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Have any burning questions? Ask the FYEO Chatbot!

Are you a first-year engineering student with a question about your program? The Ask FYEO (external link, opens in new window)  chatbot is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.  

Use the search bar in the table below to find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions for first year engineering students.  If you can't find the answer you are looking for, you can always contact the office directly at, reach out to a First Year Ambassador, or drop-in during our office hours between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm located at ENG340A.

Question Answer
How do I book an Academic Advising appointment? We are available to answer your questions when you stop by our office (located: ENG340A) Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm, or email us at If your question requires you to meet with an academic advisor, you may book a one-on-one appointment. Please note that you must include your TMU email address when booking an appointment with an academic advisor. Alternatively, you can book an appointment through the FYEng Mobile app.
What do I do if I missed class for a medical reason?

Have a Health Care Provider fill out the TMU Student Health Certificate (external link)  and submit it through the Senate Online Academic Consideration portal within 3 business days of your missed academic obligation. Students must also email their instructor to inform them of their absence, as soon as possible, as this is the first step. Students also have an option of submitting 1 request per term without supporting documentation (some restrictions apply, ie, final exams).

For more information, please visit the Meeting Academic Obligations page for details on this process.

What if I missed class for a non-medical reason?

Submit the Academic Consideration Request through the Senate Online Academic Consideration portal attaching any supporting documents you might have, within 3 business days of your missed obligation. Students must also email their instructor to inform them of your absence, as soon as possible, as this is the first step. Students also have an option of submitting 1 request per term without supporting documentation (some restrictions apply, ie, final exams).

For more information, visit the FYEO Meeting Academic Obligations page for details on this process.

What if I need consideration due to a disability? Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) is available to students who can provide documentation of disability, both temporary and permanent. Using academic accommodations does not show up on your transcript and is a confidential process. You can learn more about how to register here and we suggest you register as soon as possible.
What if I need consideration for religious obligations? Toronto Metropolitan University provides accommodation for religious, aboriginal and spiritual obligations. Students are required to fill out the  (PDF file) Toronto Metropolitan Religious Observance Form and submit it directly to their professors within the first 2 weeks of class; if the dates aren’t known in advance, students are required to provide as much notice as possible. Religious Observance requests can be made for exams but must be done within 2 weeks from the posting of the exam schedule.
How is my academic standing determined and what does it mean for my degree? For information on grades, GPA and academic standing, refer to the Student Guide.
If I fail a class, am I automatically out of good academic standing?

Student's Academic Standing concerns their CGPA and TGPA, so if the CPGPA is 1.67 or above and their TGPA is 1.33 and above, they are still in good standing.

However, if a student fail a course that is required for your program you will be required to repeat it. If you fail a required course for the third time, you will be assigned an Academic Standing of Permanent Program Withdrawal.

For more information, visit the Grades, GPA and Academic Standing website.

What CGPA do I need to be in good academic standing?

Effective Fall 2021, in order to maintain a CLEAR standing, as per the 2021-2022 Undergraduate Calendar for Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Co-Op, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, a CGPA of 1.67 (or higher) AND TGPA of 1.33 (or higher) will be required.

Students taking courses under a Probation Contract will need to adhere to the specific CGPA and TGPA requirements as per their contract.

For more information, visit the Undergraduate Calendar for the specific program, admittance year and click on Academic Standing Variation and Grades, GPA and Academic Standing website.

What if I received an INC/F-S in a course? INC stands for “Incomplete”. This means that you are missing an assessment which is stopping you from receiving a final grade. F-S stands for redeemable failure, where the instructor is giving you the opportunity to write a “redeemable failure exam” For more information, visit the Grades, GPA and Academic Standing website.
If I fail a class, am I automatically out of good academic standing?

Your standing concerns your CGPA, so if it is still 1.67 or above, you are still in good standing.

However, if you fail a course that is required for your program you will be required to repeat it. You can take a course up to 3 times, after which your standing will become Permanent Program Withdraw. For more information, visit the Grades, GPA and Academic Standing website .

What if I have a CGPA less than 1.67? If your CGPA is between 1.00 and 1.66, you will be put on probation. If your CGPA is below 1.00, you will be Required to Withdraw (RTW) unless you are a new student to Ryerson in your first term (Fall). In this case the student’s standing is set to Probationary. Click here for more information.
What is the First Year in Two Years Program?

