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Hello! Couture

Deco Fringe Face Mask
Hello, Couture! By Iris Simpson and Mary Jo Appugliesi 
Toronto, ON
Cotton, netting and sequins

Designers Iris Simpson and Mary Jo Appugliesi, both X University Fashion graduates, launched Hello, Couture! in the spring of 2018, with the goal of “redefining modern couture, one amazing piece at a time.”1 Through their brand, they offer a mix of vintage pieces and repurposed items -- which reflect their commitment to sustainability -- along with new clothing and accessories.2 In spring 2020, the brand began selling face masks for the public in a variety of colours and fabrics, including this one, which features metallic sequins and fringe paillettes. The pair also made a donation of masks to Michael Garron Hospital for frontline workers.3 (external link) 
@hellocouturedesign (external link) 

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Black Lives Matter Mask 
Hello, Couture! By Iris Simpson and Mary Jo Appugliesi 
Toronto, ON

In the midst of the Black Lives Matter resurgence, masks have become a widely-distributed canvas to communicate solidarity and advocacy in the midst of racial injustice. Masks offered a level of protection for organisers and protesters from ongoing police violence such as rubber bullets and tear gas.4 Bold in its messaging, the red “#BLM” embroidery is explicit in nature, highlighting the importance of Black lives and using one's platform to take action in the public consciousness.

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