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Student Resources

Please find a list of resources available to GCM students on and off campus. If you are not seeing what you are looking for please contact Stephanie Law, GCM Academic Coordinator, (opens in new window) 

GCM Academic Page (opens in new window) 

Find resources about GCM specific curriculum, student guides, academic advisor, internship and FAQ.

Academic Consideration Requests (opens in new window) 

Submit a request for academic consideration for extenuating circumstances that have a significant impact on your ability to fulfill an academic requirement (e.g., ability to attend classes, write a scheduled term test or exam, and/or meet an assignment deadline).

Academic Integrity Office (opens in new window) 

Provides guidance and support to students and decision makers and ensures that all parties are aware of their rights and responsibilities as they relate to Academic Integrity (Policy 60 (opens in new window) ).

Academic Accommodation Support (opens in new window)  (TMU Student Wellbeing)

Supports students with disabilities who require academic accommodation, regardless of program or course load.

Creative Enterprise Hub

Located at 110 Bond Street. Access prototyping space with tools & equipment for fashion, design fabrication and media work. Book meeting rooms and flexible event space.

Digital Media Experience Lab (opens in new window)  (3rd Floor of SLC (opens in new window) )

Offers tutorials on how to use emerging tech and Digital Media, including Virtual Reality, 3D Printing and the Adobe Suite.

Library (opens in new window) 

Services focus on engagement with students, faculty, and the community and fostering successful critical thinkers and lifelong learners.

  • GCM Liaison Librarian: Naomi Eichenlaub - - Contact for assistance in acquiring resources for your research and literacy instruction (navigating scholarly resources, citation, literature reviews, etc.).
  • TMU Libraries Workshop Badges: Develop Research Skills, Scholarly Publishing, and Digital Media Experience through the completion of library workshops and recognition through bades.

Low-Sensory Study Lounges

Study Lounge (SLC 451) and Math Hub (SLC 449) transform into low-sensory study spaces during specific hours during the week.  Low-lighting, fidget objects, quiet study snacks and Peer Academic Coaching are available.

Open Space (opens in new window) 

Production facility in the Image Arts building (122 Bond Street) available to Creative School students to develop, create, fabricate, assemble and test multimedia projects, with the assistance and consultation of technical staff.

Student Affairs

Provides academic, professional and personal development opportunities and support programs to all students such as workshops and one-on-one appointments, as well as peer support and professional advising.

Student Life & Learning Support (opens in new window) 

Provides opportunities for students to discover their talents, explore, skill-build through a learning success toolkit that includes skills workshops, peer learning groups, tutoring, and learning events.

Tri-Mentoring Program (opens in new window) 

Provides access to peer, career, and group mentoring.

TMSU Academic Advocacy (external link, opens in new window) 

Supports undergraduate students in navigating university processes around appeals, academic misconduct, grade standings, and senate policies.

TRSM Course Tutoring (opens in new window) 

Compass workshops and course-specific tutoring for students taking Ted Rogers School of Management courses. 

Simran Rattan

Student Success Navigator, The Creative School ( (opens in new window) )

Jenn Mackey

Career Education Specialist, The Creative School (

TMSU Equity Centres (external link, opens in new window) :

TMSU Legal Services (external link, opens in new window) 

Access to a lawyer who can advise and assist you with virtually any legal problem, at no cost.

TMSU Tax Clinic (external link, opens in new window) 

Access a CRA accredited Tax Clinic program where you learn how to get your taxes filed for free.

Community Networks and Committees (opens in new window) 

Groups made up of students, faculty and staff from across the campus in order to provide representation of a diversity of perspectives and experiences to foster community, create more inclusive spaces and address barriers on campus.

Indigenous Services (opens in new window)  (Gdoo-maawnjidimi Mompii Indigenous Student Services)

Provides a culturally supportive environment to promote academic excellence and serves as a place to balance academic learning with traditional teachings and culture.  

