Welcome to Fredericks Research
Fredericks Research serves as both a knowledge translation tool and a mechanism for teaching and mentoring of patients, students, and research trainees. It consists of a series of webpages that profile the research studies associated with Dr. Suzanne Fredericks; as well, provides information and resources that can be used by health care professionals, academics, students, research trainees, and patients involved in any aspect of the cardiovascular surgical care experience. Particular attention to the design and implementation of randomized controlled trials can be found throughout various sections within this site. Below is an overview of the content found within each webpage.
Several tabs that include the following titles: research, patient information, controlled trials, clinical application, opportunities and helpful links are located at the top of the screen, just below the images.
The research tab provides direct access to Dr. Suzanne Fredericks’ publications.
The what's new? tab presents an overview of recently published studies in the areas of nursing, medicine rehabilitation, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy relating to the theme of supporting patients following invasive cardiovascular surgical procedures. Even though specific emphasis will be on presenting evidence from randomized controlled trials, findings from studies using innovative designs will also be presented.
The patient information tab has been designed with the intention of providing pre and post-operative cardiovascular surgical information to patients as they prepare for, or are recovering from, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, valve replacement, or heart transplantation. The information contained within this section is tailored to reflect the individual’s learning needs at any particular point in time. Access to a registered nurse through the Chat with an RN link is available through this portal.
The opportunities tab presents an overview of the various opportunities that are available for patients, students, clinicians, researchers, and knowledge users. Specifically, current opportunities relating to: 1) research participation for potential study participants; 2) research assistant positions for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as clinicians; 3) graduate student thesis supervision; 4) research mentorship for scientists; and 5) knowledge user collaboration, are posted in this section.
The controlled trials tab presents a summary of methods associated with randomized controlled trials. This section has been designed with the intention of providing new and innovative approaches to the conduct of randomized controlled trials, as a means of mentoring and supporting health care professionals, academics, students, and research trainees as they engage in this, often times challenging, research methodology.
The clinical application tab presents innovative approaches and strategies for promoting the uptake and integration of new and existing research evidence.
The helpful links tab presents hyperlinks for direct access to a variety of resources that health care professionals, academics, students, trainees, and patients may find useful and include: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Canadian Institute of Health Research, and Canadian Cardiovascular Society.
About Dr. Suzanne Fredericks

Dr. Fredericks is a Nurse Scientist whose program of research focuses on designing and evaluating interventions to support patients undergoing invasive surgical procedures. She has received advanced research methods training through the Canadian Institute of Health Research Randomized Controlled Trials Mentorship Training Program and the Cochrane Collaboration.
Dr. Fredericks (external link) is an Affiliate Scientist at The Institute for Education Research at the University Health Network (UHN) (2024-present). She has also held the position of Affiliate Scientist at the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute UHN (2015-2023) and is a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (external link) (2021-present) and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Nursing (external link) (2023-present).
Dr. Fredericks is also a Professor in the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing at Toronto Metropolitan University. She is an active member of the Maurice Yeates School of Graduate Studies and functions as a graduate student supervisor. She has taught a number of courses in the graduate program inclusive of Quantitative Research Methods, Program Planning and Evaluation, Leadership in Education, and Health Policy.
From 2016-2019, Dr. Fredericks led a group of faculty members throughout the process of developing a proposal for a PhD in Urban Health Program at Toronto Metropolitan University. She was instrumental in preparing the proposal; assisting the group members in clearly stating the expected competencies, generating a curriculum matrix and specifying the courses’ content; and organizing all administrative work that led to the approval of the Doctoral Program.
Dr. Fredericks is a Co-Investigator and Member of the Nursing Knowledge Network. In addition, she has served as a member of the Board of Directors for the Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses (as Director of Publications) and the Lambda Pi-At-Large Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (as President, Vice-President and Past-President). She has also served as the Editor for the Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (July 1, 2015-June 28, 2016), an Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research (2013-2017), and is currently an Associate Editor for the British Journal of Cardiac Nursing (2016-present) and the Latin American Journal of Nursing (2019-present). Dr. Fredericks is co-founder and Managing Editor of the International Health Trends and Perspectives journal. She is also co-founder of CONNECT (external link) : the Cardiac surgery internatiONal Nursing and alliEd professional researCh neTwork.