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How to Drop a Class

This tutorial is for undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate students should visit Drop a Course for course drop dates and other important considerations.

For Continuing Education student tutorials, please refer to the Continuing Education Academics page.

If you need to drop a class, you can do this from the Enrol/Swap/Drop link in the Academics section of your home page.

  1. Click the Enrol/Drop/Swap link.

    Student Center page in MyServiceeHub with the 'Enrol/Drop/Swap' link highlighted in the left navigation menu
  2. Click the Drop tab.

    'Drop' tab highlighted on top menu of  'Enrol/Drop/Swap' page
  3. Select the applicable term and career. Click Continue.

    This shows the classes that you are currently enrolled in. You can select classes to be dropped by clicking the checkbox to the left of the class.

    'Term' table and 'Continue' button highlighted on 'Enrol/Drop/Swap' page
  4. Click the checkbox beside the class or classes to be dropped. Then click Drop Selected Classes.

    Select classes to drop page with table of student's current classes
  5. Review the following notification before proceeding with your transaction. Click OK.

    This shows the classes that you have selected to be dropped so that you can confirm that you have selected the right class to be dropped.

    'Drop Classes' notification message
  6. Confirm that you have selected the correct classes to be dropped. Click Finish Dropping.

    'Selection confirmation' section of 'Drop Classes' page with 'Finish Dropping' button highlighted

    Your submission has been evaluated and the result is shown in the Message column.

    'View results' section of 'Drop Classes' page, indicating course has been successfully dropped

    There are two types of messages that you might receive:

    Message Status
    Success - You have dropped the class with no problems
    Error - A potential problem has been found that has stopped you from dropping the class

    Note: Click the My Class Schedule button to see the effects of dropping the class on your class schedule.