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Management and Confidential Excluded (MAC) Group Employee Appeal Policy

I.    Policy

Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") promotes accountability, openness, professional responsibility and a safe work environment. The University strongly encourages timely problem resolution through informational communication between parties in dispute.  However, in cases where problems remain unresolved, staff members have the right to address their concerns formally without fear of reprisal.

II.    Objectives

1.    To provide a confidential, effective, transparent and fair way to resolve problems, disputes, misunderstandings or disagreements with respect to management decisions and actions.

2.    To provide fair and equitable treatment to all employees and to recognize that employees expect fair and consistent treatment in their relationship with the University.

3.    To ensure that all employees have a procedure through which concerns related to the employment relationship may be addressed.

III.    Employment-related Matters Which May Be Appealed

1.    leaves, hours of work, overtime;

2.    pay-related issues;

3.    job/grade classification;

4.    alleged mistreatment/harassment (see also Appeal Procedures established in University policy on Discrimination and Harassment Prevention);

5.    employment status;

6.    performance review and/or evaluations;

7.    disciplinary measures up to and including discharge (in instances of discharge, the appeal procedure shall begin at Step 4);

8.    decisions on the MAC internal recruitment selection process.

Note: Appeal procedures established under specific University policies, ie. Job Evaluation, Discrimination and Harassment Prevention, etc., shall supercede this policy.

IV.    Application

This policy and its associated procedure applies to all staff at the University who are not represented by a bargaining agent.

V.    Responsibilities of Participants

1.    The University:  The University has the responsibility to provide an appeal policy and related procedures to facilitate the confidential resolution of problems as expeditiously as possible.

2.    Line Managers:  Managers have the responsibility to be accessible, fair, and responsive in dealing with work-related concerns.

3.    Staff Members:  The responsibility for initiating the appeal procedure rests with the staff member experiencing the problem.

VI.    Jurisdiction

This policy falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The interpretation and application of this policy and its attendant procedures is the responsibility of the Executive Director, Human Resources.  The Vice President, Administration and Finance makes final decisions under this policy, where required.