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Professional Certification

The School of Occupational and Public Health prepares you to pursue professional certification after graduation.

By demonstrating that you meet rigorous educational, experience and examination requirements, professional certification can set you apart and have a valuable impact on your career.

TMU graduates are eligible to apply for the examination and certification as a Canadian Registered Safety Technician (CRST).

Following a period of work experience and an examination process, graduates may choose to pursue registration as a Registered Occupational Hygienist through the Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists, or to apply for certification as a Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) through the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals.

Graduates can also pursue American designations such as Certified Industrial Hygienist or Certified Safety Professional.

Certifying bodies:

The Public Health program meets the educational requirements for certification as a public health inspector in Canada (external link, opens in new window) . To achieve full certification, you must:

Certification is not a requirement for graduation.

For graduates planning careers in the private sector, professional certification by the CIPHI is not required, but does open doors to Canada-wide employment opportunities.

Certifying body: