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Crowdmark is an online collaborative grading and analytics platform that helps educators, working alone or in teams, to more effectively evaluate student work. The platform allows for easy distribution and collection of student work, offers tools for the assembly and management of grading teams, and provides an online workflow that streamlines grading and the delivery of rich feedback to students.

  • Integrated with D2L Brightspace
  • Online collaborative marking between TAs and instructors
  • Easy distribution and collection of student work
  • Provides integrated grading tools

About 

Crowdmark Administered Assessments allow you to upload existing custom format test booklets and automatically marks them up with QR codes, allowing for easy printing, scanning and uploading to an online collaborative marking system. This allows teaching assistants and instructors to mark assessments simultaneously.

Crowdmark also supports Assigned Assessments, which are written or online assignments that are submitted by students directly to the same online collaborative marking system.

After the booklets are uploaded, Crowdmark offers a set of intuitive grading tools for your teaching team to mark your student's work, and then allows you to directly send those grades to D2L Brightspace. The system keeps the student's identity anonymous during the grading process which enables unbiased grading. Academic integrity of assessments is improved by archiving a digital copy of student work that cannot be altered.

Getting Started 

To get started, check out our Crowdmark guide for instructors.

Not sure if this is the right tool?

Crowdmark's Administered (In-person) assessments support the completion of in-person handwritten exams, including the optional use of bubble sheets. 

Crowdmark's Assigned (Online) assessments distribute the assessment to students to complete and submit their work online. Assigned assessments can be used in some cases as an alternative to Brightspace Quizzes, as each tool presents different features.


Akindi Paper Assessment

Crowdmark Paper Assessment Scantron

Recommended Use

On-paper and hybrid bubble sheet assessments

Multiple question type assessments, including multiple choice questions No longer available; previously used for bubble sheet assessments

Printing Sheets

Regular A4 letter size sheets

Regular A4 letter size sheets Proprietary Scantron sheets

Printing and Scanning

Any consumer printer/scanner; can be done by Bond Street Printshop or independently

Any consumer printer/scanner; can be done by RICOH or independently

Proprietary printer/scanner available only at Bond Street Printshop

Pre-filled student information on sheets 


Question types

Multiple Choice and Multi-Answer, T/F

Max. of 50 or 150 questions

Answer options: A-E or A-J

Multiple Choice, Handwritten Response

Max. of 100 or 200 MC questions

Answer options: A-E

Multiple Choice, T/F; no multi-answer

Max. of  215 questions

Answer options: A-E


Available online in the Akindi Dashboard, including the scanned bubblesheets

Available online in Crowdmark, including the scanned response sheets .CSV file emailed to you

Advanced marking

Partial marks

Varied point values

Exact selection only

Multiple answer selection

Either/or (multiple correct choices)

Auto-marking for bubble sheet responses, including: 

Select one correct answer

Select all correct answers


Answer Key Creation

Uploaded from .docx file

Manual selection (online)

Upload completed bubble sheet


Manual selection (online)

Use a bubblesheet and fill in the answer key. 

Put this at the top of the other bubblesheets for scanning.

Can edit answer key after completion 

Yes; automatically re-grades all students

Yes; automatically re-grades all responses No

Auto-export scores to Brightspace Grades


(manual CSV file upload to D2L Grades)

Automated response analysis 

Excel files emailed to instructor

Multiple versions of assessment

No No


Brightspace Quizzes

Akindi Online Assessment Crowdmark Online Assessments

Recommended Use

Quizzes with pooled or varied question types

Multiple choice quizzes with a fixed end time; hybrid quizzes Remote open book assessments, with multiple question types

Question types

Variety, including Multiple Choice, Written Response. Learn more about Brightspace Quiz Questions.

Multiple Choice, Multi-Answer Variety, including Multiple Choice, File Upload, Written Response. 

Hard deadline for submissions

Accommodations can be individually set


Easily import questions from .docx or PDF file


✓  No, but documents can be distributed as questions

One-step fix of incorrect questions



Automated response analysis 



Automated Virtual Proctoring Available

No No

Randomly selected questions from pools 


Shuffle questions

Within sections or across entire quiz

Across entire quiz Within randomized pools

Prevent backtracking

Can be set for one question or any page break

One question at a time No

Multiple versions of quiz

Assigned based on group or section enrollment

Randomly assigned Manually assigned

Support 

For more information on using Crowdmark please visit the Crowdmark Help Center (external link)  or email

If you require assistance with Crowdmark's integration with D2L Brightspace, email us at, call 416-979-5000 ext. 556806 or visit our contact page.