Dr. Amina Jamal
Areas of Expertise:
Islam, gender & modernity; political subjectivities & representations; transnational feminist identities; secularism & religion; honor-shame related violence; acts and activism; critical diasporic South Asian feminisms.
Dr. Jamal’s research highlights the new types of citizen-subjects that are emerging from the complex interplay of gender, race, religion and sexuality with changing global economic, political and cultural relations. She is presently investigating the dilemmas of feminist and progressive Muslim politics and poetics in South Asia which are threatened by diverse hegemonic discourses and multiple forms of violence emanating from local, national and global interests. The aim is to explicate how territorial classifications such as religious/secular; Muslim/Hindu; woman/feminist; moral/transgressive emerge in particular sites and to disrupt the cultural, political and scholarly flows that naturalize these categories. She received a SSHRC Connections Grant (with J. Ku and M. Khan) for a symposium on 'Critical Diasporic South Asian Feminisms' in July 2021.
ryerson.academia.edu/AminaJamal (external link, opens in new window)
orcid.org/0000-0001-7124-1715 (external link, opens in new window)
- SOC 473: Classical Sociology Theory
- SOC 475: Contemporary Sociological Theory
- SOC 885: Women and Islam
- IS 8901: The Canadian Immigration Experience
- IS 8938: Western Muslims and Liberalism
Graduate Program Membership:
- Immigration & Settlement Studies
Community & Professional Service:
- Co-organizer/discussant: “Critical Diasporic South Asian Feminisms in Canada.” Feminist Sociology. Roundtable organized in collaboration with Jane Ku, University of Windsor. Vancouver: Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities (2019, June 6).
- Keynote Speaker: “In and Against the Islam/Secular Dichotomy in Pakistan: Muslim Feminist Practices After 9/11.” Conference: What Works for Women’s Equality: Insights from Research and Practice. Organized by Global Gender Program, Elliott School, George Washington University, Washington (2016, 1-2 August).
- Invited Speaker: “Zunera Ishaq: A Transnational Feminist Reading.” Panel Discussion organized by LEAF, CAMWL and OISE-UT. Toronto. The Impossible Citizen: A Conversation on Race, Gender and Democracy (2015, November 18).
- Plenary Speaker: “Malala and Mukhtara: Global feminist heroes as transnational victim-subjects.” Society for the Psychology of Women American Psychological Association Division 35. Annual General Meeting. From International to Transnational: Transforming the Psychology of Women (2015, August 4).
Recent Publications:
Jamal, A. and K.R. Wheeler, eds. Forthcoming. Special issue: Muslim Women and Gender at the Margins (external link, opens in new window) . Religions.
Jamal A. Forthcoming. “Theoretical Perspectives on Women, State and Islam” in Gender Studies in Pakistan, edited by Nida Kirmani, Sheema Khawar and Bilal Zahoor.
Jamal, A. 2021. The Entanglement of Secularism and Feminism in Pakistan. Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism (special issue on Transnational Feminist Approaches to Anti-Muslim Racism, edited by Z. Korkman and S. Razack) 20(2). Forthcoming.
Mucina, M.K. and A. Jamal, eds. 2021. Special issue: Assimilation Interrupted: Transforming Discourses of Culture and Honour-Based Violence in Canada. (external link, opens in new window) International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies 12(1).
Jamal, A. 2020. (PDF file) Our Young Muslim Women, Willfulness, and the Honor Crime. (opens in new window) Al Raida 44(2): 23-53.
Jamal, A. 2015. Piety, Transgression and the Feminist Debate on Muslim Women: Transnationalizing the Victim-Subject of Honor-Related violence. (external link, opens in new window) Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 41(1): 55-79.
Jamal, A. 2013. Jamaat-e-Islami Women in Pakistan: Vanguard of a New Modernity? (external link, opens in new window) Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
Jamal, A. 2013. “When Are Women’s Rights Human Rights in Pakistan?” in Gender, National Security and Counter-Terrorism: Human Rights Perspectives (external link, opens in new window) (pp. 208-229), edited by M. Satterthwaite and J. Huckerby. New York: Routledge.