The First Year in Two Years program allows you to complete your first-year courses over two academic years. You can take anywhere from 1 - 6 courses in the Fall and Winter terms, and 1 - 3 courses in the Spring. The combination of courses can vary, and the course load can be reduced even further when necessary, providing changes are made within the published calendar deadlines.

Please speak to an academic advisor to start this program.

Can I register for Academic Accommodation Support?

Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) is supporting students remotely, including outreach to students via email and offering drop-in support via phone.

This includes supporting new student registrations.

Academic Accommodation Support Website:

General Inquiries:

Student Specific Inquiries: Academic Accommodation Facilitator listed on the student’s accommodation letter

Service Providers (Interpreters, etc.):

TMU Noted Peer Note-taking:

Is the Test Centre still open?

Students with Accomodations should connect directly with their AAS facilitator for Academic Adivising.

AAS-registered students should still book their accommodated tests through the Online Student Accommodations Portal, so that instructors are notified of their test accommodations. Then, the instructor will be able to apply the appropriate accommodations within the online test platform. If you are needing to do a make-up for a missed obligation, please contact your professors as they will let you know how they plan on administering the make-up.

I have questions about my Offer of Admission. Who can I contact? As an admitted student, we understand that you may have concerns about your Offer of Admission and how you will meet any conditions stated in your offer letter. Connect with your Engineering Admissions team at
Can I appeal my final Grade or Standing?

Students can submit a Grade or Standing Appeal if it falls under one of the grounds for appeal identified in the  (PDF file) TMU Academic Consideration Policy 167.

Once final grades are posted on RAMMS you can submit an appeal, if you believe you have grounds. Here is the link to the TMU Senate Appeals portal:

Note: there are deadlines for Grade Appeals and Standing Appeals at the end of each semester listed on the Significant Dates.

Students are encouraged to contact the Academic Advocacy at the TMU Students’ Union (external link)  who provide students with workshops, information and Academic Adivising on appeals. 

The TMU Ombudsperson also has resources regarding appeals on their website. 

How do students submit appeals? Appeals must be submitted through the online portal within the posted deadlines.
How do I submit an assignment? Links to upload documents or enter text for your assignments are generally located under the Assignment tab in the course shell unless otherwise indicated by your professor.
Does it matter what browser I use? Toronto Metropolitan University recommends either Google Chrome or Firefox.
Why am I having difficulty logging in?

Verify you are using the latest versions of Google Chrome or Firefox. Next, ensure you are using your TMU username and password to log in.

If you’re still having trouble logging in, contact the CCS Help Desk at

Why are students not able to access the Service Hub?

The ServiceHub has requested that general questions are asked at or submitted through the  (google form) ServiceHub help form (external link) .

Students that normally have to go to the ServiceHub for in-person enrollment for non-engineering courses, minors, or the odd Chang School courses, will be directed to Shawzma, our academic advisor. If their enrollment request is approved, she’ll provide them with an enrollment letter and the contact email to have their registration processed.

How do I contact the Service Hub?

The ServiceHub has requested that general questions are asked at or submitted through the ServiceHub help form.

Students that normally have to go to the ServiceHub for in-person enrollment for non-engineering courses, minors, or the odd Chang School courses, will be directed to Shawzma, our academic advisor. If their enrollment request is approved, she’ll provide them with an enrollment letter and the contact email to have their registration processed.

Is there counselling specifically for Engineering students?

Yes, we have two very dedicated personal Counsellors in the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science; Jastej Gill and Jean Tsai. You may contact the Centre for Student Development and Counselling through phone (416-979-5195) or email ( and ask to set up an appointment with one of our engineering counsellors.

24/7 support can also be accessed through keep.meSAFE (external link)  at 1-844-451-9700 or through the app found on the Apple Store and Google Play.

How do I enroll in classes? How do I swap around sections? Use the MyServiceHub Shopping Cart to swap/enroll in classes. There are FYEO Youtube tutorials provided online for both Swap (external link)  and Enrol (external link)  into classes.
What is enrollment for?

Enrollment is the process of selecting your courses for the academic year and adding them to MyServiceHub. During the course enrollment period, you can adjust your course schedule by adding, dropping or swapping classes. All incoming engineering students have the same first-year courses. Please check the undergraduate calendar for your year of admittance. Please check to make sure you are enrolled in these courses.

