R (2018 March) Current behaviour and propensity to seek out sustainable tourism, IREGE – Institut de recherché en gestion et economie, Univesrity SMB, Annecy, France 
Sustainable tourism? Overcoming challenges – industry examples.  Dodds, R Dodds, R. (2018, March) Sustainable tourism? Overcoming challenges – industry examples. University Savoie Mont Blanc, Invited Guest Lecture, March 31, 2018 
The Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Symposium: Community Based Tourism and Management. Graci, Sonya Graci, Sonya (2018) The Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Symposium: Community Based Tourism and Management. Thoughts from the Think Tank. 
The Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Symposium: Community Based Tourism and Management. Graci, Sonya Graci, Sonya (2018) The Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Symposium: Community Based Tourism and Management. Thoughts from the Think Tank. IMPACT Conference. Jan 21-23, 2018. Victoria, Canada. 
Virtual Reality and Implications for Destination Marketing Griffin, T., Giberson, J., Lee, S. H. (M.) & Dimanche, F.  Griffin, T., Giberson, J., Lee, S. H. (M.) & Dimanche, F. (2018, June). Virtual Reality and Implications for Destination Marketing. Travel and Tourism Research Association International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 
Virtual Reality and Travel: Implications, Opportunities and Dilemmas Griffin, T. Griffin, T. (2018, March). Virtual Reality and Travel: Implications, Opportunities and Dilemmas. Research Symposium: Ten years of research in tourism and hospitality management; continuity or rupture? UQAM, Montreal, QB, Canada. 
Constructionism: The Making of Meaning in Tourism and Hospitality Research.  Griffin, T. Griffin, T. (2018). Constructionism: The Making of Meaning in Tourism and Hospitality Research. In R. Nunkoo (Ed.). Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 
Narrative Analysis and Tourism Research Griffin, T.   Griffin, T. (2018). Narrative Analysis and Tourism Research. In R. Nunkoo (Ed.). Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 
Measuring service quality differences in online and offline context: An empirical investigation of a corporate travel agency. Ling, F., Dong, L. & Lu, Z.  Ling, F., Dong, L. & Lu, Z. (2018, June). Measuring service quality differences in online and offline context: An empirical investigation of a corporate travel agency. The 8th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) conference. Bangkok. 
How do immigrants affect international tourism flows and the labour market?  Dimanche, F., Koç, B., & Griffin, T.  Dimanche, F., Koç, B., & Griffin, T. (2018, July). How do immigrants affect international tourism flows and the labour market? Paper presented at The IAFOR International Conference on the City, Barcelona, Spain.
The impact of immigrants in the Canadian tourism sector  Dimanche, F., Koç, B., & Griffin, T.  Dimanche, F., Koç, B., & Griffin, T. (2018, September). The impact of immigrants in the Canadian tourism sector (abstract). Book of abstracts of the Nexus of migration of tourism: Creating social sustainability international symposium (pp. 25-27). VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi, Vietnam.
 How do immigrants affect international tourism flows and the labour market? Dimanche, F., Koç, B., & Griffin, T.  Dimanche, F., Koç, B., & Griffin, T. (2018). How do immigrants affect international tourism flows and the labour market? (abstract).Proceedings of the IAFOR International Conference on the City (p. 61). Osaka, Japan: IAFOR.
Co-creation of experience value: A tourist behavior approach  Andrades, L., & Dimanche, F. Andrades, L., & Dimanche, F. (2018). Co-creation of experience value: A tourist behavior approach (Ch. 7). In N. Prebensen, J. Chen, & M. Uysal (Eds.), Creating experience value in tourism (pp. 83-97), 2nded. London: CABI. 
Methodological issues in cross-cultural tourism and hospitality research  Dimanche, F., & Andrades, L.  Dimanche, F., & Andrades, L. (2018). Methodological issues in cross-cultural tourism and hospitality research (Ch. 40). In R. Nunkoo (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in tourism and hospitality management. London: E. Elgar. 
The Future of Revenue Management is Not What it Used to Be.  Gabor, F. Gabor, F. (2018) The Future of Revenue Management is Not What it Used to Be. Hotel-Online News. October 2018. 
Social Media, Festival Engagement, and Repeat Visitation.  MacKay, K., Van Winkle, C., & Halpenny, E. MacKay, K., Van Winkle, C., & Halpenny, E. (2018). Social Media, Festival Engagement, and Repeat Visitation. Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities (CALS), Regina, SK.
Going Mobile: Outcomes of Mobile Device Use during a Festival Experience. Van Winkle, C., Buddefield, Halpenny, E., & MacKay, K. Van Winkle, C., Buddefield, Halpenny, E., & MacKay, K. (2018). Going Mobile: Outcomes of Mobile Device Use during a Festival Experience. Travel & Tourism Research Association Conference, Halifax.
Video game–induced tourism: a new frontier for destination marketers Dubois, L. E., & Gibbs, C. Dubois, L. E., & Gibbs, C. (2018). Video game–induced tourism: a new frontier for destination marketers. Tourism Review, 73(2), 186-198.
Restaurants Going Local: Motivations and Challenges for Sourcing Local Food Holmes, M.; Dodds, R.; Pranjic, K.; Krecisz, J.; Taylor, H Holmes, M.; Dodds, R.; Pranjic, K.; Krecisz, J.; Taylor, H. (2018) Restaurants Going Local: Motivations and Challenges for Sourcing Local Food, TTRA Canada Conference, Halifax, Canada, Sept 26-28, 2018
Education and certification for beach management: is there a difference between residents versus visitors? Dodds, R. & Holmes, M. Dodds, R. & Holmes, M. (2018) Education and certification for beach management: is there a difference between residents versus visitors? Ocean and Coastal Management, 160, 124-132.
