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Annette Bailey
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Internationalization, Faculty of Community Services and Associate Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing
EducationRN, BScN, MSN, PhD
OfficeDCC-545, Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex
Phone416-979-5000, ext. 557851
Areas of ExpertiseHealth promotion and education; Traumatic stress and resilience among survivors of community and interpersonal violence.
Annette Bailey has worked in both acute and community health nursing settings. Much of her work in community health nursing has focused on interagency collaboration to address key determinants of health for diverse populations in Toronto.
Bailey completed her PhD in Public Health Science with a specialization in Health Promotion and Education. Her research examines traumatic stress and resilience among survivors of community and interpersonal violence. Her research interests span violence prevention, violence and trauma, trauma and resilience, homicide loss, resilience and grief. Her most recent research activity focused on traumatic stress and resilience among Black Women who have lost a child to gun violence in Toronto.
- G Social: Getting a grip on grief. (2015). Funding received from Women Xchange.
- Exploring grief and resilience among youth survivors of gun homicide victims. (2013). Funding received from SSHRC Institutional Grant.
- Children and youth community participation: Building capacity against violence in Brazil and Dominican Republic. (2012). Funding received from AUCC.
- Surviving gun violence: Building evidence for policy and programming. (2011). Funding received from the Faculty of Community Services.
- Bailey, A., Zanchetta, M., Pon, G., Velasco, D., Wilson-Mitchell, K., & Hassan, A. (2015). The audacity of critical awakening. In J. Wadell, L. Cooper & J. Gingras (Eds.). Teaching as scholarship: Preparing students for professional practice in community services. Toronto: Centre for the Advancement of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Wilfred Laurier Press (in press).
- Bailey, A., Clarke, J., & Salami, B. (2015). Race-based stigma as a determinant of access and support in Black mothers’ experience of loss to gun violence. In S. Pashang & S. Gruner (Eds., pp. 262-276). Roots and routes of displacement and trauma: From Analysis to advocacy & policy to practice. Oakville: ON: Rock's Mills Press
- Bailey, A., Akhtar, M., & Clarke, J., Sky Starr (2015). Intersecting individual, social and cultural factors in Black mothers’ resilience building following loss to gun violence in Canada. In N. Khanlou & B. Pilkington (Eds., 311-325).Women's mental health: Resistance and resilience in community and society. Springer International Publishing
- Clarke, J., Pon, G., Benjamin, A., & Bailey, A. (2015). Ethnicity, race, oppression, and social work: The Canadian case. In J. D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition (pp. 152–156) Oxford: Elsevier.
- Eddy, L. L., Bailey, A., & Doutrich, D. (2014). Families and Community/Public Health Nursing. In J. Rowe, A. Tabacco, D. Coehlo, R. Steele, & S. Hanson (5th ed., pp 559-582). Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice and Research. F.A Davis Company.
- Bailey, A., & Velasco, D. (2014). Gun violence in Canada. In Buchanan, C. (Ed., pp. 207-221), Gun violence, disability and recovery. Freshwater, NSW, Australia: Surviving Gun Violence Project.
- Samuels-Dennis, J., Bailey, A., & Ford-Gilboe, M. (2011). The intersectionality model of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (IMT-PTSD). In O. Havinsky (Ed.), Health inequities in Canada: Intersectional frameworks and practices. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Journal Articles:
- Bailey, A., Zanchetta, M., Velasco, D., Pon, G., & Hassan, A. (2015). Building a scholar in writing: A model for developing students’ critical writing skills. Nurse Education in Practice , 1-6.
- Hannays-King, C., Bailey, A., & Akhtar, M. (2015). Social support and Black mothers’ bereavement experience of losing a child to gun homicide. Bereavement Care, 34(1), 10-16.
- Bailey, A., & Starr, S. (2015). A community-based model of gun-violent traumatic grief support. Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, 1(03).
- Zanchetta, M., Kolawole-Salami, B., Bailey, A., & Guruge, S. et al (2014). Enhancing critical reflection of Brazilian Community Health Agents’ awareness of social determinants of health. SAGE Open, 4(4), 1-14.
- Bailey, A., Sharma, M., & Jubin, M. (2013). The mediating role of social support, cognitive appraisal and quality health care in Black mothers’ stress-resilience process following loss to gun violence. Violence and Victims, 28 (2), 233-247.
- Bailey, A., Hannays-King, C., Clarke, J., Lester, E., &Velasco, D., (2013). Black mothers' cognitive process of finding meaning and building resilience after loss of a child to gun violence. British Journal of Social Work, 43(2), 336-354.
- Samuels-Dennis, J., Bailey, A., Killian, K., & Ray, S. (2013). The mediating effects of empowerment, interpersonal conflict, and social support on the violence-PTSD process. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 32(1), 109-124
- Bailey, A., Clarke, J., & Salami, B. (May 2015). The influence of race-based stigma on resource access and support for Black mothers who lose children to gun violence. Oral presentation done at the Annual International Conference on Nursing, Athens, Greece
- Nguyen, M., Lapum, J., Malone, M., & Bailey, A. (June 9, 2015). Women's narratives of intimate relationships and irritable bowel syndrome. Oral presentation accepted at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing Research Day, Ryerson University.
