Dr. Mustafa Koç
We are going through a global legitimacy crisis that is shattering our social, political and economic norms. Crises are periods of instability as well as times for social change.
Areas of Expertise:
food security; food studies; food policy; sociology of immigration; rural sociology
Dr. Koç’s current research focuses on food justice, food security, food policy, immigration and diasporic foodways.
rshare.library.torontomu.ca/authors/Mustafa_Koc/14164308 (opens in new window)
Graduate Program Membership:
- Communication & Culture
- Environmental Applied Science & Management
- Immigration & Settlement Studies
- Policy Studies
Community & Professional Service:
- Director (2021-24), Toronto Metropolitan University Centre for Studies in Food Security (opens in new window)
Recent Publications:
Sadat, S.A.A., M.R. Pakravan-Charvadeh, S. Gholamrezai, M. Rahimian, J. Lane, J. Beland, M. Koç, N. Clark, et al. 2023. Factors associated with Afghan household food security pre- and post-Taliban regime. (external link, opens in new window) Journal of Public Health Policy 44(4): 551-565.
Saif-Nijat, J., M.R. Pakravan-Charvadeh, S. Gholamrezai, M. Rahimian, G. Lane, D. Beland, D., M. Koç et al. 2023. The association of the quality of life with Afghan households’ food insecurity before and after the recent political change in Afghanistan: a comparative analysis. (external link, opens in new window) BMC Public Health 23: 2066.
Regnier-Davies, J., S. Edge, M.H.M. Yu, J. Nasr, N. Austin, A. Daley & M. Koç. 2022. Towards equitable & resilient post-pandemic urban food systems: The role of community-based organizations. (external link, opens in new window) Urban Governance 2(2): 336-346.
Koç, M. and H. Koç. 2022. Kent Gıda Politikaları (Urban Food Policies). Şehir & Toplum (City and Society) 23: 47-56.
Saman, R. R. Sekercioglu, & M. Koç. 2021. Food Safety and Diversity in the COVID-19 Era: Experiences of Public Health and Settlement Officials with New Immigrants. (external link, opens in new window) Journal of Food Security 9(4): 160-166.
Koç, M., J. Summer & T. Winson, T. (eds). 2021. Critical Perspectives in Food Studies, 3rd ed. (external link, opens in new window) Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Speakman, K., M. Bancerz and M. Koç. 2021. "Finding Food Studies: A Map of the Field." In Critical Perspectives in Food Studies, 3rd ed. (external link, opens in new window) (pp. 3-31), edited by M. Koç, J. Sumner & T. Winson. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Kim, M., J. Oza & M. Koç. 2021. "Food and the Intersectionality of Immigrant Experience in Settler Colonial Canada." In Critical Perspectives in Food Studies, 3rd ed. (external link, opens in new window) (pp. 75-104), edited by M. Koç, J. Sumner & T. Winson. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Akarcay, E., A. Satiroglu, and M. Koç (eds). 2020. Yemek ve Toplum (Food and Society): Special Issue of the Istanbul Universitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi (external link) 40(1). 573pp.
Khakpour, M., R. Iqbal, N. GhulamHussain, R. Engler-Stringer, M. Koç, J. Garcea and H. Vatanparast. 2019. Facilitators and Barriers toward Food Security of Afghan Refugees Residing in Karachi, Pakistan. (external link, opens in new window) Ecology of Food and Nutrition 58(4): 317-334.
Koç, M. 2018. Food security discourse: Challenges for the 21st Century. (external link, opens in new window) Global Dialogue 8(3): 38-39.
Co-author. 2017. The Case for a National Food Policy Council. (external link, opens in new window) Report by the ad hoc Working Group on Food Policy Governance, submitted to the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Sept. 25.
Khakpour, M., L. Sadeghi, H. Jenzer, S. Martins, M. Farag, M. Koç, J. Garcea, C. Henry, R. Engler-Stringer and H. Vatanparast. 2017. The impact of soci-economic and cultural factors on refugee households’ food insecurity: a snapshot of the food security status of Afghan refugees in Switzerland. (external link, opens in new window) The FASEB Journal 31(S1): 791-13.