Who We Are

The Administration and Operations Management Group (AOMG) consists of leaders of seven non-academic units that work in partnership with colleagues across the university. The group focuses on people, infrastructure and operations ensuring that students, faculty and staff can call TMU a vibrant place to learn and work.
The activities of the units of the AOMG range from complex undertakings such as building the new Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex, providing healthy, delicious and sustainable food in the cafeterias and student residences, to everyday operations that include ensuring WIFI is up to speed, classrooms are turned over for the next group of students and the campus feels safe and welcoming.
The objective of the AOMG is to help every TMU community member feel valued and empowered to do their work - whether it is to excel as a student, shine as top-notch researcher or win accolades as a staff member.
Office of the Vice-President, Administration and Operations

Vice-President, Administration and Operations

Arianne Persaud
Executive Director

Executive Assistant
Administration and Operations Management Group
In support of the university's Academic Plan, the Administration and Operations Management Group (AOMG) collaborates with partners across TMU to create and deliver services that help make our university such an outstanding institution.

Denise Campbell
Executive Director,
Community Safety and Security

Voula Cocolakis
Assistant Vice President,
University Business Services

Brian Lesser
Chief Information Officer,
Computing and Communications
Emily MacIntosh
Director Communications, Administration and Operations

Glenda Mallon
Assistant Vice-President,
Facilities Management and Development

Jenny O’Donnell
Chief Human Resources Officer,
Human Resources

Brian Reny
Chief Internal Auditor,
Internal Audit Services