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The Zero Experience

Distinguish yourself by making a difference

Open to all students, The Zero Experience is a set of bite-sized interactive workshops that will allow you to strengthen your problem-solving skills by working on real-world issues. 

The Zero Experience gives you the opportunity to…

  • Discover, analyze, and begin solving problems affecting millions of people
  • Learn how to lead and inspire your peers
  • Craft an exciting early startup, research project, or career
  • Meet new friends, from TMU and beyond
  • Dive deeply into what you want from your future

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a first-year or grad student, or what program you’re in. The Zero Experience will teach you how to stand out and create lasting impact, no experience required.

Go from zero (experience) to 100 real quick

How does it work?

The Zero Experience is a three-week program comprising two 2-hour workshops each week. (Mondays and Thursdays 7-9pm ET, beginning January 22nd). In these workshops, you’ll learn how to make a real impact from scratch and how to figure out what you want in life.

In Week 1, you’ll learn about urgent problems and ideate creative solutions with peers.

In Week 2, you’ll network with professionals and put your solutions into action, while learning valuable time management skills.

And in Week 3, you’ll craft a plan for your future and emerge with a meaningful project for impact.

Here’s the cool part. At the end of Week 3, you'll receive guided mentorship to help you take your next step in the Zone ecosystem. Want to launch a startup, find a great PhD project, or land a killer co-op? TMU has the resources, and Zero will help you find them.

“I did things in 2 hours that would have been otherwise impossible. I felt great afterwards.”

Second year student, Science

This isn't like regular school

Every part of the Zero Experience is incredibly interactive, stuffed to the brim with knowledge and all those soft skills university doesn’t teach, created so you can practice with peers immediately.* 

*There’s never more than 10 minutes of lecturing at a time. Every cool idea is instantly used, and echoes as the program goes on.

What you can get out of this

The most powerful outcome that Zero alumni talk about is the mindset shift. They become more self-confident, better problem solvers, natural networkers, budding leaders, and ultimately innovators.

Some of them emerge with fascinating new jobs and iron-clad resumes, others become award-winning entrepreneurs, or develop novel research proposals, and more. The Zero Experience provides a broad foundation and mindset you can build off of in a endless directions.

On top of this you’ll receive permanent access to Zero’s exclusive alumni group, dozens of essays on success from scratch written by your peers, a signed Certificate of Innovation, and an actionable project for impact.

Over two thousand students have joined Zero. If you don’t like it, you can leave anytime! But if it clicks for you, it will transform your university experience.

“If there is one thing that you have wished for but couldn't do, The Zero Experience is just for you.”

First year student, Engineering and Architecture