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Records Management Processes and Tools

Records Management Training and Advice

If you want to learn how to more effectively manage records including paper, electronic and email at the Unversity please contact for advice.  Key advice and messages include recordkeeping requirements, and how to manage records in compliance with TMU's Records Retention Schedule (RRS) through their life cycle. 

Records Destruction Process and Form

University Records that have expired, i.e. have outlived their retention periods are eligible for destruction.  Records which have expired shall be documented for due diligence and evidentiary purposes. 

Staff must complete a  (word file) Records Destruction Form for each series of Records to be destroyed, including electronic records.  Detailed instructions are included on the Form.   

Records Transfer Process and Form

When records are transferred between areas or departments the  (word file) Records Transfer Form should be used to document and track the records.  Detailed instructions are included on the second page of the form.

Off-Campus Records Storage or Imaging

Does your department need to keep paper records longer than they need to be accessed regularly?  Do you want send them to alternative storage or scan, image or digitize these records in order to save space and access them electronically?  If yes, email to explore options for off-campus storage or scanning.

Shredding Confidential Information

  • Sensitive, personal and confidential information that is no longer required should be securely shredded.
  • Contact Facilities Management and Development to request shredding bins, pickup of materials to be shredded, locks and keys for shredding bins or to request additional bins by completing a  (google form) Service Request Form (external link) , emailing or calling 416-979-5000 ext 5091. 
  • Paper can be placed in the records destruction bins.
  • For other non-confidential media such as CDs, DVDs, audio or video tapes, place them in a box marked "Media Destruction" and contact Campus Facilities for pickup. 
  • For destroying media containing sensitive or confidential information contact

Managing Shared Drives

University Records that have expired, i.e. have outlived their retention periods are eligible for destruction.  Records which have expired shall be documented for due diligence and evidentiary purposes.  Consult our  Records Management Tip Sheet 2 - File / Folder Naming Conventions for more information.

Staff must complete a  (word file) Records Destruction Form for each series of Records to be destroyed, including electronic records.  Detailed instructions are included on the Form.