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From an idea to reality: How Sprint Studio helped this legal tech entrepreneur launch their business

By: Jess Bauer
September 01, 2022

Starting a business is no easy feat. From building your ideal user to product testing and finding your market-fit, it can be tough to figure out where to start. But, it doesn’t have to be with the help of Sprint Studio

Designed for early-stage legal tech startups, Sprint Studio is a 12-week, online, international program that focuses on building a market-ready solution through product and customer development. 

Supporting the next generation of legal tech entrepreneurs

Since launching the program in 2019, Sprint Studio has guided and supported over 30 legal tech entrepreneurs, including Tali Green (external link) , Co-Founder of Goodfact (external link) . Tali participated in the program in 2021, which she says has taken her company from an idea to now a reality. 

“Sprint Studio provided me with the guidance and support I was looking for to help me get my company off the ground” she says. “I was able to learn the basics of entrepreneurship and come out of it feeling like I was heading in the right direction.”

Throughout the program, participants work on the incremental development of their Minimum Viable Design (MVP), while also learning how to engage with early adopters and create a sales funnel. “The weekly sessions were all connected and built upon previously learned information,” says Tali. “It really was legal tech 101.”

Participants also gain ongoing support and mentorship from industry experts and startup advisors, as well as their community of colleagues, which for Tali, was the most beneficial aspect of the program.

“The LIZ gave me access to the best mentors I could have found,” says Tali. “Each week we had a different founder or industry expert we could connect with and learn from their first-hand experiences. I’m still always in touch with some of them with questions and to share knowledge and insights.”

Start your company off on the right track

For budding legal tech entrepreneurs who may be unsure whether they’re ready for a program like Sprint Studio, Tali shares some advice: “When you’re starting out, it’s all about self-education — there is no formal education program for legal tech entrepreneurs.”

She continues, “The LIZ really is the only place out there specifically for legal tech startups. If you want to know what you’re doing and start off on the right track, you should definitely sign up.” 

Applications for the 2022 cohort are now open, and close on Monday, September 12, 2022. The cohort will run weekly from September 21 until December 7, 2022. Participants will also have the chance to join Demo Day during the final session to practice pitching their solution.

More information is available on the LIZ website. If you’re ready to kick-start your legal tech solution, apply now through our application portal (external link) .