SHIFT Centre (opens in new window) 

TMU’s orientation program for incoming students with disabilities.

The Black Student Lounge (opens in new window) 

Identity-affirming space on campus where Black students at TMU can study, heal, relax, gain tools and resources, make new friends and build community.

International Student Support (opens in new window) 

Foster a sense of belonging and community for all students who are new to Canada as well as for those students seeking a global experience on campus.

International Students at The Creative School (external link)  (ISTCS)

ISTCS is a student-led association committed to promoting inclusivity, fostering connections amongst international students, and creating a community that serves as a home away from home.

TMU Neurodiverse Students’ Association (external link) 

Supports and advocates for neurodiverse students on campus.  Follow @tmuneurodiverse on Instagram (external link) .

Black Student Success and Engagement

One-stop resource dedicated to empowering Black students through tailored services, programs, events, and community connections.

What is Financial Literacy? (opens in new window) 

This guide provides a general overview of financial literacy, including reading materials, videos and personal finance resources at Toronto Metropolitan University Library.

Financial Tools and Calculators (opens in new window) 

The Government of Canada and Ontario Securities Commission offers a series of interactive financial tools and calculators to assist with various personal finance matters.

Black Innovation Programs (opens in new window) 

Launched by the DMZ in 2019, BIP bridges the opportunity gap for Black-owned tech startups, fostering their growth and success through streams (Incubator and Pre-Incubator) and standalone programs that provide specialized resources, workshops, and networking opportunities for early-stage Black entrepreneurs.

SIF (Student Initiatives Fund) (opens in new window) 

Provides seed funding to TMU student-led non-profit initiatives that improve community engagement, create meaningful dialogue on campus, contribute to building a diverse and innovative campus culture, and enhance the reputation of TMU.

Society of the Creative School (external link, opens in new window) 

Student-led society representing all full-time undergraduate students within The Creative School with the goal of collaborative programming and networking opportunities that allow students to forge new relationships, gain industry contacts and learn new skills that will last a lifetime.

TMSU (external link, opens in new window)  (Campus Group Resources)

Provides manuals, forms, and other resources that campus groups may require throughout the year.

President's Office (opens in new window) 

Students can apply for funding from the Office of the President. Please contact GCM for further guidance.

Provost and Vice President’s Office (opens in new window) 

Students can apply for funding from the Office of the Provost and Vice President, Academic. Please contact GCM for further guidance.

Zone Learning (opens in new window) 

Each Zone has a distinct industry focus, designed for brainstorming, igniting projects and nurturing startups from the ground up.  This includes one-on-one mentorship from industry experts, access to cutting edge workspaces and state-of-the art technologies, opportunities to expand your network, and tap into funding opportunities.

AwardSpring (external link, opens in new window) 

Apply for more than 1,400 awards, scholarships and bursaries worth $20 million of support for TMU students.

Emergency Grant Program (external link, opens in new window)  (TMSU)

Helps students with financial need with emergency grants.

Pathways to Equity Bursary

Apply to this bursary designed to provide financial support to students from equity-deserving groups who are participating in unpaid curricular work-integrated learning (WIL) experiences, such as community and industry research & projects, entrepreneurial WIL, field placements and community service learning WIL. 

Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Emergency Bursary (opens in new window) 

One-time award for students going through an unforeseen financial crisis.

Commuter Hostel (opens in new window) 

Offers commuter students a short-term accommodation on-campus in support of their academic success (early class, weekend exam, late-night project).

Good Food Centre (external link, opens in new window)  (TMSU)

Provides services for any TMU student facing food insecurity (the inability to obtain food that meets your dietary needs).

Housing & Residence Life - Housing Alternatives (opens in new window)  

List of internal and external resources in relation to housing guidance and resources.

 (PDF file) Emergency Short-Term Housing (opens in new window)  (Safe House)

Emergency shelter or assistance provided by The Centre for Student Development and Counselling: 416-979-5195.

