
Simran is your Student Success Navigator and she can connect you to the resources you need to meet your goals. Ask about personal needs, academics, health and wellbeing, skill building, and finding community at TMU.

Danny is your Employer Engagement Specialist who works with creative employer and industry partners to connect you to meaningful opportunities and to bring you exciting professional development and networking events.
Employers looking to connect with Toronto Metropolitan University’s creative talent, contact Danny.

Jennifer is your Career Education Specialist who collaborates with the Career, Co-op & Student Success Centre to empower Creative School students and alumni, connecting you to valuable career resources and fostering your growth through personalized development opportunities.
Professional development webinars are offered weekly to help you gain the competitive edge when it comes to job searching and career planning.
Access templates and guides on resume building, drafting cover letters, interviewing strategies and more on the Toronto Metropolitan University Career & Co-op D2L shell.
Speak to a Career Advisor during a one-to-one session about any aspect of job search or career planning, no matter what stage you are in.
- The Creative School Careers Facebook Group (external link, opens in new window) — community, resources and daily jobs and opportunities across the GTA.
- Magnet (external link, opens in new window) — Toronto Metropolitan University’s external job board for students and alumni
- Career Boost (opens in new window) —Paid on-campus jobs