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A group of Black graduates wearing kente stoles

On June 8, 2023, the Black Excellence Committee hosted the 4th annual Black Excellence Graduation Celebration, which brought together over 200 Black graduating students as well as members of the community that supported them throughout their academic journey. The event offered Black grads an opportunity to mark this milestone achievement with joy, connection, community and celebration. 

“Celebrating student success is one of the best parts of working at TMU. Acknowledging how hard students have worked and what they’ve accomplished is so important, especially when we see equity-deserving students thrive. Black students have overcome many systemic challenges to reach this milestone, and their hard work, talent and tenacity have brought them to this exciting point in their lives. They’ve experienced all the joys and sorrows that come with earning a degree, and now they head into a new adventure. Our world needs leaders who will continue to change the way we do things, and I have no doubt that this accomplished group of graduates will do just that. I can’t wait to see them in action and hope they keep pushing those around them to greater heights. Congratulations, everyone!” - Jen McMillen, Vice-Provost, Students

“The Black Excellence Graduation Celebration was created to recognize and celebrate the academic accomplishment and determination of Black graduating students at TMU. We know that Black students disproportionately face challenges as a result of global systems that often result in having had to work harder than colleagues for the successes you have so rightly earned. This celebration acknowledges your tenacity and the challenges you overcame to get to this point as well as your undeniable deservingness of joy, celebration and endless possibility. I also see it as a way to honour the village that played a role in bringing you to where you are today - your ancestors, your family and chosen family, all those in your home and academic communities who have journeyed alongside you.  

We see you. We are proud of you. And we honour you. Congratulations!” - Tanya (Toni) De Mello, Vice President, Office of the Vice President, Equity and Community Inclusion

“On behalf of The Chang School, I’d like to extend my wholehearted congratulations to the 2023 graduates. Although it may not have always been an easy journey, you persevered and accomplished your learning goals. As you begin in your career or change in a current one, remember you’ll always be TMU Bold.   

Black Grad Celebration is an important way for the University to celebrate the rich diversity of its community, and the exceptional academic achievements of its Black students. I wish you all the best in your next endeavour. We're here to help you fulfill your future educational goals.” - Gary Hepburn, Dean, The Chang School

“Congratulations to the Black graduating students of 2023 and those in the upcoming years. In many of our programs, the likelihood of identifying several other people who share the same traits as us was low. It is a great accomplishment to have persevered in those spaces, kept our heads high, showed up unapologetically as we are, and interrupted the status quo to show that there is more to us than our identity as part of a minority.

It is essential that we celebrate each other's excellence and honor our collective understanding of what we have experienced and are yet to experience as Black-identifying graduates. The Black Grad Celebration provided us with an opportunity to do so, to show up Black and proud of our accomplishments, and I am honored to be celebrating those accomplishments with you. Congratulations to all my fellow graduates!” - Dumebi Osadebe, Black Graduating Student, Computer Science