Access Point (external link, opens in new window) 

Apply for individual mental health and addictions support services and supportive housing in Toronto.

Covenant House Toronto (external link, opens in new window) 

24/7 crisis shelter and transitional housing on-site and in the community for youth; provides education, counselling, health care, employment assistance, job training and after-care services. 

Daily Bread Food Bank (external link, opens in new window) 

Goal of ending hunger in Toronto by collaborating with all to eliminate food insecurity and advocate for solutions to end poverty. 

Eva’s Place (external link, opens in new window) 

Provides shelter, transitional housing, and health and well-being programming to help youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Toronto.

Fred Victor (external link, opens in new window) 

Social service charitable organisation that fosters long-lasting and positive change in the lives of homeless and low-income people living across Toronto.

Friends of Ruby (external link, opens in new window) 

Supports two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and all gender non-conforming youth (aged 16-29) by providing free counselling, housing and social services.

Horizons for Youth (external link, opens in new window) 

Provides at-risk and homeless youth in Toronto with holistic support, life-changing programs, and a home for as long as they need.

Neill Wycik Student Co-op (external link, opens in new window) 

Student housing co-operative of approximately 780 members located steps from TMU campus.

Red Door Family Shelter (external link, opens in new window) 

Emergency shelter and support for women and children affected by domestic abuse, families experiencing a housing crisis, and refugee claimants with nowhere else to turn.

Sherbourne Health (external link, opens in new window)  (Supporting Our Youth)

Supports the health and well-being of all 2SLGBTQ youth (29 years old and under) through safer housing solutions, peer support groups, programs and events, and one-on-one support.

YMCA of Greater Toronto Area (external link, opens in new window) 

Provides housing and shelter for at-risk youth with YMCA Sprott House (residential living for youth ages of 16 to 24) and The Wagner Green YMCA (homeless and at-risk youth).

YouthLink Toronto (external link, opens in new window) 

Offers youth shelter and housing, with services including counselling, parenting support, education and community-based programs for youth aged 12 to 24 and their families.

Student Wellbeing (opens in new window) 

Encompasses a variety of health, wellbeing, and academic services and supports that reflect on a university community that is fully committed and engaged in developing and sustaining supportive environments that foster wellbeing and academic success. 

Centre for Student Development & Counselling (opens in new window) 

Provides counselling services to all TMU full and part-time undergraduate and graduate students who are eligible to proceed in their program and not on academic leave. Contact 416-979-5195 or (opens in new window) .

Health Promotion Programs (opens in new window) 

Fosters wellbeing for all students by promoting awareness, education and providing programs that empower students and boost their resiliency and connection, including peer support services.

Medical Centre (opens in new window) 

Offers health services to current TMU students, such as physicals, mental health assessments, assessments for common medical problems, immunizations, and medical certificates.

Student Care (opens in new window) 

Supports students who are in distress and who are dealing with challenging personal, academic and/or financial issues through coaching and complaint resolution to early intervention and crisis prevention.

Consent Comes First (opens in new window) 

Provides free, confidential, trauma-informed, healing-centred support to TMU community members affected by sexual violence and other forms of gender-based violence.

ThriveTMU (opens in new window) 

Provides training and resources to TMU students in order to teach the skills associated with resilience, well-being and thriving in both an academic and personal context. 

Thriving in Action (opens in new window) 

Initiative to help struggling students (in their second year and beyond) thrive academically and personally; build motivation, optimism, resilience; teach learning strategy essentials like time management and effective studying.

Mood Routes (opens in new window) 

Part of the Thriving in Action program, encourages students to get outside not just for physical activity, but to de-stress, refocus, and re-ground themselves.

SMASH (external link, opens in new window) 

Students for Mental Awareness, Support, & Health: Increase awareness and support for mental health and wellness at TMU by breaking down stigma through education; facilitating student peer-to-peer support; advocating for a more supportive learning environment and improved accessibility of resources.

