Definitions and FAQs

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Definitions of Transfer Credit Terms
Advanced Standing: Recognizes the completion of similar courses or programs by granting admission into a level higher than first semester. If you are eligible for Advanced Standing you will be informed on your Offer of Admission. Also see Degree Completion and Direct Entry.
Advisement Report: An unofficial degree audit. Available on MyServiceHub ( (opens in new window) to most undergraduate students.
Basis of Admission: As determined by Undergraduate Admissions is the confirmation of the academic requirements used to grant an Offer of Admission or Advanced Standing for a program.
Course Outline: Also known as a course syllabus, is a detailed course overview that includes a description of the course, objectives, topics, readings, assignments and an evaluation scheme. Course outlines are used to determine an equivalency to a Toronto Metropolitan University course.
Degree Completion: Recognizes the completion of an approved college diploma or university degree by granting admission into an upper year of a specific Toronto Metropolitan University program or a specialized degree completion curriculum. Also see Advanced Standing and Direct Entry.
Direct Entry: Recognizes the completion of approved college diploma by granting admission into an upper year of a program. If you are eligible for Direct Entry you will be informed on your Offer of Admission. Also see Advanced Standing and Degree Completion.
Generic Transfer Credit: When an incoming course is assessed for equivalency, normally a specific Toronto Metropolitan University course is established as equivalent transfer credit. In circumstances where a specific transfer credit cannot be established, sometimes a Generic Transfer Credit is established as equivalent transfer credit.
Offer of Admission: Is an official letter issued by Admissions informing an applicant of their admission into a Toronto Metropolitan University program. The Offer specifies program, admit term and semester level; as well as possible conditions, restrictions and deadlines pertaining to the Offer.
Transfer Credits: Are equivalent to Toronto Metropolitan University courses and granted for post-secondary courses completed at accredited institutions prior to being admitted to Toronto Metropolitan University.
Undergraduate Calendar: Is an official publication that includes official university policy, Toronto Metropolitan University program and curriculum information.
Frequently Asked Questions
All equivalency decisions are made by a subject area expert from a Toronto Metropolitan University teaching department.
The Transfer Credit Unit confirms your transfer credit eligibility, the accreditation of your institution(s), the accuracy of your grades and submitted course related information, and routes your application to the appropriate teaching department for review.
All transfer credit applications must be submitted to the Transfer Credit Unit and not to a Toronto Metropolitan University professor or teaching department. The Transfer Credit Unit vets all transfer credit applications and will ensure they are evaluated by the appropriate teaching department.
Your applications are processed after May 1. No Rule applications are only evaluated after you accept your Offer of Admission.
We recommend collecting your course outlines and uploading them for evaluation after your applications are processed.
When an incoming course is assessed for equivalency, normally a specific Toronto Metropolitan University course is established as equivalent transfer credit. In circumstances where a specific transfer credit cannot be established, sometimes a Generic Transfer Credit is established as an equivalent transfer credit.
For example, LAW GEN is granted when the incoming course is not directly equivalent to LAW 122.
A full-year course is eligible for two transfer credits, however, only one credit may be granted if the course content only covers the subject matter of one Toronto Metropolitan University course.
If you feel that an additional credit may be overlooked by the evaluator, you may submit a Transfer Credit Reassessment to have the application reconsidered.
Yes. Please refer to the Reassessment section of this site for more details.
No. All courses must meet the writing requirement to be considered for a Liberal Studies credit.
Toronto Metropolitan University considers most courses for transfer credits, regardless of how long ago they were completed.
Since course content is subject to change over time and in order to meet current curriculum, accreditation and learning outcome requirements, some courses completed 10 or more years ago may not be recognized for transfer credit. For example, Computer Science, Nursing, Media Studies, etc.
Submit your request via email to using your university email.
You must reference your TMU Student Number and name, and indicate the transfer credits you would like have removed from your record.
After you have received a confirmation email from our office indicating that your applications have been processed, you will not be able to edit your IP grades. Please arrange for an updated transcript to be sent to us and we will update the IP marks within two weeks of receiving the transcript.
A No Rule status means that the course has not been previously evaluated and requires faculty evaluation. You will be required to upload detailed course outlines for No Rule courses only after your applications are processed.
A No Rule, Course Outline Received status means that a course outline has been received and requires faculty evaluation which can take six to eight weeks.
You will be able to upload your course outlines for any No Rule courses only after we have officially processed your applications. For newly admitted fall students, transfer credit processing will start in May. Unfortunately we do not accept course outlines submitted via email, however, once we have officially processed your applications, you will receive an acknowledgment email with instructions on how to upload course outlines.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to see a history of the courses that you applied for after they have been submitted. As long as you received a successful upload message, your applications were received. You will receive an acknowledgment email once we begin processing your applications.
For newly admitted fall students, transfer credit processing will start in May.
Use the magnifying glass to select from a list of existing courses. Please note that courses that are not in our database will be displayed in red.
Please email with the following information:
- Name of the institution
- Course code and course title as it appears on your transcript
- Year the course was taken
- Grade received
- Your TMU Student Number
These courses will promptly be added into our database and you can then resume your application.
These credits do not meet the requirements of a Liberal Studies credit. Please refer to the Transfer Credit Applicability section for more information.