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Dr. Jane Sprott
Dr. Sprott is a professor in the Department of Criminology at Ryerson University. Her research interests include the operation of the youth and adult criminal justice systems, issues around pre-trial release, sentencing in Canada, and perceptions of crime and criminal justice policies. She is currently working on an SSHRC funded project which investigates bail conditions placed on youths. Professor Sprott has taught courses in the areas of corrections, youth justice, introduction to the criminal justice system, and research methods.
Selected Publications
- Murphy, Y., Sprott, J.B. and Doob, A. (2015). Changes to Pardons in Canada. Criminal Law Quarterly, 62, 209-225
- Sprott, J.B. (2015). How do court officials “create” youth crime? The use and consequences of bail conditions. Canadian Criminal Law Review, 19(1), 27-39.
- Sprott, J.B. and Sutherland, J. (2015). Unintended consequences of multiple bail conditions for youth. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 57(1), 59-81.
- Sprott, J.B. and Roberts, J.R. (2013). A Festschrift in Honour of Anthony N. Doob. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 55(4).
- Sprott, J.B., Webster, C., and Doob, A.N. (2013) Punishment Severity and Confidence in the Criminal Justice System, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 55(2), 279-292.
- Sprott, J.B. (2012). The persistence of “status offences” in the youth justice system. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 54(3), 309-332.
- Sprott, J.B. and Myers, N. (2011). Set up to fail: The unintended consequences of multiple bail conditions. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice,53(4), 404-423.
- Greene, C., Sprott, J.B., Madon, N., and Jung, M. (2010). Punishing Processes in Youth Court: Procedural Justice, Court Atmosphere and Youths’ Views of the Legitimacy of the Justice System. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 52(5), 527-544
- Sprott, J.B. and Doob, A.N. (2009). Justice for Girls? Stability and Change in the Youth Justice Systems of the United States and Canada. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Sprott, J.B. and Greene, C. (2010). Trust and Confidence in the Courts: Does the Quality of Treatment Young Offenders Receive Affect their Views of the Courts? Crime and Delinquency,56(2), 290-322.
- Sprott, J.B. and Doob, A.N. (2008). Youth crime rates and the youth justice system. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 50 (5), 621-639
- Sprott, J.B. (2006). The Use of Custody for Failing to Comply with a Disposition Cases under the Young Offenders Act. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 48(4), 609-622.
- Doob, A.N. and Sprott, J.B. (2006). Assessing punitiveness in Canadian youth justice policy. Punishment and Society, 8(4), 477-480.
- Doob A.N. and Sprott, J.B. (2004). "Youth Justice in Canada". In Crime and Justice: A Review of the Research. Volume 31 (M. Tonry and A. Doob, Eds). Pp. 185-242. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Sprott, J.B. and Cesaroni, C. (2002). Similarities in trends in homicide in the United States and Canada: Guns, crack or simple demographics? Homicide Studies. Vol 6(4), 348-359.