Athletics & Recreation (opens in new window) 

Provides regular physical activity programs for all students, including traditional sport clubs and intramural teams to women’s only programs and mind-body activities.

Student  (external link, opens in new window) Groups

Vibrant TMU community made up of over 200 student clubs and organisations. 

TMU Library (opens in new window) 

Offers stressbusters such as a variety of games and puzzles available for loan for you to enjoy and recharge your batteries. 

Volunteer Link (opens in new window) 

Connects TMU students to volunteer opportunities both on and off campus to connect to your community, build new friendships, enhance your leadership skills, and build valuable work experience for your resume.


Good 2 Talk (external link, opens in new window) 

24/7 confidential counselling support line for post-secondary school students: 1-866-925-5454.

GuardMe Student Support Program (external link) 

24/7 student mental health support and access to licensed counsellors via phone or chat: 1-844-451-9700 or download the app for your Android (external link)  or Apple (external link)  device.

The Gerstein Centre 24/7 Distress Line (external link, opens in new window) 

Confidential support line for anyone experiencing an emotional crisis and needing immediate assistance: 416-929-5200.

Toronto Distress Centre (external link, opens in new window) 

24/7 emotional support and crisis intervention helpline: 416-408-4357.

Assaulted Women’s Helpline (external link, opens in new window) 

24/7 crisis line for all Ontario-based women who have experienced any form of abuse, providing crisis counselling, safety planning, emotional support, information and referrals: 1-866-863-0511.

Toronto Rape Crisis Centre (external link, opens in new window) 

24/7 crisis intervention, counselling and referral for survivors of rape/sexual assault: 416-597-8808.

Crisis Services Canada (external link, opens in new window)   

24/7 support from crisis responders: 1-800-456-4566 or text 45645.

Black Youth Helpline (external link, opens in new window) 

Confidential helpline that connects youth to professional services: 1-833-294-8650.

Hope For Wellness (external link, opens in new window) 

24/7 immediate mental health counselling, crisis intervention, wellness supports for all Indigenous peoples across Canada via chat or phone: 1-855-242-3310.

Naseeha (external link, opens in new window) 

Confidential helpline for young Muslims: 1-866-627-3342 (7 days a week, 12 p.m. – 9 p.m. EST) or text 1-866-627-3342 (Monday to Friday, 12 p.m. – 9 p.m. EST).

Talk4Healing (external link, opens in new window) 

24/7 peer support for Indigenous women via phone, chat, text: 1-855-554-4357.

The Centre for Safer Sex and Sexual Violence Support (external link, opens in new window)  (Toronto Metropolitan University Students' Union's Equity Service Centre)

Peer-run safe space to prevent & respond to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence on campus and provides Sexual Assault Survivor Support line via Whatsapp or text: 437-600-7575 (10 a.m. - 12 midnight).

Trans Lifeline's Hotline (external link, opens in new window) 

Peer support phone service for trans and questioning people: 1-877-330-6366.

LGBT YouthLine (external link, opens in new window) 

Non-judgemental peer support for 2SLGBTQ+ youth via text or chat: 647-694-4275 (Sunday to Friday, 4:00 PM to 9:30 PM).

What’s Up Walk-In (external link, opens in new window) 

Toronto-based mental health counselling walk-in clinic service.  Also provides phone and virtual counselling: 1-855-416-825 (Monday to Friday from 12 p.m. - 8 p.m., Saturdays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.)

211 Ontario (external link, opens in new window) 

Helpline that connects people to social services, programs and community supports they need via phone, text or chat: dial 2-1-1.

ConnexOntario (external link, opens in new window) 

Helpline and health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness and/or gambling via phone or chat: 1-866-531-2600.

Telehealth Ontario (external link, opens in new window) 

24/7 hours health advice from a registered nurse or find health services or information via phone or chat: 1-866-797-0007 or dial 8-1-1.