In addition to your 5 engineering course, you have to take 1 lower-level liberal course from Table A. The FYEO does not encourage students to take their Table A in the 1st semester, the two Table A's, one Table B and one Table B from the short list, can be completed anytime before graduation and students may want to consider taking them over a Spring/Summer semester.

You can review Table A and decide on what course interests you. From here, please refer to How to Enrol - MyServiceHub Support to enroll. This webpage provides a step-by-step guide on how to enrol.

Can I make changes to my class schedule?

Your schedule will be made for you at the beginning of the semester, provided that you completed your course intentions. You can make changes to your schedule during your enrolment period. To make schedule changes, students may do so on MyServiceHub (Ryerson Administrative Management Self Serivce) or VSB (Visual Schedule builder). Students who were admitted late will need to create their own timetable.

Learn more about MyServiceHub.

How do I take a quiz or test? Your professor will explain and indicate how to take a test/quiz or exam.
I have back to back classes on my schedule, will I have time to make it to my next class? Toronto Metropolitan University allows students and instructors 10 minutes to get to the class. If a class is scheduled for 10:00 AM, the professor will begin at 10:10 AM, unless otherwise specified in class.
What courses are required in first year? The first semester of engineering is a common semester. Every engineering student is automatically enrolled in CEN 100, CHY 102, MTH 140, MTH 141, PCS 211. In the second semester, students will begin branching off into some disicipline specific courses with a few common courses. A list of these courses appears in the undergraduate calendar.
Where do I access D2L? Connect through use your username and password to log in to my.ryerson portal. Once logged in click “Online Courses & Organizations”.
Where can I find my course materials? Professors often post course outlines, materials and announcements in D2L. The code for each course in which you are enrolled will appear under “My Courses.” If you do not see a course code, contact your professor.
What are course intentions?

Course intentions are mandatory for all returning full-time undergraduate students. Refer to the Office of the Registrar website for details.

If you miss course intentions, or you acquire the prerequisites for courses that were not available to you during course intentions, you will have a second opportunity during the fall/winter course intention adjustment period. Refer to the Significant Dates calendar. for exact dates.

How do I make changes to my class schedule or drop a course? You may change your class schedule or drop a course through the Ryerson Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub). Visit the MyServiceHub Support page for step-by-step instructions. For more general information about your first-year timetable, please refer to the Undergraduate Student Guide.
I need to miss an exam, lab or quiz. How do I arrange for accomodations? Please refer to Undergraduate Student Guide and to Senate Policy 166. for policies and instructions related to medical, non-medical and religious accommodations.
What should I do if I have an issue related to exams or final grades? Refer to the Undergraduate Student Guide’s policies on examinations and grades.
Do I need to pass the final exam to pass the course? What do I need to pass the course? For some courses you do not need to pass the final exam in order to pass the course. However, not all courses are like this. You should consult your individual course outlines to see what rules/policies are in place for determination of a passing grade.
Can I see my final exam? Yes. Your course coordinator will set days and times at the beginning of next semester for exam review. An announcement will be made when the dates are available. Do not contact your instructor requesting to review your exam before then. Final exams may be viewed but they are not returned.
Are there waitlists for first-year courses? If a student is not able to enrol into a course because the course is full. There is a Wait List form set up each semester for all required first year engineering courses being offered. Each semester there are also directions for upper year courses, based on the specific course. Please check with a full-time staff member.
What are the office hours? The FYEO operates from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm,  located at ENG 340A. Students can always email the FYEO at
Where is the office? The FYEO is located on the third floor of the George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre in room ENG340A.
When do I get my grades? The date for official grades for the Spring 2023 Engineering Transition Program can be found through the TMU Significant Dates Calendar.
Who should I contact regarding my exam grade or overall grade? You should direct your questions to your course coordinator with your full name, student ID, and course section (if applicable). The email must have text with complete sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar. Overall, it should have a professional tone.
I saw my final grade on MyServiceHub and I think an error was made. What should I do? Contact your course coordinator and explain why you think an error was made. Include relevant calculations that demonstrate how you calculated your grade to make it easier for them to find any discrepancies.
I'm pretty close to passing, should I contact my instructor and ask them to bump my grade? The only reason for changing a grade would be a marking issue. First, wait until you see your grade on MyServiceHub. The instructor may have made some kind of adjustment that resulted in your obtaining a passing grade. Second, instructors have already considered/reviewed the overall grades before sending them to the Registrar and usually will not change their minds once a decision has been made. Grades are based on the merit of the work done in the course.
Can I calculate what my final grade is? Yes, you can use the information in FYEO GPA Calculator (located in the FYEng App) and the grades posted in D2L to calculate your final grade.
Do courses bell curve the grades? Not usually. However, the instructor might make other adjustments of the marks.
What is the TMSU health and dental plan? For information on fees, coverage and opting out, please visit the TMU Students’ Union website. (external link) 
How to request a Letter of Enrollment? TMU provides you with the opportunity to access your own student record information. Sometimes you need more information, or you are required to provide it by an official source. Upon request, TMUprovides official, personalized, letters confirming enrolment status, transcript details, etc.
Can I take liberals in the spring/summer?

