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Equity, diversity, inclusion and accesibility are areas that the Ted Rogers School of Management is committed to delivering education and training around. Training activities happen throughout the year and are offered to all staff and students, to help bring cultural change to the institution and beyond.

In the Fall 2022 semester, the TRSM Anti-Black Racism Awareness Committee completed the second round of anti-Black racism training for faculty and staff, totalling over 150 who’ve thus far participated. Facilitated by Delia Joseph and Karen Ridd, the three-hour workshops used a combination of personal reflection, group discussion and online exercises.

Business Career Hub

Business Career Hub training

Each year, the Business Career Hub (BCH) offers a range of EDIA-related training:

A five-part program on Anti-Black Racism by Dr. Andrew Campbell

A four-part program on the Inclusive Workplace by Egale

Four quadrants teaching of Indigenous Awareness Training by Amy Desjarlais

Inclusive Design training by Dr. Andrew Campbell

Several “huddle takeover” speakers on Indigenous topics, inclusive workplaces and accessibility

As part of their preparation for professional work terms, Ted Rogers Co-op students benefit from training on the topics of sexual violence support and education as well as microaggressions in the workplace, thanks to partnerships with the Office of Sexual Violence Support and Education and the Office of the Vice President Equity and Community Inclusion.