988: Suicide Crisis Helpline (external link, opens in new window) 

24/7 helpline for suicide prevention services via call or text available across Canada in English and French.

External Resources:

The 519 (external link, opens in new window) 

Provides phone or email check-in for the 2SLGBTQ+ community: 416-392-6874 or (opens in new window) .

Access Alliance (external link, opens in new window) 

Provides services and addresses system inequities to improve health outcomes for the most vulnerable immigrants, refugees, and their communities.

Across Boundaries (external link, opens in new window) 

Provides mental health and addiction services for racialized communities and works within Anti-Racism/Anti-Black racism and Anti-Oppression frameworks.

Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (external link, opens in new window) 

Grassroots network of youth and students who advocate for evidence-based responses to reduce and prevent harms associated with drug use and drug criminalization.

Caribbean African Social Services (external link, opens in new window) 

Provides culturally appropriate social services that enrich the lives of the African, Caribbean and Diaspora (ACD) communities in the Greater Toronto Area.

Family Services Toronto (external link, opens in new window) 

Counselling, peer support and education for individuals and families in Toronto, destabilized by precarious socio-economic circumstances and/or mental health.

Healing in Colour (external link, opens in new window) 

Directory of BIPOC therapists in Canada who are committed to supporting BIPOC in all intersections. (external link, opens in new window) 

Canada’s only charity training that empowers young leaders to revolutionize mental health. 

Stella’s Place (external link, opens in new window) 

Provides free mental health services for young adults aged 16 to 29 (Toronto), including peer support, clinical services, wellness, art, and recovery programs.

TAIBU (external link, opens in new window) 

Offers Black-identifying clients from throughout the Greater Toronto Area access to primary care, health promotion and disease prevention programs in a culturally affirming environment.

Toronto Public Health (external link, opens in new window) 

Community mental health resources offered in the Greater Toronto Area.

Women’s Health in Woman’s Hands (external link, opens in new window) 

Community Health Centre for racialized women living in Greater Toronto Area, with focus on health and wellness needs of racialized women and prioritizes those from African, Caribbean, Latin American and South Asian communities. 

Hassle Free Clinic (external link, opens in new window) 

Free medical and counseling services in many areas of sexual health.

Hard Feelings (external link) 

Innovative Toronto-based mental health organization that supports a community of professional counsellors who offer low-cost therapy.

Counselling Services for York Region (external link) 

Free counselling services for domestic and international students who do not have insurance coverage: (416) 999-3437 or


Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Assault (external link) 

24/7 multilingual support service for male survivors of sexual abuse, including crisis and referral services, counselling, peer support: 1-866-887-0015.


Legal Aid Ontario (external link) 

Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) provides legal help for low‑income Ontarians regarding mental health, family, refugee and immigration, clinic, and criminal law: 1-800-668-8258.


Health and Dental Plan (mystudentplan) + Mental Health Support Program (mywellnessplan) + Legal Support (mylegalplan)

Visit website: (external link, opens in new window) 

Contact: (opens in new window) 

Community Safety & Security Workshops

TMU Community Safety and Security runs a variety of workshops and training sessions designed to assist community members in developing skills for responding to threats to their personal safety, including basic self-defense, de-escalating potentially violent situations, and safety planning. To book a session, contact or 416-979-5040.

Personal Safety Plan

TMU Community Safety and Security offers personalized safety planning supports to meet your unique needs and abilities, including scenario-based guidance, tools and resources aimed at helping you make informed decisions about your safety on campus. To develop a plan, email or call 416-979-5040.

TMU Safe App

Download the TMU Safe App, which provides community members with push notifications regarding urgent situations on campus that pose immediate safety or security threats. 

WalkSafe Program

Available 24/7 to all TMU community members.  Request a uniformed security crew member to escort you to various locations on campus, including the subway and nearby parking lots. Call 416-979-5040 or email