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Thriving in Action

What's Thriving in Action? 

Thriving in Action is a program like no other - it brings mental health, wellbeing, equity, and learning strategies together in a unique intervention that will leave you feeling more hopeful, more resilient, and more successful.

Thriving in Action welcomes all students including those on academic probation, students on the Centre for Student Development and Counselling (CSDC) waitlist, students with disabilities, and injured or struggling athletes. We welcome racialized and minoritized students, Indigenous students, equity-seeking students, LGBTQQIP2SAA students.

We welcome mature students, international students. We welcome Spanning the Gaps students, Fresh Start students, grad students, working students, and students raising or caring for families. In other words, if you feel like you’re ready to learn and practise new strategies to thrive personally and academically, we not just welcome but encourage you to give TiA a try.

Please feel free to email to learn more.

School is hard sometimes. But learning better, feeling better, and doing better is possible.

New! Thriving in Action for credit: Interested in learning thriving skills and the science underneath them? Consider adding SSH102 to your timetable. Search the course codes on MyServiceHub to find when it is offered next.

Students sitting on the steps of the SLC

Session details will be provided closer to the beginning of the Fall 2024 term! 

Student typing on laptop

Thriving in Action Online

We invite you to explore Thriving in Action Online to uncover your strengths, restore motivation, build momentum, and find new meaning. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive online library of strategies to thrive in your academic journey, including through its challenges. Come in, look around, watch the videos, try the exercises, read a little or a lot, and use the site in any way that makes sense to you. And then come back again. It's here whenever you need it.