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How to Create Student Block

When you have a group of students that you want to enrol, drop or swap in one or more classes, you can set up a Student Block containing these students and then you can process one enrolment request for the whole block.

For example:

If you need to drop 90 students from a class, you can create a Student Block containing the 90 students, drop the block of students from the class with one enrolment request. Then use the Student Block again to enrol them in another class. 

You can enrol a group of students in a class from Records and Enrolment on the Main Menu.

Records and Enrolment option under Main Menu

On the menu bar, click Main Menu and then click the following:

  1. Records and Enrolment
  2. Enrol Students
  3. Block Enrolment
  4. Create Student Block
  1. Click Create Student Block.

  2. Click the the Add a New Value tab.

    Add a New Value tab on Create Student Block page
  3. The first thing you must do is give your Student Block an identifier that you can use to call it up at a later time. You can use up to five letters, five numbers or any combination of both for this identifier.

  4. Enter an identifier for the Student Enrolment Block.

  5. Click Add button.

    You must now enter a Description of your Student Block to help you further identify the block if you call it up at a later time.

  6. Enter a description in the Description box.

    Block Enrolment Students page with box to enter Description
  7. Enter a student's ID.

    Block Enrolment Students page with boxes to enter student's ID, Academic Career, and Plus button to add new student entry
  8. Enter a student's Academic Career.

  9. Click Add to add a new row for student-entry.

    Block Enrolment Students page with all data entered
  10. Continue adding student this way until the list is complete.

    If you have a long list of students to enter, you might want to use this keying tip:

    • Enter student ID, press tab twice
    • Enter Academic Career, press tab twice
    • Press Enter
  11. Click Save button.

    Block Enrolment Students page with data for multiple students entered. Save button is in the bottom left corner.

You can go back and edit this Student Block at any time.

If you want to perform an enrol, drop or swap for this Student Block into multiple classes, you can create a Class Block. See the How to Create a Class Block tutorial for details.

  1. Click the Add Merge Process link.

    Add Merge Process link on Block Enrolment Students page
  2. Enter the Student Block identifier.

    Block Enrol Merge tab with Student Block identifier box

    If you don’t remember the Student Block identifier, click Search icon beside the Student Block box and select it from a list on Student Blocks.

  3. Click the Detail/Create link below Class Block.

    Detail/Create link under Block Enrol Merge tab
  4. Enter the Term.

  5. Select an Action Reason from the drop-down box.

  6. Click Search icon to search for the Class Nbr.

    Create Customized Class Block page with options to enter Term, Action, and Class Number
  7. Enter the three or four-letter code for the Course Subject from the academic calendar. For example:

    • ENG – for Undergrad English courses
    • CENG – for Continuing Education English courses
    Enter Search Criteria window with box to enter Course Subject
  8. Enter the Course Number.

  9. Click Search.

  10. Click Select beside the class you wish to choose.

    Search Results window with button to select class

    You may need to override some of the requirements to get this enrolment request to complete successfully with no errors. Your security level will determine which overrides you can select.

  11. Select the Overrides that you want to apply.

    You can add another class by clicking Add in the top right-hand corner. This will add a new row where you can add a class.

    To view all the classes and their overrides, click View All.

  12. Click OK button.

    Overrides section with checkbox options on Create Customized Class Block page
  13. Click Merge button.

    Merge button under Block Enrol Merge tab
  14. Click Submit button.

    Your enrolment request has now processed. The status of the request shows in the Request Status box.

    Request Status under Block Enrol Merge tab showing an error

    If you get errors, you can retrieve the errors and look at the student to see the individual enrolment request and select overrides to deal with the errors.

  1. From the Detail Status box, select a message type you want work with.

  2. Click Retrieve button.

    Filtering Criteria section with Detail Status menu and Retrieve button under Block Enrol Merge tab

    This shows all the students with errors and the possible details of errors encountered. You can then work your way through the list, selecting the overrides to apply to each individual student in order to achieve a successful enrolment request.

  3. Click the Detail link beside the student you want to work with.

    Detail link next to student under Block Enrol Detail tab

    You can now select overrides needed to get rid of the error. Then click the Block Enrol Merge tab and try the enrolment request again.

    To change the overrides for another student click the Block Enrl Detail1 tab.

    Block Enrol Detail 1 tab