About ThriveTMU
The goal of the ThriveTMU initiative in Student Wellbeing is to provide training and resources to Toronto Metropolitan University students. Principles of positive psychology underpin all of the programs associated with ThriveTMU.
Our purpose is to help students feel a sense of support on campus, to better appreciate the connections between academic success and other elements of a healthy lifestyle, and, primarily, to help students develop capacities for thriving that will serve them throughout their lives.
We developed a resilience training program designed to teach the Five Factor Model of Resilience (mindfulness, gratitude, optimism, self-compassion, and grit). This program is available separately for students, faculty and staff at Toronto Metropolitan University.
Cultivate Your Happiness: A ThriveRU Weekly Workbook, was designed to anticipate the challenges of each week of each term, and provide an exercise that students can use to increase their capacity to be resilient in the face of the challenge of that week. (PDF file) Download the Cultivate Your Happiness: A ThriveTMU Weekly Workbook.
For more information you can contact the Scholar-in Residence Dr. Diana Brecher at dbrecher@torontomu.ca.