View and grade quiz attempts
Manual vs. automatic grading
With D2L, it is possible to set up quizzes that grade automatically, but there are cases when you may need to manually grade a student's quiz attempt.
Some of the reasons include:
- the inclusion of a question that cannot be automatically graded (such as essay-style questions)
- the instructor prefers to manually check each quiz to confirm the grade and manually publish the results
- the instructor needs to re-grade a question that had an error in the question text or settings
Note: If you need to change a student's quiz grade, please make sure to always do so using the instructions below, through the Quizzes tool. If you were to change their grade through the Grades tool, this may result in you and the student seeing inconsistent information in different locations in D2L Brightspace.
Start by creating a quiz!
Why would I view a quiz attempt in progress?
This is often a tool we use when troubleshooting issues that come up during or after the quiz.
- The student may contact you describing problems during the exam.
- The student's quiz attempt may not appear in the list of completed quiz attempts.
These steps will allow you to find an attempt that was started but not completed - if one exists.
You may then choose to submit the student's attempt on their behalf so that it may be graded.
Why would a student's quiz attempt still be 'in progress' after the quiz is over?
If it was an asynchronous quiz, it's possible the quiz attempt was completed, but not fully submitted.
Occasionally, a student may experience a problem if they:
- Neglect to submit their quiz once they've finished answering questions (or neglect to complete all of the steps to submit - it's several clicks).
- Accidentally exit a quiz or close their browser.
- Experience a browser or computer crash.
NOTE: If you create a synchronous quiz or select the “Automatically submit the quiz attempt” timing option when you set up your quiz, the problem of unsubmitted quizzes can be avoided, as all attempts are auto-submitted at the end of the time limit.
These settings should be applied before the students begin the quiz.
The settings to push the quiz grade into the gradebook can be found in the "Evaluation & Feedback" panel of the quiz editor.
NOTE: If your quiz contains any Written Response questions, instructor intervention is required before the quiz is fully graded. We also recommend at least reviewing student responses for Short Answer or Fill in the Blanks questions, as there may be some false negatives.
Before you begin
Make sure you have created the grade item (column) for the quiz in the gradebook.
We recommend hiding the grade item from the students, until you are ready to release the grades to all of the students.
Return to the quiz editor to associate the grade item to the quiz and enable the settings that will push the grade from the quiz to the grade item once it has been graded.
Associate the quiz with a grade item
Once you’ve made sure that you have created a grade item for the quiz, you need to go to Assessment > Quizzes, to edit the quiz and connect the grade item and quiz to each other.
You can learn more about how to do this on the Create Online Quizzes page, in the “If you already have a grade item in the gradebook for this quiz (recommended)” section.
My students have already taken the quiz - how do I get the grades to appear in the gradebook?
If the quiz grades weren't set up to automatically push to the gradebook, and now you need to publish existing grades, here’s how to fix that!
First, know that this is easy to fix. If your students wrote the quiz in D2L Brightspace, any marks for questions that have already been graded are in the quizzes tool.
Follow the steps in the section immediately above this one, called “Push the quiz grades to the gradebook automatically upon completion”, to:
- Create a grade item
- Associate the grade item and quiz with each other
- Ensure that the auto-grade/auto-publish settings are turned on, so that any subsequent updates to quiz marks will be published right away.
If you don’t plan to reuse quiz questions in the future, and all of your students have completed a quiz, you can allow students to view their attempts and see how they did on each question.
Ideally, you would set this up before students write their quiz. These settings are found in the Evaluation & Feedback panel.
If you have already created and published your quiz results, adjusting the default view does not work retroactively. Please see the option below.
Troubleshoot issues with quiz attempts
Are you looking for a student's attempt and don't see it in the list of submitted attempts - even when the student assures you it's been completed?
It's possible the quiz attempt was completed, but not fully submitted.
Occasionally, a student may experience a problem if they:
- Don't fully submit their quiz once they've finished answering questions.
- Accidentally exit a quiz or close their browser.
- Experience a browser or computer crash.
If the student is unable to enter the quiz again to submit the attempt themselves, you can find it and may choose to submit it on their behalf in order to complete the grading.
See the section on viewing and submitting a "quiz attempt in progress" above for instructions!
If you don’t find the quiz attempt there, consider viewing the attempt logs for the quiz.
It’s also possible that the student made an error, attempting another quiz in this or another course shell.
