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Tuition Rebate Procedure

  • Related Documents:  Tuition Rebate Policy
  • Owner:  Human Resources
  • Approval Dates:  February 2004, August 2007

I.    Application Process

1.    Prior to enrollment in a course or program, an employee will obtain program information, and complete a tuition rebate form.  Application forms are available in the Human Resources Department and on the web at  (PDF file)

2.    It is the responsibility of the employee to request any necessary approvals, and to provide the necessary documentation.  This may include program and course information for their request and provides a rationale for the type of request being made (either for work-related or professional development).

3.    The employee discusses with his/her manager, the program of study, the number of courses to be undertaken, and anticipated costs to be shared by their department/school.  The manager reviews the application and provides documentation on the type of request and allocates budget codes (if applicable).

4.    Upon rebate approval by the manager, which may include approval to debit the department/school cost center for its share of the tuition, the employee takes the application to Human Resources for tuition rebate assessment. 

5.    Completed application forms are forwarded to Human Resources for review, approval and processing. The employee is notified of the application status.  Upon approval, the employee picks up the approved rebate application from the Human Resources reception desk, then registers and pays for the course at the educational institution.

6.    Once approval is obtained, the employee can register in the program or course.

7.    After completing the course, the employee submits a request for reimbursement to Human Resources, along with a copy of the original receipt of payment of the tuition fee and official proof of a passing grade. The receipt of payment must clearly identify the tuition fees and other fees separately, for example, ancillary fees.  All candidates require proof of successful course completion within 30 days of receiving notification from their academic institution.

8.    Human Resources will verify that all required documentation has been provided.  Appropriate calculations are made to identify reimbursement obligations for each party.  Tuition grants are deducted from the tuition portion of fees.

9.    A reimbursement cheque will be mailed to the employee via interoffice mail.

10.    Employees are expected to take these courses outside the normal work hours.  Managers must discuss requests for exceptions with Human Resources.

II.    Jurisdiction

This procedure falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The administration, interpretation and application of this procedure and its related policy are the responsibility of Human Resources.