- Zanchetta, M., Bailey, A., Kolisnyk, O., Aksenchuk, K., Stevenson, M., Babalola, O., Baku, L., Fernandez, F., Hassan, A., & Leong, N. (June 2014). Reflecting on mentorship: Faculty’s and undergraduate students’ accounts of successful intellectual partnerships for scholarly writing. Oral presentation done at the 5th International Nurse Education Conference, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- Zanchetta, M., Bailey, A., Schwind, J., Kolisnyk, O., Gorospe, F. et al. (July 2014).Transformation of professional skills of undergraduate university nursing students through volunteer scholarly writing endeavours. Oral presentation done at the Second European Conference on Education, United Kingdom
- Bailey, A., Zanchetta, M., Pon, G., Velasco, D., & Hassan, A. (June 2014). Building a scholar in writing: A model for developing students’ critical writing skills. Poster presentation done at the 5th International Nurse Education Conference,
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- Zanchetta, M., Bailey, A., Schwind, J., Kolisnyk, O., Gorospe, F. et al. (March 2014).Transformation of professional skills of undergraduate university nursing students through volunteer scholarly writing endeavours. Oral and poster presentation done at the 21st Century Academic Forum, Harvard University, Boston, NY, USA
- Bailey, A., Hannays-King, C., Clarke, J., Lester, E., &Velasco, D. (June 2013) Finding meaning and building resilience after loss to gun violence. Oral presentation done at the 6th Annual Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing Research Day: Promoting Equity through Health Research-Embracing Possibilities, Toronto, ON
- Bailey, A. (June 2012). Surviving gun violence: Building evidence for policy and programming. Oral presentation done at the 5th Annual Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing Research Day, Toronto, ON
- Bailey, A. (December 2011). Traumatic Stress, Social Support, Cognitive Appraisal, and Resiliency Among Black Women Experiencing Gun Violence Loss: Oral presentation done at The American Public Health Association, Washington, USA
- Bailey, A., & Clarke, J. (June 2014). Driven by purpose, fueled by spirituality: Black mothers’ coping with death to gun violence. 2014 International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society, Hong Kong, China
- Bailey, A. (April 2014). Surviving gun violence: International-based evidence for policy recommendations. Oral presentation at Global Health Forum: Taking Action on Violence Through Research, Policy and Practice, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
- Bailey, A. (December 2013). Service and Support for Survivors of Crime: Setting the Stage for Canadian Policies, Parliament Hill, House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada
- Lapum, J., Martin, J., Schwind, J., Waddell, J., Bailey, A., Miranda, J., Newman, K., & Jancar, S. (May 2014). Faculty of Community Services: The mentorship experience. Panel presentation at Ryerson Faculty Conference: Teaching without Borders. Ryerson University, Toronto, ON
- Bailey, A. (May 2013). Submitting, preparing and presenting at conferences. Oral presentation at Collaborative SRC Day: Building Your Research Toolkit: Strategies for Success, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
- Bailey, A. (2012). Surviving gun Violence: Social and Psychological Impacts, Secretary of Health, Rio de Janerio, Brazil
- Bailey, A. (2012). Improving Health for Survivors of Gun Violence: Setting the Stage for International Collaboration, UNIRIO, Rio de Janerio, Brazil
- Bailey, A. (2012). Resilience on Trial: Impact of Gun Violence Loss on Black Mothers - CAMH, Toronto, Canada
- Bailey, A. (2011). Traumatic stress and resilience among Black women who suffer loss of a child to gun violence. American Public Health Association. Washington, DC (Invited presentation).
- Bailey, A. (2011). Black women’s coping in the face of loss from gun violence. Women’s Health & Mental Wellbeing Speakers Series. York University, Toronto, Canada (Invited presentation)
- Bailey, A. (2010). Traumatic stress and resilience among Black women who suffer loss of a child to gun violence. Presented at Walden University Academic Residency. Honolulu, Hawaii (Invited presentation).
Invited Research Seminars/ Symposium/ Colloquium/ Roundtable Discussion:
- Bailey, A. (2015). Resilience Process of Black women Bereaved to gun violence. Panel Speaker for Ryerson University Social Justice Week, Toronto, Canada
- Bailey, A. (June 2015). These Researchers Just Keep Taking and Taking. Panel Speaker for Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing 7th Research Day, Toronto, Canada
- Bailey, A. &Velasco, D. (April 2015). Representing the Convergence of Art and Science in Trauma Research Dissemination, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing SRC colloquium, Toronto, Canada
- Bailey, A. (March 2014). Social Support and Black Mothers' Psychological Well-being following Loss to Gun Violence, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing SRC colloquium, Toronto, Canada
- Bailey, A. (February 2014). Strengthening the Dialogue to Improve Victims’ Experiences-Ontario Office for Victims of Crime, Toronto, Canada
- Bailey, A. (February 2014). Helping mothers find meaning and build resilience after loss to gun violence. Oral presentation at the Community Trauma-Focused Training for Victims of Violence, Toronto, Canada
- Bailey, A. (November 2013). A roundtable with victims and survivors of violence in Canada and Mexico. Office of the Vice President, Research and Innovation, Ryerson University, Toronto
- Press Conference (external link) , Kempton's Legacy: Joan Howard, Rev. Sky Starr, Dr. Annette Bailey and Toronto Team. Parliament Hill, December 10, 2013.
- Winner of the Senator Wanda Thomas-Bernard Faculty Award, 2017.
- Honoured by Hon. Mario Sergio, Member of Parliament, with a special Certificate of Recognition for volunteer work as Research Coordinator with Out of Bounds Grief Support in Jane and Finch community, 2015. Award presented by Premier Kathleen Wynne.
- Nominated for the Sue Williams Excellence in Teaching Award by Year 3 Community Health Nursing Students, 2015.
- Honoured by Hon. Judy Sgro, Member of Parliament, with a special Certificate of Recognition for volunteer work as Research Coordinator with Out of Bounds Grief Support in Jane and Finch community, 2012.
- Presentation Award, for presentation on the social and psychological impact of gun violence to the Secretary of Health in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 2012.
- Research Presentation Award, for presentation to the School of Nursing at the Federal University of Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 2012.
- Nominated for 2014 Faculty SRC Award in the pre-tenure category by Josephine Wong, 2013.