NOTE: If you create a quiz with a start/end window that covers the duration of the time limit, and auto-submission, this can help you avoid most incidents of “lost” quiz attempts.
All student activity in quizzes is logged, and the Quiz Attempt Logs make it possible for you to see this information, so that you can troubleshoot the situation and make an informed decision about how to proceed.
- You might notice you don't see a score for a student's quiz, and you're not sure why.
- A student might approach you because they insist they wrote the quiz, but they can't see their attempt or grade.
The Quiz Attempt Logs may provide you with the details you're looking for, such as:
- The quiz entry time
- The quiz completion time
How to proceed after viewing the logs
Once you've viewed the logs and determined what happened, here are your options:
- Submit the quiz on behalf of the student, as is, grading only what they completed. (See section near the top of this page.)
- Add the student to special access for the quiz, and give them more time or an additional attempt at the quiz.
- Delete a quiz attempt, so that the student can start the quiz again. (See section slightly above this section.)
- Restore a quiz attempt, if you have accidentally deleted it. (See section right above this section.)
- If there are concerns about conduct, you could also collect and use this information to consult with your department or the Academic Integrity office for advice about how to proceed.
Have you ever had a student urgently contact you mid-quiz to say that something happened that prevented them from completing the exam?
There are a couple of "Special Access" strategies that can help here.
Instructions for setting up "Special Access" can be found on the Create a Quiz tutorial page!
"Help! I clicked Submit by mistake and I wasn't done the exam!"
This happens quite often, as the quiz "Submit" button appears at the bottom of every page of the quiz. Since the student has submitted this attempt, you may choose to give them a second attempt using Special Access.
- Check "Override attempts allowed"
- Indicate how many attempts the student is permitted - if they have already completed 1 attempt, you will need to specify 2 or more.
"Help! I lost access to the quiz and can't get back in!"
This can happen if the student loses their internet connection, or their browser crashes, and - although they have time left in their time limit - it is past the availability end time.
You may choose to give them a later availability end time so that they can continue their current attempt.
- Check "End Date" in the availability section.
- Specify the new End Date and time for this student.
- Most of the time, you will leave the timing as-is if you don't want to give the student more time to complete the quiz. The clock is still ticking from the time they first started the quiz. However, if there are extremely extenuating circumstances, you may wish to add time to the enforced time limit.
NOTE: If you create a quiz with a start/end window that covers the duration of the time limit, this can ensure that students can re-enter anytime during the duration of the quiz, which can reduce the frequency that this problem occurs.
First, make sure you have followed the instructions above, to:
- Grade the student's quiz submission.
- Publish the graded results to the gradebook.
- Make sure the grade item is visible.
Please note that, by default, the student will not be able to view the quiz questions, correct or incorrect answers, or question-specific feedback, UNLESS you have set up a submission view to allow this.
If you will be reusing quiz questions in future terms, we do not recommend allowing students to see the questions again, or which questions they answered correctly. A better approach would be to review common mistakes or misunderstood materials in class, after everyone has completed the quiz.
If you have provided written feedback in the "Attempt Feedback" field of the student's quiz attempt, once the quiz grades have been published to the gradebook, please direct your students to go to Progress > Quizzes, then click on "Details" below the quiz name, to access any feedback.
Mistakes happen! You may discover a problem with a quiz question, such as the way the question or answer options were worded, or which answer was set as the correct answer.
If NO students have started the quiz yet, you can hide the quiz, make the edit, save, then unhide the quiz.
If even one student has started the quiz, please do not change anything in the quiz. The quiz should be the same for all students who write it. If you change any details of a quiz so it's different for some students, this may be an integrity concern, as it's not an equal playing field.
Once you've discovered a problem, you need to decide how to proceed.
If the quiz is in the classroom or lab where you can communicate with all students during the quiz, and your quiz allows students to move forward and backward to change their answers, you may be able to provide clarification, so they can answer the question.
However, most of the time, with an online quiz, that's not possible or may not help, so the easiest way to proceed is to wait until everyone has completed the quiz, and then regrade to give everyone the points for that question. You can do this by following the instructions in the "Grade a quiz by question" section, near the top of this page, select the problematic question, and quickly assign full points to all students.
If you plan to reuse the quiz in future terms when you teach the course again, you will need to remember to edit the quiz, and fix the problem. You can do this after ALL students have completed the quiz and been graded.