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Student to Instructor Interactions

Student to instructor

When planning student-to-instructor interaction,

  • Create a classroom community and let your students get to know you 
  • Plan how you will communicate with your students throughout the course 
  • Communicate your expectations and lines of communication with your students

Research has demonstrated that the student-to-instructor interaction is important for student satisfaction and academic achievement in an online learning environment (Anderson, Lampley,  & Good, 2013). 

Student-instructor interaction in online learning environments play a crucial role in students’ learning experiences. Faculty and instructors can foster a positive interaction in an online environment through virtual office hours (Hooper, Pollanen, & Teismann, 2006), setting expectations for the course, and providing various communication channels (Martin, Wang, & Sadaf, 2018).

Considerations when engaging with your students

Below are some strategies that will help your students know how to engage with you, inside and outside of your virtual classroom.


Teaching a large class? 

Take a look at our guide to  (google doc) Building Community in Large Classes: Instructor Presence (external link)  for some tips.


Andersen, J. C., Lampley, J. H., & Good, D. W. (2013). Learner satisfaction in online learning: An analysis of the perceived impact of learner-social media and learner-instructor interaction. Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, 6(21), 81–96. Retrieved from http://www.intellect

Hooper, J., Pollanen, M., & Teismann, H. (2006). Effective online office hours in the mathematical sciences. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 2(3), 187-194.

Martin, F., Wang, C., & Sadaf, A. (2018). Student perception of helpfulness of facilitation strategies that enhance instructor presence, connectedness, engagement and learning in online courses. The Internet and Higher Education, 37, 52–65. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2018.01.003