Presenting Your OneCard

Your TMU OneCard acts as official identification for you while you are on campus.
While on campus, students, faculty or staff are strongly encouraged to carry their OneCard. Occasionally, a member of the TMU Security team may ask that you provide a valid form of identification (such as a TMU issued OneCard) where such information is relevant to the legitimate pursuit of their duties. We strongly encourage you to do so.
Additional representatives of the university, including exam invigilators may also ask for your OneCard. Without your OneCard, you may not be permitted to access these spaces or services.
In addition to official identification, your OneCard will also allow you to access resources through the library, and load money onto your card to easily purchase food on campus or use photocopiers and printers.
Possession of a OneCard that is not yours is prohibited
Students are not allowed to possess, distribute or use false or altered identification. Possession of a OneCard that is not your own is strictly prohibited and might be confiscated by security staff if detected.
The person whose name is printed on the card is responsible for all transactions made with the card. If your card is lost or stolen, report it to the OneCard office as soon as possible.
For more information
For more information, please review the OneCard Terms of Agreement.
Contact the OneCard Office at 416-979-5000, ext. 557565 or