When do you recommend taking your liberal studies?

This varies for every student. Some students decide to take it in the Fall along with the required 5 (or less courses) and some decide to do them in the spring or in upper years. **We don’t encourage a full course load (of 6 courses) especially with online learning.**

All Engineering students are required to complete four Liberal Studies Courses as per their graduation requirements. You do not have to take your Liberal courses in your first year of study; liberal courses just have to be completed before you apply to graduate. Many students use the Spring/Summer term to complete their liberals or complete them in their later years so they can concentrate more on their Engineering courses, especially in their first year. In total, students must take TWO (2) Table A - Lower Level Liberals, ONE (1) Table B - Upper Level Liberal, and ONE (1) Engineering Upper Level Liberal..

Please note that first-year engineering midterms are often held on Fridays from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., so you should ensure that you do not enroll in a Liberal studies course that conflicts with this time.

What liberals do I have to take? All Engineering Students must complete 2 Lower Level Liberals from Table A and 2 Upper Level Liberals, 1 from from Table B and 1 from a short list - listed on the specific calendar.
Questions about Placement Tests for Languages, Literatures and Cultures Courses Students interested in taking a Language Course are required to take a Placement Test. Contact the Languages, Literatures and Cultures department for more information
How can I get a locker? Please check with a full-time staff member for assistance. Generally, lockers are issued to first-year students in the first week of class during the Fall semester. Due to a limited number of lockers, these can only be issued on a first-come, first-serve basis. An email is issued to all first-year students in the first week of classes with further instructions.
How can I get a minor? Minors require an additional 6 courses outside of your degree so it is your responsibility to speak to an advisor to manage your coursework accordingly. A list of minors offered can be found here.
What is FROSH week? Frosh week is hosted by the Metropolitan Undergraduate Engineering Society (MUES). (external link) 
Do I need to attend orientation? Academic orientation, which takes place on the Monday of orientation week, is mandatory for all incoming engineering students. You will be welcomed by your program director, hear from a motivational speaker, tour the campus and write the Writing Skills Test. Additional orientation week and frosh week, external link events are optional but encouraged. To learn more about your first year in engineering, please visit the first year engineering office website.
Questions about Financial Matters The First Year Engineering Office does not advise on financial matters. Please visit the OSAP website (external link)  or ServiceHub website to get your questions and concerns about OSAP answered.
Can you take OSMS courses and lower liberal courses at the same time in the Spring/Summer term? Students can take OSMS courses and lower liberal courses at the same time during the Spring/Summer terms. The FYEO strongly encourages that students do not take more than 3 courses in those terms at a time due to the fast- paced nature and heavy course load in the Spring/Summer terms.
How can a student submit a Plan Changes Request and when is the deadline for the Plan Changes Form? Plan Changes Requests from one Engineering discipline to another can be submitted each semester for the following semester, through the  (google form) Plan Changes Form (external link) , there is always a due date. Plan Changes requests for the Fall 2022 semester are due by August.
What do I do if my Plan Changes is approved? Do your course intentions for your previous program since it takes a couple of weeks for MyServiceHub to update your program
What do I do if my Plan Changes is denied? Students can re-submit a Plan Changes for the following semester to be re-considered. Students may also want to meet with the First-Year Academic Services and Success Facilitator.
When will I hear back from my Plan Changes? All Plan Changes decisions will be emailed out after final grades have been released and reviewed. Students are required to enroll in the appropriate courses themselves.
What happens if I’m on Probation?

