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Current Course Offerings

The below schedule reflects course planning for the 2021-2022 academic year for the Environmental Applied Science and Management MASc and PhD programs. Please refer to the Calendar (opens in new window)  for full course descriptions.

This offering is subject to change. It is recommended students use the class search function in RAMSS for most current information on course offerings. You must refer to Significant Dates (opens in new window)  for important deadlines for enrolment and dropping courses.

Students may complete an Independent Study Course Proposal for enrolment in any of the Fall, Winter or Spring/Summer terms.

As of the 2022-2023 academic year, the following EnSciMan courses were added to the program:  

ES8914: Principles of Hydrology (Group A), ES8931: Management Fundamentals for Environmental Professionals (Group B), ES8932: Sustainable Transportation (Group B), ES8957: Anti-colonial research methodologies (Group C), ES8953: Climate Change and Food Systems (Group C), ES8954: Power & Equity in Env. Practice (Group C), ES8955: Environmental Forensics (Group C), ES8956: Sustainable Product Design (Group C)

Full descriptions of these new courses can be found here. Until they are published to the calendar.

Fall 2024

Course Code Course TItle Group Instructor Date/ Time
ES8901 Chemical and Biological Pathways Required MASc/PhD Group A Andrew Laursen Thursday
ES8911 Ecotoxicology Group A Elective Lynda McCarthy


ES8930 MASc Seminar
Required MASc Year 2 Andrew Laursen


ES8921 Environmental Law Required MASc Year 2 Option/Group B Elective Alex Wellington Tuesday
ES8926 Environmental Economics Group B Elective Nora Ottenhof Wednesday
ES8927 Risk Assessment Group B Elective Tim Sly


Waste Management
Group A Elective

Elsayed Elbeshbishy Thursday

Winter 2025

Course Code
Course Title
Group   Instructor Date/Time
ES8920/ES9001 Environmental Policy and Management/ Advanced Environmental Policy and Management Required MASc Option/Group B Elective/PhD Required Chris Gore TBA
ES8914 Hydrology Group A Claire Oswald TBA
ES8923 Environmental Assessment Group B Krystal Nunes TBA
ES8913 Special Topics: Urban Water Systems Group A TBA TBA
ES8913 Special Topics: Great Lakes Climate Change Group A Lynda McCarthy TBA
ES8922 GIS for the Environment Group B TBA TBA
ES9002 Research Methods PhD Required Brooke Filsinger Tuesdays

Spring/Summer 2025

Course Code
Course Title
Group   Instructor Date/Time
ES8928 Special Topics: Climate and Tourism Group B
Rachel Dodds TBA