
3D Modeling of Urban Underground Infrastructure (e.g., urban sewer systems as illustrated here)

Spatio‐temporal distributions of the detected outliers in Toronto using Twitter data (source (external link, opens in new window) )
2019-2024, "Smart Campus Integrated Platform Development", Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Alliance Grant with support of FuseForward Solutions Group Ltd., total funding: $3,200,000, Co-PI with a share of $800,000 (PI: Prof. Jenn McArthur from Toronto Metropolitan University)
In collaboration with FuseForward Solutions Group, Toronto Metropolitan University researchers will develop an cloud-hosted Digital Twin (DT) for the Toronto Metropolitan University campus. This Digital Twin will serve as a simulation and visualization environment for all campus data, combining the campus buildings, supporting physical infrastructure, and mobility systems into a common interface. This will allow campus managers and other end-users to a) observe the current and historical behavior of the campus, b) identify irregular behavior or potential issues, and c) perform feasiblity and "what-if" analyses to test new campus strategies, such as emergency response, energy management, etc. The research outcomes are expected to be replicated to developing smart cities.
2019, "Machine-learning based big textual data analysis for job candidate resources extraction and matching", Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Engage Grant, Industrial Partner: WITS Consulting Inc., Principle Investigator.
2015-2018, "Developing a WebGIS Based Modelling Tool for Examining Cost Effectiveness of Best Management Practices in a Representative Agricultural Watershed", OMAFRA – U of G KTT Program, Project Team Member.
2014-2015, "3DSolar: Web-based 3D Environment for Modeling Urban Solar Energy Potential", Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) VIP, Industrial Partner: Woodstock Hydro, Principle Investigator.
2011-2017, "S&R GIS: An event-driven geospatial infrastructure for real-time decision support", Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant, Principle Investigator.
2013-2014, "High-Resolution 3D Mapping and Modeling of Solar Neighbourhood Potential", MiTACS Accelerate, Industrial Partner: S2E Technologies Inc., Intern: Annie Chow, Co-Supervisor.
2013, "Comparison of Solar Radiation Tools for Rooftops Solar Potential Analysis", Connect Canada Internship (Auto21 Inc. and Toronto Hydro – Electric System Ltd.), Intern: Freddy Paya, Academic Supervisor.
2012, Research Fellowship, Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
2012, "Development of a GeoConference Tool for Vigilance Projects", Research Contract with Quebec Ministry of Public Security, Principle Investigator.
2011-2014, "CanICE – A sea ice information database and web-based portal with novel, interactive knowledge discovery tools", Indian and Northern Affairs Canada: BREA Initiative, Co-Investigator (Project Lead: L. Braithwaite).
2011-2012, "Solar energy modeling and demonstration technology for urban buildings", Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Engage Grant, Industrial Partner: Woodstock Hydro, Principle Investigator.
2010-2011, "Updating Road Network using GPS Data Collected from Smart Phones", Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Engage Grant, Industrial Partner: GreenOwl Solutions, Principle Investigator.
2010, "Evaluating Solar Energy Potential Assessment and Mapping Methodology and Technologies", Toronto Metropolitan University: FEAS Dean’s Research Funds, Principle Investigator.
2009, Research Fellowship, Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
2005-2010, "Collaborative GIS for Municipal Planning: Enhancing Web-based Open GIS and Decision-making Tools", Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant, Principle Investigator.
2005-2010, “Development of a 3D predictive modeling platform for exploration, assessment & efficient management of mineral, petroleum & ground water resources", National Center of Excellence (NCE) GEOIDE: Research Projects, Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. J. Pouliot from Laval University).
2005-2007, "Geomatics technology: from data acquisition to contextual analysis", National Center of Excellence (NCE) GEOIDE: Research Projects, Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. M. Fortin from Lava University).
2004, "Spatial Information Management and Application Laboratory (SIMAL)", Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) New Opportunity Fund, Principle Investigator.
2003-2005, "New Collaborative Geographic Visualization Methods and Tools for Right-of-Way Corridor Location", Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant, Principle Investigator.