The Tourists as a Stakeholder: Lake Titicaca, Peru.  Wright, K.; Dodds, R. & Dimanche, F.  Wright, K.; Dodds, R. & Dimanche, F. (2018) The Tourists as a Stakeholder: Lake Titicaca, Peru. TTRA Canada Conference, Halifax, Canada, Sept 26-28, 2018
Overtourism or thriving tourism? Canadian Inbound Tourism Association (Asia Pacific) (CITAP) Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2018) Overtourism or thriving tourism? Canadian Inbound Tourism Association (Asia Pacific) (CITAP) Winter Function, Richmond, Canada, December 4, 2018 (KEYNOTE SPEAKER) 
Tourism’nomics Tourism Industry Association of Canada Dodds, R. Dodds. R. (2018) Tourism’nomics Tourism Industry Association of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, November 27, 2018 (INVITED SPEAKER) 
Taking Care of the Golden Goose. Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2018) Taking Care of the Golden Goose. DMAC General Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, November 27, 2018 (INVITED SPEAKER) 
Sustainable tourism marketing: what tourism does well... and doesn’t. Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2018) Sustainable tourism marketing: what tourism does well... and doesn’t. BEST EN Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, June 20-23, 2018 (KEYNOTE SPEAKER) 
Overtourism: the supersize effect? Dodds, R. Dodds, R. (2018) Overtourism: the supersize effect?, Nottingham University The Travel Cultures Network, Nottingham, UK, May 22, 2018 (INVITED SPEAKER) 
Willingness to Pay vs. Actual Behaviour: Sustainable Procurement at Festivals in T. Ohnmacht
Dodds, R; Jenkins, B; Smith, W. & Pitts, R. E.  Dodds, R; Jenkins, B; Smith, W. & Pitts, R. E. (2018) Willingness to Pay vs. Actual Behaviour: Sustainable Procurement at Festivals in T. Ohnmacht; J. Priskin; & J. Stettler (Eds.) Contemporary Challenges Climate Change, Sustainable Consumption and Destination
Planning for growth in islands: The case of Cuba  Dodds, R., Dimanche, F., & Sadowski, M. Dodds, R., Dimanche, F., & Sadowski, M. (2018). Planning for growth in islands: The case of Cuba (Ch. 7). In M. McLeod & R. Croes (Eds.), Tourism management in warm water island destinations (pp. 95-107). Wallingford, UK: CABI. 
Examining Best Practices in Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Development in Canada’s North. Graci, S.  Graci, S. (2018). Examining Best Practices in Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Development in Canada’s North. International Polar Tourism Research Symposium. Whitehorse, Yukon: June 22-28, 2018.
Is There An Interest for Indigenous Tourism in Canada? Wright, K.A, Graci, S., Cogan, C., Dudler, A and Hall, D. Wright, K.A, Graci, S., Cogan, C., Dudler, A and Hall, D. (2018 September) Is There An Interest for Indigenous Tourism in Canada?, Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada Conference, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Graci, S. Graci, S. (2018). Sustainable Indigenous Tourism. Global Tourism Summit. Honolulu, Hawaii. October 1 to 3, 2018 (INVITED SPEAKER) 
Sustainable Indigenous Tourism. Best Practices from Around the Globe Graci, S. Graci, S. (2018) Sustainable Indigenous Tourism. Best Practices from Around the Globe. Ethics Speaker Series. Toronto Metropolitan University. March 6, 2018 (INVITED SPEAKER) 
Sustainable Tourism in Islands. In Baldicchino, G. Graci, S. and Maher, P.   Graci, S. and Maher, P. (2018) Sustainable Tourism in Islands. In Baldicchino, G. (Eds.) The Handbook of Islands. London: Taylor and Francis 
Virtual Reality and Implications for Destination Marketing. Griffin, T., Giberson, J., Lee, S. H. (M.) & Dimanche, F.  Griffin, T., Giberson, J., Lee, S. H. (M.) & Dimanche, F. (2018, June). Virtual Reality and Implications for Destination Marketing. Travel and Tourism Research Association EurOpean Chapter Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Identifying Active Resident Hosts of Visiting Friends and Relatives.  Griffin, T. & Guttentag, D. Griffin, T. & Guttentag, D. (2018, September). Identifying Active Resident Hosts of Visiting Friends and Relatives. Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada Conference, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Destination Image: Comparing Responses to Virtual Reality versus Video and Websites. Griffin, T., Giberson, J., Lee, S. H. (M.), Guttentag, D., & Dimanche, F.  Griffin, T., Giberson, J., Lee, S. H. (M.), Guttentag, D., & Dimanche, F. (2018, September). Destination Image: Comparing Responses to Virtual Reality versus Video and Websites. Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada Conference, Halifax, NS, Canada.
Constructionism: The Making of Meaning in Tourism and Hospitality Research Griffin, T.  Griffin, T. (2018). Constructionism: The Making of Meaning in Tourism and Hospitality Research. In R. Nunkoo (Ed.). Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality Management, (Pp. 32-42), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 
Narrative Analysis and Tourism Research Griffin, T.  Griffin, T. (2018). Narrative Analysis and Tourism Research. In R. Nunkoo (Ed.). Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 
Measuring Service Quality Differences In Online And Offline Context: An Empirical Investigation Of A Corporate Travel Agency. Ling, F., Dong, L. & Lu, Z.  Ling, F., Dong, L. & Lu, Z. (2018, June). Measuring Service Quality Differences In Online And Offline Context: An Empirical Investigation Of A Corporate Travel Agency. The 8th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing 2018 Annual Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. Retrieved