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- Administrative Policies Form (external link) : Use this to initiate policy related work. GCBS will contact you upon completion of the form
In order to determine which type of policy document is required based on the definitions below, think about the purpose and scope of the document. Once you have determined the appropriate document type, please use the policy template to write your policy document.
- a formal, high-level statement or plan that reflects the University’s values, goals, expectations, and accepted practices for a specified subject area.
- means the appropriate steps to comply with policy standards or guidelines.
- general statements, recommendations, or administrative instructions that are designed to achieve a policy’s objectives by providing a framework to implement procedures.
- a minimum expectation of threshold by which an action or rule is supported by a policy.
The University Administrative Policies website is the official communication platform for all policies. Owners of policies should forward approved policy documents (policy, procedure, standard, and guideline) to the Office of the General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Governors at for posting to the University Administrative Policies website. If the policy document is incomplete, it will be returned to the Owner before publication.