Dr. Emily van der Meulen
Emily van der Meulen is a Professor in the Department of Criminology. She received her PhD in Women’s Studies from York University in 2009 and subsequently held postdoctoral fellowships with the Center for Research on Inner City Health at St. Michael’s Hospital and the Comparative Program on Health and Society, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. She joined the Department in 2011.
Her areas of expertise include community-based and participatory methodologies, gendered surveillance studies, prison health and harm reduction, the criminalization and stigmatization of sex work, and the effects of anti-human trafficking policy and policing.
Among other projects, she has conducted research on diverse women's experiences with (PDF file) CCTV surveillance; Asian and migrant (PDF file) sex workers’ access to health and social services (with Butterfly); the (PDF file) Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act, which offers some legal protections for people who call 911 to report an overdose (with the HIV Legal Network); and how exploitative labour practices are framed and rationalized in literature on (PDF file) Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
She has also been engaged in a long-term and multi-phase undertaking on the need for effective (PDF file) carceral syringe distribution programs, which recently included an examination of the current (PDF file) federal prison needle exchange (with the HIV Legal Network and PASAN).
Based on these and other of her research projects, she received TMU's Faculty of Arts Scholarly, Research, and Creative Activity Award in 2013, 2019, and 2022.
Selected Publications
Edited Books
- Trafficking Harms: Critical, Politics, Perspectives, and Experiences (external link) (Fernwood Publishing, 2024 with Katrin Roots and Ann De Shalit);
- Disability Injustice: Confronting Criminalization in Canada (external link) (UBC Press, 2022 with Kelly Fritsch and Jeffrey Monaghan);
- Making Surveillance States: Transnational Histories (external link) (University of Toronto Press, 2019 with Robert Heynen);
- Red Light Labour: Sex Work Regulation, Agency, and Resistance (external link) (UBC Press, 2018 with Elya M. Durisin and Chris Bruckert);
- From Suffragette to Homesteader: Exploring British and Canadian Colonial Histories and Women’s Politics through Memoir (external link) (Fernwood Publishing, 2018);
- Expanding the Gaze: Gender and the Politics of Surveillance (external link) (University of Toronto Press, 2016 with Robert Heynen);
- Selling Sex: Experience, Research, and Advocacy on Sex Work in Canada (external link) (UBC Press, 2013 with Elya M. Durisin and Victoria Love).

Peer Reviewed Articles (past 6 years)
- Michaud, L., van der Meulen, E., Chu, S.K.H & Janet Butler-Mcphee, J. (2024). 'The law is too grey': Liminal Legality and Moral Injury in Encounters with Drug Law Enforcement. Social & Legal Studies. Online First. (external link)
- De Shalit, A., van der Meulen, E., Chu, S.K.H. & Thomas, R. (2024). Drug Use Stigma and Reprisal: Barriers to Prison Needle Exchange in Canada. The Prison Journal. 104(3), 344-364. (external link)
- Michaud, L., van der Meulen, E., & Guta, A. (2024). Therapeutic Alignments: Examining Police and Public Health/Harm Reduction Partnerships. Policing and Society. 34(4), 290-304. (external link)
- De Shalit, A., Guta, A., van der Meulen, E. LaForest, R., & Orsini, M. (2024). Discursive Positions on Charitable Sector Advocacy in Canada: A Situational Analysis. Critical Policy Studies. 18(2), 227-246. (external link)
- Sterling, A. & van der Meulen, E. (2018). ‘We are not criminals!’: Sex Work Clients in Canada and the Constitution of Risk Knowledges. Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 33(3), 291-308. (external link) Awarded Honourable Mention for the CJLS’s annual Article Prize - English language