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Generative Ethics - Confronting What AI Means for Higher Education

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Dr. Bonnie Stewart
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Windsor

Dr. Bonnie Stewart (external link)  is an educator and social media researcher fascinated by who we are when we’re online. Associate Professor of Online Pedagogy and Workplace Learning at the University of Windsor, Bonnie explores the implications of digital networks and Generative AI for institutions and society. Bonnie was an early MOOC researcher and ethnographer of Twitter as an academic environment and currently investigates what it means to know, to learn, and to belong in a society shaped by our current information ecosystem. Bonnie is a career educator with extensive facilitation experience in higher ed, who has worked with learners and professionals on all three coasts of Canada and around the world.

Session Details

 Time
9:30 AM - 10:50 AM

 Venue TBD
Room # TBD

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