Office of the Vice-President, Administration & Operations

Saeed Zolfaghari was appointed vice-president, administration and operations (VPAO) effective January 10, 2022.
Saeed brings years of experience in administration and leadership to his new role at the university. Most recently, from 2020-21, he was interim provost and vice-president, academic, serving as the university’s chief academic officer and chief operating officer at a time marked by the challenges of the pandemic. In that position he also co-chaired both the Truth and Reconciliation Strategic Working Group and the Presidential Implementation Committee to Confront Anti-Black Racism.
Prior to his time as interim provost, Saeed served as vice-provost, faculty affairs for six years, where his responsibilities included setting strategic direction for appointments of faculty and contract lecturers and overseeing programs that foster faculty development and renewal. From 2010-2014 he was senior advisor, academic space planning.
As an administrator and leader, Saeed is a positive, inclusive, compassionate and supportive colleague, noted for being well-organized, detail-oriented and approachable, with excellent problem-solving and interpersonal skills. He has a strong and demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and a profound dedication to the well-being of TMU and its community.
Saeed earned his bachelor and master’s degrees in Industrial Engineering in Iran, obtaining a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Ottawa in 1997, and joining TMU in 1999 as a tenure-track assistant professor with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.
He was program director for industrial engineering from 2004 to 2012, and is a recognized expert in his research field of operations management, simulation modelling and analysis, and loyalty reward programs. He has been active in many volunteer opportunities in the community and professional societies, and was inducted as a Fellow into the Engineering Institute of Canada, recognizing his excellence and service to the profession and to society.