Impact and Results

The following are some testimonials indicating the impact and results since the establishment of Graduate Leadership Institute in November 2018.
By the numbers
- Graduate students from all 7 of 7 faculties are currently participating in GLI
- 313 customized leadership advising sessions completed
- 31 instalments of Leadership Matters produced
- 5,837 views of leadership video series
- 104 leadership development workshops
- 2,430 leadership development participants
- 222 GRADMentor participants
- 37 GRADLeader participants
- 100% of graduate students surveyed agreed they:
- Have a greater understanding of leadership after participating in advising sessions.
- Feel more empowered or equipped as a leader after participating in these advising sessions.
- Found the advising sessions relevant or applicable to them.
- Would recommend leadership advising appointments to other graduate students
"I enjoyed the Leadership Matters video series and found it insightful for my leadership development. Thank you again for your support."
"The most important thing I learned is probably the necessity of introspection. To be a good leader, one must first understand themselves and be connected with the inner mind. These advising sessions have also given me some new and intriguing perspectives that I intend on exploring further."
"I learned how to approach my practicum placements to make the most of each opportunity. Skills included how to stand out as an intern, strategies to communicate with team members in virtual/in-person settings, strategies to network in each placement, and how to blend into work teams as an intern to make it a positive learning experience. The sessions taught me what steps I can take following graduation to begin creating the career I want in my field of study. I feel empowered and excited for the future."
"We discussed the importance of learning company values and aligning my professional goals with them. Another relevant discussion was regarding active listening and open-mindedness. By having these conversations, I feel better suited to enter a new work environment with confidence and excitement."
"Thanks for meeting with me and providing a continuous and positive source of leadership information and inspiration."
"I learned how to set clear goals and how to connect different activities to reflect the goal. It has been great to have a sounding board to really iron out details and next steps."
"I enjoyed watching the videos from the Leadership Matters series. I found them very informative and they gave me a different perspective on some common themes I deal with as a graduate student. I look forward to attending other GLI workshops in the future!"
"After attending the sessions with Dr. Leung I feel more confident now. The sessions helped me to have a better understanding of what are the qualities one should hold to be a good leader. I now know how to control my fear and feel more ready to take on new challenges."
"These sessions have provided a stronger belief in myself and greater motivation to pursue professional and personal development. I’ve learned about the power of leaning into vulnerability and self-reflection."
"These sessions have been highly helpful for my emotional and mental health. As a result of how our lives have changed during the pandemic and all the challenges I was going through as a father, student and employee, without realizing it, I was falling into a stress cycle, feeling very anxious and burnout. Through these sessions, Dr. Leung really helped me to put things in perspective to change the way I was internalizing all these challenges I was facing. He provided valuable advice, tools and practical insights based on his vast experience and articles that really helped me to positively shift my attitude and self-confidence, which made an important difference in my personal and professional life. I greatly appreciate the highly professional and personalized attention I received during my sessions."
"I wanted to say thank you for such a relevant and useful session. I truly learnt so many strategies that I'll be able to apply in all kinds of relationships moving forward."
"I'm grateful for our sessions and have been able to use our discussions positively this term. Thanks again."
"Thank you very much for your time and patience with me today. I found our session to be extremely helpful and insightful. You're very easy to talk to and a good facilitator of discussion!"
"This is such a great initiative and I'm grateful to have spotted it early into my graduate studies, truly appreciate your efforts in this regard!"
"Your workshops are so inspiring and powerful...thanks for organizing them."
"I really enjoyed the Leading in Uncertainty session you facilitated today. Thank you for taking the time to facilitate it. I think we all benefited not just from the framework you illustrated, but also from having a safe space and others to talk to."
"Good pointers for branding myself during interviews and professional conversations."
"I learned about leading an organization through change and how to navigate as a newcomer into an organization in the change agent role."
"The insight I gained was that taking care of oneself helps us to become better at leading. The best thing we can do for someone else is to take care of oneself."
"I have learned the principles of leadership and how to become an effective leader on my team. I became more confident and able to deal professionally and wisely with the people on my team."
"The advising sessions have given me a direction to go for future employment. It has prepared me with leadership insights for career readiness as it gave me an opportunity to discuss my feelings and thoughts in a constructive manner."
"These advising sessions gave me more courage to network and get out there again. After eight years in the field and going back for my masters, I was feeling a bit in a rut but this reminded me of what direction I needed to take."
"Increased my awareness about how I can better communicate and collaborate with my colleagues who may have different perspectives, preferences and needs. I would like to take this opportunity to commend the expert and professional advising sessions provided by Dr. Leung. His teaching style was inclusive, collaborative, supportive, and empowering."
"I was very satisfied with my advising sessions. I think Dr. Leung is doing an amazing job. His advice is situation specific so it really applies from person to person."
"Being exposed to these leadership advising sessions has bestowed me with the capacity to tackle leadership-related challenges in my personal, professional and academic life. I can confidently say that these advisory sessions have more than done its job to prepare myself for this next chapter in my life."
"It has helped me develop a fuller vision of situations and people and the art of working together. Thank you for this important resource."
"You have taught me so many new things, and helped me reframe my thoughts about what it means to be a leader/taking on a leadership role. I genuinely appreciate that you took the time to not only listen to me, but to also share your stories! As well, I really like that you're using YouTube videos as a way to connect with the community."
"It's great to have these opportunities to reflect and gain perspective. I almost see it as executive coaching, where it helps you be a better thinker. I found it very helpful and it offered a more organized way of thinking for me, particularly the courage and resilience categories of leadership."
"I want to thank you for helping me gain essential knowledge on leadership and emotional intelligence. You have helped me gain confidence through your expertise. You’ve helped me understand my weaknesses and provided me with feedback to overcome them as well."
"It is shaping me as a person who values my purpose rather than financial benefits. Very positive influence, and gives me direction. Thank you for your mentoring."
"Dr. Leung provides validation on things that you are doing right, increasing confidence. It is so nice to speak to someone who can relate to you and provide further insights on directions to take to continue growing. He is also exceptional at discussing challenges you are facing... including personal barriers you were not aware were holding you back. With a completely accepting and non-judgemental tone, he helps you identify challenges and tangible solutions that you can take to overcome barriers and guides next steps to personal and professional success."
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