Students with an Academic Standing of Probationary are issued a Probationary Contract. The Probationary Contracts (which lists each student's assigned courses) are emailed to students invdividually from the email.

Students with a Probationary Standing are required to attend a MANDATORY seminar. At the seminar, an academic advisor will provide complete instructions on how the student proceeds after seminar, along with information about any course restrictions.

If students with a Probationary Contract would like to drop a course, they must meet request permission from an academic advisor for approval. Be aware of timelines and drop deadlines here when Academic Advising students. If an incomplete mark leaves a student on probation, they are to meet with an academic advisor and follow with the probationary contract issued until the grade is updated.

What is MyServiceHub? The ServiceHub is your front-line service centre for the Office of the Registrar, including support for undergraduate admissions, fees, financial assistance, MyServiceHub support, exams, class schedules, Chang School course enrolment, applying to graduate and more.
How do I pay my fees? Please visit the ServiceHub for any questions regarding fees, as the First Year Engineering Office does not deal with finances. Try finding the answer to your question first at Ask ServiceHub (external link) , and if you cannot find what you're looking for, fill out  (google form) the ServiceHub help form (external link) .
When is reading week? Engineering students DO NOT get a Fall Reading Week. However, engineering students do get a Winter Reading Week, which can be found through the TMU Significant Dates Calendar.
Where can I opt out of the TMSU Health and Dental coverage? How much money will I get back? Where does that money go?

This means that students will be required to withdraw from their program and TMU for 12 months. Students will be expected to attend a MANDATORY Required to Withdraw seminar where specific information will be presented to students regarding their next steps as an RTW student. Some of which include ways that students may improve their chances of being reinstated back into your program.

If a student is Required to Withdraw, and their CGPA is at least 1.33 or higher, the student may be eligible for the Fresh Start Program after sitting out one semester. Pending approval, the student may pursue reinstatement or transfer to another program by taking two courses for credit in their first semester back and four courses in their second semester back.

What happens if I’m Required to Withdraw? This means that you will be required to withdraw from your program and the university for 12 months. You will be required to attend a Required to Withdraw seminar where very specific information will be presented to you regarding your next steps as an RTW student. Some of which includes ways that you may improve your chances at being reinstated back into your program.

Information on scholarships as well as links to a full list of non-faculty specific scholarships and awards can be found here .

Students can contact the Student Awards and Scholarships office via

When is the last day to drop a course?

Last day to drop Fall undergraduate classes to be eligible for a full refund of fees can be found through the TMU Significant Dates Calendar.

When is the last day to pay tuition? Last Day for Full Payment of Undergraduate Tuition Fees Assessed for The Fall Term can be found through the TMU Significant Dates Calendar.
What laptop should I get? When looking for a laptop, it is really up to personal preference. The software programs that engineering students use for their studies can be found inside the computer labs on campus, and are available remotely through Computing and Communication Services Virtual Apps.
What textbooks and equipment will I need to purchase?

Students should wait until they have received their course outlines and have attended their first week of classes before purchasing any textbooks or course materials. During that time, professors will specify the required edition/version.

Permitted calculators for engineering students are the Sharp EL-546 and the Casio FX-991 models. Both course materials and calculators can be purchased through the TMU Campus Store.

How do I apply for transfer credits? A self-service application is available on MyServiceHub after activation of your TMU identity. However, some institutions outside of province or Canada require the Manual Application Upload detailed here. Before you apply, make sure to check your eligibility.
My transfer credits are approved but are not being applied to my program A self-service application is available on MyServiceHub after activation of your TMU identity. However, some institutions outside of province or Canada require the Manual Application Upload detailed here. Before you apply, make sure to check your eligibility.
Are engineering courses being offered both in Spring and in Summer? Yes, for Spring/Summer 2023 TMU is offering engineering transition courses both in Spring and in Summer. First-year Engineering Transition Courses are generally offered in the Spring.
What is the Transition Program? The Transition Program was created to provide students with the opportunity to adapt to the demanding university curriculum while upgrading their academic standings and completing missing and/or failed courses. This program allows you the option of spreading courses over three semesters - Fall, Winter, and Spring. You will be able to take any Fall semester first-year courses during the Winter semester (with the exception of CEN100). All Winter semester courses (with the exception of ECN801) are offered over 6 weeks in the Spring semester (May - June). Up to 3 courses can be taken in the Spring semester. For full details, please visit the Transition Program page.
How can I prepare over the summer for my fall courses?

