Course Substitutions / Directives
Please submit completed course exception (substitution/directive) forms to

A Course Substitution/Course Directive allows an undergraduate or Continuing Education certificate student to substitute one TMU course for another within their program curriculum.
Undergraduate Students
All degree level courses successfully completed at TMU during the undergraduate student's program of study and/or prior to their admission to an undergraduate program are eligible for substitution (subject to assessment for program relevancy).
Continuing Education Certificate Students
All certificate or degree level courses successfully completed at TMU during the student’s program studies and/or prior to their enrolment in a Certificate program are eligible for substitution (subject to assessment for program relevancy).
A Course Substitution request determines whether a course that is not part of the normal curriculum of a program can be used to fulfill a specific course requirement in the program's normal curriculum. A course substitution does not replace prerequisite requirements needed to enrol in courses.
A Course Directive request determines whether a course that is not part of the normal curriculum of a program can be used to fulfill a non-specific course in a prescribed group within the program's normal curriculum.
Application Information
Please note that all course substitutions and directives are considered exceptions and require approval from the Chair/Director or, in some cases, the Dean.
Substitutions for required courses will only be considered under extenuating circumstances as determined by the Office of the Registrar. Examples include situations where a course is no longer offered in the curriculum or when transferring to a new program results in an antirequisite course conflict with your academic history.
Please contact your Academic Program Advisor for assistance.
Course Substitution/Course Directive application form for students in undergraduate degree and The Chang School Continuing Education Certificate programs are available on-line.
Please select the appropriate Course Exception form: