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Management and Confidential Excluded (MAC) Group Employee Appeal Procedure

I.    Procedure

It is hoped that employees will feel free to discuss problems with their supervisors in an informal fashion.  Also, that employees, on their own or with their supervisors, would feel free to approach any other level of manager in the appropriate line structure to resolve issues.  It is recognized, however, that this may not always be the case.  If the resolution of the problem is not satisfactorily to an employee, then he/she may avail him/herself of the formal appeal procedure outlined below.

II.    Appeal Procedure

Step 1

1.    The employee shall state the problem in writing to the immediate supervisor.  One copy will be sent to each of:  the supervisor's superior, the appropriate senior director/dean(s).

2.    The supervisor shall provide a decision in writing to the employee within five (5) working days.  Copies of the written decision shall be sent to all parties.

Step 2

1.    If the employee is not satisfied with the decision, within five (5) working days, he/she shall make a written request for reconsideration of the decision to the supervisor's superior.  One copy will be sent to each of the immediate supervisor and the appropriate senior director/dean(s).

2.    The supervisor's superior shall, within five (5) working days of receipt of the written complaint, provide a decision in writing to the employee.  Copies of the written decision shall be sent to all parties.  Note:  If the supervisor's superior is a senior director/dean, a vice president or the President, the employee may choose to by-pass Steps 1 and 2 and proceed to Step 3.

Step 3

1.    If the employee is not satisfied with the decision, within five (5) working days from receipt of the decision, he/she may further appeal the decision by submitting a written request for reconsideration of the decision at Step 2 to the senior director/dean.  One copy shall be set to each of:  the immediate supervisor, the supervisor's superior, the Management and Confidential Excluded Group contact (the contact). 

Note:  the role of the Management and Confidential Excluded Group contact is appended to the Appeal Procedure.  Please contact your Human Resources consultant for a referral to the Management and Confidential contact.

2.    The senior director/dean shall, within five (5) working days of receipt of the written complaint, provide a decision in writing to the employee.  Copies of the written decision shall be sent to all parties.

Step 4

1.    If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the senior director/dean, the employee may, within five (5) working days, request in writing that the contact initiate the process for the appointment of an intermediary.  Copies of the written request of the employee to the contact to commence Step 4 shall be sent to all appropriate parties.

2.         The Intermediary shall be recommended by the contact and shall be agreeable to both the employee and the senior director/dean.

3.         If, after five (5) working days, the parties cannot agree on an Intermediary, the Vice President, Administration and Finance shall appoint an intermediary.

4.         The intermediary shall determine his/her own procedures to ensure that all parties have full opportunity to provide input.

5.         As expeditiously as possible, the Intermediary shall present his/her findings in writing to the Vice President, Administration and Finance, the employee and the senior director/dean(s).

Step 5

1.    After consultation with the appropriate line vice president, the Vice President, Administration and Finance will make the final decision regarding the complaint within seven (7) working days from the receipt of the report of the intermediary.  The Vice President, prior to making the decision, shall consider the comments of the parties in response to the Intermediary's report.  The decision of the Vice President, Administration and Finance shall be communicated to all parties.  The Vice President, Administration and Finance's decision shall be in writing and shall be final.

Note: The steps outlined above have been created to provide every supervisor/manager in the line structure an opportunity to resolve issues.  In most instances, however, the reporting relationships would only need to be two or three steps.

If it is not possible for a decision to be provided within the specified time limit, the complainant shall be given an expected completion date, in writing, and the reason for the delay.  Copies of this narrative shall be sent to all appropriate parties at that step of the procedure.

III.    Jurisdiction

This procedure and its related policy fall under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The interpretation and application of this procedure and its attendant policy is the responsibility of the Executive Director, Human Resources.  The Vice President, Administration and Finance makes final decisions under this policy, where required.