This summer, the First-Year Engineering Office (FYEO) will be offering several optional programs such as the TMU Engineering Boost Program - a series of optional mini courses in math, physics, and programming designed to help you improve and reinforce fundamental topics and concepts you’ll encounter later in your first year engineering subjects. These courses are at no cost to you, and you can choose to register in one or two or all three of them to keep your studies up over the summer. Registration is required.

The Pre-Orientation, Orientation, Post-Orientation (Engineering POP) programs are an opportunity to learn more about the social and academic aspects of university, get involved on campus early, meet upper-year leaders and ambassadors (FYA), gain valuable leadership skills, network and meet other students with similar interests before orientation week.

How do I extend my application to cover my spring/summer fees? The First Year Engineering Office does not deal with finances. Contact the Service Hub for all OSAP/financial assistance questions.
How much do courses in the summer cost? How much will my tuition be for the next semester? Check the TMU Tuition and Fees website for more information.
MyServiceHub Fee Payment Issues Please visit the ServiceHub for any questions regarding fees, as the First Year Engineering Office does not deal with finances. Try finding the answer to your question first at (external link) , and if you cannot find what you're looking for, fill out  (google form) the ServiceHub help form (external link) .
Why can I no longer opt out of some fees, as was the case last year with the Student Choice Initiative? On November 21, 2019 the Ontario Divisional Court made the decision to suspend the opt-out process. As a result, students will be assessed both optional and compulsory ancillary fees effective Winter 2020. For additional information please review TMU Today. Taken from
Where can I find more information on tutoring services? Visit the FYEO website to learn more about the academic support offered. You can also check out the Tutor Match Program offered by Student Life and Learning Support.
Where can I find the upper-year waitlist? Need to reach out to the course’s department for waitlists.  (google sheet) You can find department contacts here (external link) .
Can I take a Liberal before doing the WST? Yes, you can take a Liberal before completing the WST successfully. Keep in mind that Liberal courses will be writing heavy so if you didn't do well in the WST you may find the Liberal course challenging. We also encourage students to take a reduced course load in their first year, a Liberal course is one you may want to consider taking over the Spring Summer semesters. Need to complete WST before moving into the 3rd year of study. For more information and recent updates about the WST, please view the FYEO Website here.
What if I didn’t pass the Writing Skills Test (WST)?

If you don't pass the WST, you will receive a grade of INP (in-progress) in CEN 199, and are encouraged to enroll in LNG 111, LNG 112, LNG 113, or LNG 121, depending on the outcome of the WST assessment. These are writing-intensive humanities and social science courses designed to give you the opportunity to strengthen your foundation in communication. They also count as lower-level liberal studies courses.

If you don't pass your second attempt at the WST, or you just want to further develop your language and writing skills after completing the LNG courses, you may benefit from Ryerson's online and/or in-class preparatory English language courses offered through the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, opens in new window.

Note: You may not proceed into the third year of your engineering program without passing the WST. But if you don't pass the test during orientation, you will have more chances to write and pass the test. A reminder that students are not encouraged to take the first Table A listed in the calendar in the first Fall or Winter semester.

What happens if I fail the writing skills test? The test is held 3 time a year; end of August, November and late April/ May. Students may continue to re-write the test until you obtain a passing grade. More information about the Writing Skills Test.
When is the writing skills test? The WST takes place on the Monday of Orientation Week. This is the same day as the mandatory academic orientation. If you are unable to write it that day, please email to let us know. There will be 3 opportunities to write the test each year; end of August, November and late April/ May. More information about the Writing Skills Test.
Last day to add/swap courses The last day to Add/Swap Fall courses can be found through the TMU Significant Dates Calendar.
When can I enrol into classes as a first year?enrollment for first years?enrolment for first years?when can i add classes?date for adding classes Priority Enrolment Appointments for 1st Year Students Begins can be found through the TMU Significant Dates Calendar. Please visit the Significant Dates Calendar for important dates.
Can I speak to an upper year student? Yes! We have our First Year Ambassadors (FYAS) that are dedicated to helping you make the transition to life at Toronto Metropolitan University. Campus student group, club and union leaders, they know exactly what you’re going through and they’re keen to share their knowledge.