Title: How do we know climate change is real? (The Physical Science Basis)
Presenter: Yena Bassone-Quashie, PhD student, Environmental Applied Science and Management
Summary: This presentation provides a brief overview of the physical science basis for understanding climate change and global warming. It also explores evidence for anthropogenic emissions as the main cause, and briefly discusses the role of uncertainties in climate science.
Keywords: Climate change science, global warming, anthropogenic causes and supporting evidence, uncertainties
Title: Cashing in on the Ring of Fire: Its “Value” to Ontario’s EV Market and Supply Chain
Presenter: Anna Leckman, MASc student, Environmental Applied Science and Management
Summary: This presentation explores how Ontario’s Ring of Fire may play a role in Ontario’s EV supply chain development. To do so, a life cycle assessment/carbon accounting of all three scopes of emissions are used to draw conclusions. Conclusions include what role certain sites in the Ring of Fire could play both in a provincial context and a federal emissions’ targets.
Keywords: Mining, Scope 3 Emission Quantification, Carbon Accounting, Electric Vehicles, Supply Chain Analysis, Life Cycle Assessment, ESG